President Biden Accountability Thread

Excerpt from the linked article -
"According to a Washington Post poll, the majority of Americans believe a person’s gender is determined at birth and support restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors. "
I have a question - when I was a kid (admittedly 70 years ago), we recognized 2 genders - male and female. It seemed to work pretty well in the 1950's. Why is the administration now trying to add to that?
Excerpt from the linked article -
"According to a Washington Post poll, the majority of Americans believe a person’s gender is determined at birth and support restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors. "
I have a question - when I was a kid (admittedly 70 years ago), we recognized 2 genders - male and female. It seemed to work pretty well in the 1950's. Why is the administration now trying to add to that?
Gender is a made up term. It didn’t exist in the 1950’s. Words in Romance languages have genders, not people. The concept of gender was applied to people in the 1970’s by cultural marxists. Thus, up until the 1970’s, you had 2 sexes, not genders. No one who is against gender ideology should apply the term gender to a person.

Sorry for the rant but I see good meaning folk like yourself completely overwhelmed and underprepared to oppose the Marxist left that has been pushing this BS and don’t know how to respond.
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Why is the administration now trying to add to that?
Because thought leaders on the left (cultural marxists) want to break up the traditional family because it is oppressive to folks who don’t feel comfortable in their skin, for whatever reason. For cultural Marxists, it is just a means to an end. They don’t really care if their ideology harms or helps folks.

At the root, all Marxist thought is based on grievance by the intellectual left: envy and resentment of those who succeed in life and who not surprisingly do not hold these “intellectuals” in high regard. This is their revenge for ignoring and/or opposing them. At its root, it’s the same moving force that justifies them putting bullets in the back of their political enemies.
Count me with HHD except it not only is a puzzler to me it is simply disgusting, sickeningly so. Long term I think it is another, not in the least bit subtle, but nonetheless disguised effort towards population control. We know the elites are in favor of that.
Sorry for the rant but I see good meaning folk like yourself completely overwhelmed and underprepared to oppose the Marxist left that has been pushing this BS and don’t know how to respond.
No problem with the rant, mchammer. Your points are well taken. "Overwhelmed" is a good description for us older guys - it was a much simpler time when I grew up. At this point in my life, I see three things I can do about the situation: (1) pray, (2) vote, (3) help educate my grandchildren.
Excerpt from the linked article -
"According to a Washington Post poll, the majority of Americans believe a person’s gender is determined at birth and support restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors. "
I have a question - when I was a kid (admittedly 70 years ago), we recognized 2 genders - male and female. It seemed to work pretty well in the 1950's. Why is the administration now trying to add to that?
We recognized two SEXES. People need to stop using sex and gender interchangeably.
No problem with the rant, mchammer. Your points are well taken. "Overwhelmed" is a good description for us older guys - it was a much simpler time when I grew up. At this point in my life, I see three things I can do about the situation: (1) pray, (2) vote, (3) help educate my grandchildren.
Not the Bee
"The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer "severe intellectual" disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.

"Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring," the FAA’s website states. "They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism."

The initiative is part of the FAA’s "Diversity and Inclusion" hiring plan, which claims "diversity is integral to achieving FAA's mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond." The FAA’s website shows the agency’s guidelines on diversity hiring were last updated on March 23, 2022."
FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities
So, Biden and Admin need to understand current situation on the ground. Take stock, strategize, then be assertive and impose our hostile F' will on these attackers.

Circle the wagons! Respond with an overwhelming reply on all fronts. You engage / attack us, we respond and kick your *** with a response!

... but, ***** BIDEN won't, in a meaningful way.
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Libs you just keep pretending and ignoring.

Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Biben, John Kerry, have blood on their hands.

ALL helped THE world's biggest state sponsor of TERRORISM.


By aiding and giving them BILLIONS to kill and finalize nuclear weapons on whom they choose.
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So, Biden and Admin need to understand current situation on the ground. Take stock, strategize, then be assertive and impose our hostile F' will on these attackers.

Circle the wagons! Respond with an overwhelming reply on all fronts. You engage / attack us, we respond and kick your *** with a response!

... but, ***** BIDEN won't, in a meaningful way.

They attacked us... in Iraq, on behalf of the Iraqis probably. Easiest way to avoid attacked is to be in a secure location. Iraq isn't a secure location. But sure we could retaliate. The question is to what goal? Is the goal to fight a war against Iran? Do we see how that has worked out in Afghanistan and Iraq? It won't be good for Americans. It will be worse for Iranians I think, but we will end up with less freedoms, higher inflation, and less economic opportunities.
I'm not. Occupation is defined by military presence and/or political control not having a consulate in a country. That's silly.
But the US Consulate was attacked. We get you do not want anything to do outside of the US borders. So play nice and the bad guys will leave us alone? Don't be so naive.
But the US Consulate was attacked. We get you do not want anything to do outside of the US borders. So play nice and the bad guys will leave us alone? Don't be so naive.

If you read his own reply just under the original tweet there was no damage to the US consulate. So if no damage then no response, right?

we may disagree sometimes but You are :coolnana:


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This ineptness is no surprise BUT damn. gotta get these azzholes out of government
So on Tuesday Austin assures us there is no missing weaponry of all we sent Ukraine
"The United States continues to work hard to monitor and account for U.S. security assistance delivered to Ukraine,” Austin said. “We have seen no credible evidence of the misuse or illicit diversion of American equipment provided to Ukraine. What we do see is Ukraine using the capabilities that we've provided to defend itself against Russian aggression.”

So Pentagon( uh isn't Austin part of the Pentagon) reported
"A massive arsenal of weapons worth more than $1 billion that the U.S." sent to Ukraine has gone missing, according to a new report by the Pentagon."

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