Texas-Boston College Game Thread

audio feed working great. Imagine the video from CBS probably had an ending time around four hours after it started. good news, Belfiore has virtually caught up to Wood in pitches thrown, 104 to 100.
After 7 2/3 innings, Wood is out to toe the rubber in the bottom of the 15th. B.C. leads off with Belfiore, Butera and Lawrence.

Belfiore taps a 1-1 pitch back to Wood, who fields and flips to Clark for the first out.

Butera down, 0-2, and stares at strike three. He argues with the home plate ump and is told to get back to his dugout. Two away.

Wood starts Lawrence off with a pitch that paints the outside corner. Strike two follows. Oh-2 pitch is rolled to Clark at first, who tags the bag for the third out.

To the 16th ...
Groundout and strike out for Woody .. 0-2 groundout .. 1-2-3 again for Woody. Make it 8.1 innings of no hit from Woody.

As we go to the 16th, I've gotta believe Army is back in serious conention to win this thing. If this thing goes much longer, Army may actually have an advantage over both of these teams.
Maitland leads off the top of the 16th versus--who else?--Belfiore.

First pitch is low for ball one. Next pitch tags the outside corner for strike one. Count runs to 2-1 on a ball away. Maitland swings and misses to even the count at 2-2. Maitland makes contact on the next pitch--a slow roller to second--but is out at first. One away. Rowe up.

Rowe pops a 1-1 pitch foul for out No.2.

Hernandez lifts one to right field. The fielders nearly collide but the right fielder makes the catch and ends the top half of the inning.
we've only used our regular starter and our closer this game. if we somehow can pull this win out with still only using wood, i think we're still in fine shape to win the region. the loser of this game will need a damn complete game gem tomorrow against army to have any chance against the winner of tonight.
Holy cow, I go out to mow (because I had to) with the game tied 2-2 going into the 9th and come back in still tied 2-2 in the 16th. I missed a whole ball game in between.

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