Stoops: 'Water under the dam'

I am sitting in a UT Computer lab laughing my *** off. People are giving me wierd looks. This is by far the funniest thread in months.
Damn, is this thread ever gonna die?

"Park your jack-off in your own backyard."

"It's foreskin off my ***."

"Not by the nick of my chinny, chin chin."

"You say potato, I say blow me."
Too many crooks spall the stoops.

A running dog laughs no tacos.

Better two suppositories and a nap than barfing all week.
faster than a cat on a hot tin moose!!!

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's snowing

I didn't just fall off the broccoli truck
The proof is in the salad.

Does a wild bear @#$%?

When guns are outlawed, you can lead a horse to water.

A stitch in time is a friend in need.

Four score, and the rest go home alone.

Bye Bob