Augie leaves Ruffin in for the bottom of the seventh.
Chance induces Belfiore to groundout to short. One down.
Chance quickly ahead of Butera, 1-2. Butera nearly comes around on the next pitch but checks his swing. Butera knocks what would've been a deep infield single to second. Tucker tries to scoop it but boots it to the wall. Butera advances to second on the error, Texas' third of the game.
In Chance's defense, that ump has a small zone. At least, the crowd and Moreland seem to think so.
Ruffin coming out. Augie's already making the move to Wood. One out, Lawrence up for the Eagles. He's 1-for-2 on the evening.
Wood starts Lawrence off with a strike. Next pitch is lined foul. Lawrence stays alive by jussst fouling off the third pitch. Pitch outside for ball one. Crowd ain't happy. Moreland says it was high and wide.
Lawrence fouls a breakin' ball into the left-field stands. Lawrence chases a pitch away but just gets a piece to keep the at-bat going. ANOTHER swing and a tiny piece of the ball for Lawrence. This guy's living a charmed life.
LoL ... you guessed it--another foul. Great at-bat for Lawrence. Nice composure from Woody. Ball two on a pitch into the dirt. Another pitch fouled off.
Wood FINALLY gets him on a ball outside. Big swing and miss for Lawrence. ******* GREAT at-bat from Lawrence. Two gone.
Wood follows a stike at Sudol's knees with a fastball that Sudol misses for a strike No.2. Pitch well outside and the count is 1-2. Sudol fouls one toward his dugout. Sudol way out in front of a changeup but manages to catch a piece and foul it off his foot.
Crowd again complaining as a slider misses outside. Count is 2-2. Next pitch is grounded to short. Loy bobbles but gets a handle and makes the throw in time. The inning is over.
Wow, what a great inning. Wood looks terrific, but those B.C. batters aren't making it easy on him.
Score still knotted at 2 apiece. To the top of the eighth ...