Belfiore still in for the top of the 14th. Rowe up.
Rowe gets under the first pitch and flies out to center. One gone. Hernandez up.
Hernandez shows bunt but takes a pitch for strike one. Video getting choppy.
Hernandez runs the count full before singling to right. Man on, one out. I repeat: man on, one out. Tucker up.
Tucker takes a pitch outside for ball one. He then hits a 2-1 pitch to short, who makes the throw to second in time. Looked safe to me, and I honestly believe I'm being objective there. Two gone, Tucker on ... first.
Belt drives one to center for a single. Tucker moves to second. Texas would be leading if that bang-bang call at second had gone the other way. Torres up.
Double steal moves Tucker and Belt to third and second, respectively!!!
Torres runs the count to 2-2, then ends the inning with a strikeout.
We can still win this, but that ump at second base made a bad call. From the poor video we have, the throw looked late.
Anyway, gotta move on. To the bottom of the 14th ...