St. Johns vs. Horns

And now, Andre DuPlantier takes the mound for us..........................................

To be fair, DuP's numbers last year were pretty good. It's just that when he has a bad day, HE HAS A BAD DAY.
And today, he had a BAD day. Hopefully, Tole can shut this mess down.
Pierce seems to be pulling the trigger on the batting line up a little quicker this season, someone may need to check on him to see how he's feeling. re: O'Dowd pulled and the line up change today.
Pitcher probably wondering where that last pitch was cause even Kennedy thought it was going to be called a strike, but we will take it.
That was a really good hit by Gasparino, he had 2 strikes on him and the pitch was in the lower outside corner and Will took it to the right center field gap for a base clearing double. Very good hitting there.
Schuessler and Kennday scored (from 2nd and 1st respectively). Now Schuessler is fast for a catcher and a fairly big man, but Dee Kennedy has some wheels!
Gasparino is going to figure this stuff out soon and we are going to have us a seriously dangerous offense. Just need P. Brown and O'Dowd to get it figured out.
That was a really good hit by Gasparino, he had 2 strikes on him and the pitch was in the lower outside corner and Will took it to the right center field gap for a base clearing double. Very good hitting there.
I think we're only scratching the surface of Gasparino's talent. He may go further than anyone in our lineup, ultimately.
Winn gets the hook for St Johns on the mound
Hit the showers, ya' filthy bum
Enter Marinaro to the mound -- he's a bit saucy.
I trust the umpire on this one, he was right there on the line, can't see how you miss this call. I imagine it stays as called.
and dang, i know that was tough but that is the third time in three games i think that Thomas has made a base running error and been thrown out.

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