Riots in Minneapolis

It becomes more and more clear that you never bother to read anything you link to. Had you bothered to read even just the intro to the 421-page report, you would have learned that none of the officers co-workers had ever had an issue that suggested racial animus. And yes, the interviewed co-workers included officers of multiple races.

You would ALSO have learned that the City was admitting that they caved to the "Social Justice" crowd who claimed that the city would "go 'wild'" if the officer remained on the force.

Oh, and you would further have learned that the wife of Mathis had previously been convicted of an assault upon him that she committed during a traffic stop AND that the officer had been called to service in matters with them on five different occasions (yet no racial animus had been displayed or alleged in those instances).

All that it takes for you and your ilk is for someone to utter some word or thought that you don't agree with and you and your ilk whine and snivel, facts be damned. You ARE living proof that those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it. You believe you can rewrite history and everyone will be singing kumbaya as if nothing happened. I guess you have spoken out to Pelosi and her ilk about the money being wasted on museums since, apparently, there is no need to HAVE museums. Oh wait...that would require you to have the capacity to put a coherent thought together instead of just copying and pasting links to material you never read.

I’m calling them and leaving VM. I keep my door unlocked, so you can come by anytime.

As a business grad of SFA, it is an embarrassment to me your avatar is Stephen F. Austin. Considered the Father of the great state of TEXAS. I believe Mr. Austin would be also be shamed by your support of the far left pro anarchy we are experiencing. IMO you have sullied his image / name.

Why not be honest with yourself and change your avatar to something more appropriate. You know, revolutionaries like ... Mao, Fidel or you pick.
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Someone needs to track down the group of thugs that stole, tortured and killed the puppy last night.
They were clowning on the news long enough to easily id them.
Cruelty to animals sends me over the top. I would have tried to talk to the policeman kneeling on Floyd's neck to see if I could de-escalate the situation, and I would have damn sure taken that puppy's leash away. It was on live TV. What could they have done?
I have done dumber things in my life, and I know how I react in scary situations.
Racists everywhere. They're gonna get you LH. Be afraid. Very afraid.
LH won’t be happy until the entire population reaches the singularity of wokeness. By the way, it won’t just stop at racism. Next thing, you will be forced to date women with dicks.
Old man approaches riot police, reaches for chest/gun area, gets pushed back, trips, falls, and cracks head open (fortunately not worse than concussion). Police calls EMT, police get back into formation to protect the line against protestors. Bad situation all around. Cops are suspended, life probably ruined. Then again I heard only blacks suffer from the police so maybe just an illusion.
Old man approaches riot police, reaches for chest/gun area, gets pushed back, trips, falls, and cracks head open (fortunately not worse than concussion). Police calls EMT, police get back into formation to protect the line against protestors. Bad situation all around. Cops are suspended, life probably ruined. Then again I heard only blacks suffer from the police so maybe just an illusion.

Why did this happen? The guy walks brazenly into a line of police and they tell him to get back and he doesn't. That sounds like why this happened.
I have sympathy for the old guy but you can't go up and get in the cop's grill like this in the current environment. How many cops have have been hurt or killed the last few days?
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Why did this happen? The guy walks brazenly into a line of police and they tell him to get back and he doesn't. That sounds like why this happened.

Lol, man walks up to a Grizzly Bear and pesters it. Killed and eaten by Grizzly, why did this happen?

Because he was stupid enough to mess with a Grizzly Bear. You poke the bear you die, that is the lesson for today.
I’m not going to call y’all out for what kind of people you are, because you know. Just further confirmation.

MrDeez, ballpark the settlement figure the 75 year old man can expect for us, please.

One cop tried to duck down and (maybe) render some aid. The other cop shoved him away. Pretty much the larger problem exemplified and documented on camera.
Lol, man walks up to a Grizzly Bear and pesters it. Killed and eaten by Grizzly, why did this happen?

Because he was stupid enough to mess with a Grizzly Bear. You poke the bear you die, that is the lesson for today.

Austin_Bill, whether you meant it or not, this is the best metaphor I have seen for government. Very biblical too. Government is depicted as ferocious animals. Gotta watch yourself around them.
Austin_Bill, whether you meant it or not, this is the best metaphor I have seen for government. Very biblical too. Government is depicted as ferocious animals. Gotta watch yourself around them.

When I watched that old dude walk up to the cop and get shoved, it reminded me of the documentary of that guy known as grizzly man. He was a hippy idiot who was with his girlfriend filming him he would get real close to the wild bears and touch them. Well he touched the wrong bear and got both himself and his girl killed. They found the remains of the two along with the camera of how he died.
Anybody else notice the BLM extortion payments starting? I love how these companies dance around their public statement. My question is, have you been behind this all along or were your previously a racist company?

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