Random Off-Season News

I saw Arch at Stiles Switch off Lamar last night. He was with a big group, so I did not approach. The whole restaurant seemed to stop and stare when he left. :e-face-tears: :hookem:
That happened to me at Olive Garden once. Why was everyone staring and pointing at me? I looked back and the Undertaker was behind me. One BIG DUDE!
That happened to me at Olive Garden once. Why was everyone staring and pointing at me? I looked back and the Undertaker was behind me. One BIG DUDE!
When I was in college I took a date to the old Magic Time Machine on Riverside. Willie Gault sat at table next to us. I asked the server if it was ok for me to ask for his autograph. He said yeah but keep it on downlow.

I walked over and said “ Mr. Gault it’s great meeting you, I’m not a big Bears fan but I am a big Willie Gault fan!” His reply to me was “Well I’m not a big a Chicago Bears fan either, I’ve played for the Raiders for the last 3 seasons…”
With that coaching staff, lack of OL, less than stellar WRs & RBs, someone will give him a shot to see what he can do with talent around him.
So true…without a good line the whole team looks bad. Card’s speed and agility kept him on the field.