Riots in Minneapolis

Unequivocally YES, and here is why:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

They enable and exacerbate the real problem in the black culture.
Why did this happen? The guy walks brazenly into a line of police and they tell him to get back and he doesn't. That sounds like why this happened.
Don't forget what appears to be three or four steps backwards before he lost his balance. This was not a push-fall to ground scenario...

Should it have occurred? No. But fault ALSO exists on both sides of this situation that won't be discussed in most media since it goes against the narrative of protesters just getting their 1A freak on in a 'peaceful' manner...
I’m not going to call y’all out for what kind of people you are, because you know. Just further confirmation.

MrDeez, ballpark the settlement figure the 75 year old man can expect for us, please.

One cop tried to duck down and (maybe) render some aid. The other cop shoved him away. Pretty much the larger problem exemplified and documented on camera.
It will NOT be a large number. Setting aside the reality of multiple steps back after the 'push,' there is the issue of proportionate liability to be overcome. This is not the same notion as blaming a victim. But a Plaintiff STILL has certain duties...and moving forward towards an armed officer is begging for bad things to happen. That situation could have been MUCH worse. It wasn't. He got pushed, takes a few steps backwards and lost his own balance...too bad, so sad...and bad optics don't typically result in large numbers. He'll get medical paid, but his grand kids won't get retirement rich...
Don't forget what appears to be three or four steps backwards before he lost his balance. This was not a push-fall to ground scenario...

Should it have occurred? No. But fault ALSO exists on both sides of this situation that won't be discussed in most media since it goes against the narrative of protesters just getting their 1A freak on in a 'peaceful' manner...
It's also hard to forget he isn't a black man being brutalized by the police. I thought that was the point of all these "protests". Systemic police racism.
Old man approaches riot police, reaches for chest/gun area, gets pushed back, trips, falls, and cracks head open (fortunately not worse than concussion). Police calls EMT, police get back into formation to protect the line against protestors. Bad situation all around. Cops are suspended, life probably ruined. Then again I heard only blacks suffer from the police so maybe just an illusion.

I thought the old man was trying to show them something he was holding, like a pad of paper. If you think that response is reasonable then I don't know what to do with you. I saw about 6 examples last night similar to this of police brutality that highlight why we need to protesting police brutality.
Unequivocally YES, and here is why:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

They enable and exacerbate the real problem in the black culture.
I'd think that they're trying to address the symptoms of the problem with black culture. Who's to say that's not one of the ways to address the actual problem.
I thought the old man was trying to show them something he was holding, like a pad of paper. If you think that response is reasonable then I don't know what to do with you. I saw about 6 examples last night similar to this of police brutality that highlight why we need to protesting police brutality.
Maybe he could make his point at a time when riots were not occurring, and cops weren't getting hit by bricks, stabbed, and shot all across the country. I mean, if it's not too much to ask.
Okay Bubba, how does that address the symptom?
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

If a symptom is absent fathers, facilitating "supporting each other as extended family and 'villages' that collectively care for one another" would possibly help fill that void through things like afterschool programs, mentorship programs, etc. Am I reading that wrong? I mean I do have an Oklahoma education.
Funny Bubba, but I see where you’re thinking is, and what could be a positive interpretation. It’s just that ‘promoting’ the family, as in nuclear family, might appear to be their contradiction.
Congratulations. Your are 100% correct.

Now, how does making it easier on the black community to avoid, by offloading it to others, the personal responsibility of raising their children incent or provide disincentive to the black community's rampant reproduction in fatherless homes?
I thought the old man was trying to show them something he was holding, like a pad of paper. If you think that response is reasonable then I don't know what to do with you. I saw about 6 examples last night similar to this of police brutality that highlight why we need to protesting police brutality.
So, you realize you JUST confirmed you did not bother to even read the second paragraph of what I are quickly falling into the same category of loon as LH.

There was nobody here saying it was entirely reasonable. BUT the old guy was ALSO not without a manner of blame. Sooner or later, the left HAS to wake up and realize that they don't walk on water...
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We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

If a symptom is absent fathers, facilitating "supporting each other as extended family and 'villages' that collectively care for one another" would possibly help fill that void through things like afterschool programs, mentorship programs, etc. Am I reading that wrong? I mean I do have an Oklahoma education.

Wow, you just described socialistic nationalism to a tee. In the USSR and Nazi Germany for that matter the government was more important than the family unit. This gave the right of the government to take away gifted children and turn them into what they wanted them to be. You call them villages, but what you really mean is the government.
I thought the old man was trying to show them something he was holding, like a pad of paper. If you think that response is reasonable then I don't know what to do with you. I saw about 6 examples last night similar to this of police brutality that highlight why we need to protesting police brutality.
I applaud and encourage the left's effort to defund the police. Keep it up and the GOP will take back the house and re-elect Trump.
I thought the old man was trying to show them something he was holding, like a pad of paper. If you think that response is reasonable then I don't know what to do with you. I saw about 6 examples last night similar to this of police brutality that highlight why we need to protesting police brutality.

Do you really want to talk about police brutality during a riot where police are getting hit by bricks shot and killed? I've seen about 100 instances of mob violence that has really made me extremely jaded towards these people. And I'm not talking about the peaceful protesters I'm referring to the riots. Those gutter rats need to be put down and as long as innocent citizens are considered collateral damage then we should just consider peaceful protesters the same.

Personally I'd prefer living by the BLM and not killing more black people and just concentrate on taking out the white people in these riots. They are the biggest rats and a disease to both races.
Congratulations. Your are 100% correct.

Now, how does making it easier on the black community to avoid, by offloading it to others, the personal responsibility of raising their children incent or provide disincentive to the black community's rampant reproduction in fatherless homes?
I look at it more like we are already in this shitshow. This will make it better in the short term. Hopefully, improving the short term we will improve the long term. I'm not going to drill down into outcomes of social programs like after school tutoring or open gym or mentorship programs. I'd like to think that if I'm a plumber and I have a free worker with me for a summer or two and someone scholarships the kid's vo-tech expenditures in the future to allow him to learn a trade that my mentoring of him would have had some "value".
Wow, you just described socialistic nationalism to a tee. In the USSR and Nazi Germany for that matter the government was more important than the family unit. This gave the right of the government to take away gifted children and turn them into what they wanted them to be. You call them villages, but what you really mean is the government.
I am part of "the village" that you mock for two kids. They are no relation whatsoever. The 9 year old girl I picked up from her uncle one Saturday when she was 3 months old. My wife called and said "don't ask any questions but go to ____'s house and pick up that baby". I did and we've been in her life for days/months at a time in the past. It allowed my daughters to see some of how life could be and to impact a child's life. She calls them her sisters. She's been to every ball field in the state of Oklahoma with us. We have just started keeping a 4 year old boy from that same universe but no relation. I'm in my early 50's and I may end up raising this sweet little kid. I don't mind. I'm part of the village. It's not socialism, it's more like the Golden Rule.

Some would argue that I'm not "Christian" as I have a certain level of agnosticism in my heart (my favorite Proverb: I believe, help my disbelief). I've been involved in my church for the last 25 years. I've been everything from the sound guy to the Treasurer to the 7th grade boys sunday school teacher. I figure my actions have been more in line with the Golden Rule than a ton of my friends who are so worried about Muslims that they voted for that twisted soul.

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