President Biden Accountability Thread

At least no old white men will be in charge in Afghanistan. It's all brown Muslims. Nancy Pelosi and the Squad should be celebrating such progress.
I wonder how they feel about the Taliban announcing they will be enforcing strict Sharia law?

Ilhan Omar is probably ok with that because its part of their culture and its not based in a white Western European colonial tradition that has a history of subjugating BIPOC.

I'm getting pretty good at this.
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Are you in favor of "Realpolitik?"

Do we not care for the internal affairs of another nation and instead compromise as a tool of our own national interest?

Do we isolate them as we did South Africa during apartheid. Do you think the Taliban would give a ****? I don't. They cannot be brow-beaten or embarrassed into submission because they aren't part of our world. Nothing we value matters to them.

So either we just write the whole place off and tell the locals, "Sucks to be you" or we send a well-placed missile or two up somebody's camel just to make a point.

"Realpolitik" has its uses. You usually have to choose between 2 bad choices. I get that. You don't get to pick the "saints". However, you can also use the ideology to justify doing very immoral things. The US made big mistakes supporting the types of people that led the ARVN in Vietnam and the Afghanistan government there. I many ways worse than those we opposed. That makes the US look like the bad guy in the country and around the world.

Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. Wisdom says don't get involved in their internal politics and don't try to control it politically. The US should go after bad actors who directly harm our citizens. Evil states like the Taliban can be held accountable when they are responsible too. But we shouldn't try to replace them from scratch like we did for 20 years.
The fact that we have abandoned tanks, drones and helicopters et al, in Afghanistan is astonishing. We couldn't even manage our military pull out successfully. That for sure ain't Trumps fault. Biden gave himself three additional months to do this right and completely failed. Can't blame any of this on Trump.
Unless the troops Joe is sending take action to go after the Taliban (which I doubt he is) and the Afghan "army" steps in (highly doubtful) to help the Afghan people, we may see the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2.
Unless the troops Joe is sending take action to go after the Taliban (which I doubt he is) and the Afghan "army" steps in (highly doubtful) to help the Afghan people, we may see the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2.

This has the distinct potential to make the Rwandan genocide look like a backyard pool party.
Can you imagine the terror the Americans and even the Afghan allies are going through now that Biden has trapped them in hell?
Even worse than Hitler rounding up Jewish people.
It truly is despicable.

Dems You must be so proud now.
Biden and his administration can and will go home tonight safe and not worried about their lives. Perhaps some will worry about their sorry-*** political lives.... but ALL, ALL WILL HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

Meanwhile American citizens, contractors, support personnel, civil servants, etc. are terrified they have been left behind and will probably not be rescued - ever. They and any family they have there may become hostages, they may be tortured for information, raped, murdered.

Also as previously stated many 10's of THOUSANDS of Afghan people, that can be identified that helped the US, will be rounded up interrogated, tortured, raped and murdered.

On top of that, the US went there 20 years ago to root out the base for terrorism in Afghanistan. Well our hasty exit has given new life to terrorist organizations to organize and come to our shores again.

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Ilhan Omar is probably ok with that because its part of their culture and its not based in a white Western European colonial tradition that has a history of subjugating BIPOC.

I'm getting pretty good at this.

2003, yep you are getting too good at that, have they already indoctrinated you?
SH good thing you don’t watch that despicable Tucker Carlson cause last night he gave the administration hell for pushing something as essential as gender studies in Afghanistan schools. Kinda goes along with that sarcastic Bee tweet about Taliban ridiculing our military gender training.
How can so many in Biden's admin been so clueless to let this happen.
There are pressers from 5 weeks ago where Biden Austin etc etc said this could nit happen.
Austin even said we did not need Bagram:whiteflag:
What a Inept POS.
If we had not abandoned Bagram we could get people out,
How can so many in Biden's admin been so clueless to let this happen.
There are pressers from 5 weeks ago where Biden Austin etc etc said this could nit happen.
Austin even said we did not need Bagram:whiteflag:
What a Inept POS.
If we had not abandoned Bagram we could get people out,


I am so angry about this stupid, hasty & disjointed withdraw. You know our enemies have closely observed all this. Biden & his admin. betrayed and abandoned the Afghanistan people, government and military that we spent billions to arm and train to defend their country.

I am pissed off about all the sacrifices our military made to make American safe for 20 years and Biden just pissed it all away and made us less safe.

But, you know, Biden and his admin have been SO busy with important domestic issues that distracted them. They couldn't focus on Afghanistan or trust the military to execute a coordinated and organized withdraw that would NOT send a message to the Afghan military: hey man, your totally on your own... to the Taliban - hey dude, were outta here - so open season on the country.

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Did you see China has sent an aircraft carrier and other ships to Taiwan and reminds that USA abandoned

I predicted to my wife the day Joe was sworn in that the Chinese Communist would invade Taiwan before Joe was out of office.

Beijing Biden will ignore the US treaty with Taiwan to come to their aid in case of Chinese aggression and instead yawn, issue some strong concerns type BS and then do NOTHING!
We have had a crisis for days and Joe was sent to Camp David for "vacation" to shut up and only say what he was told.

Have any of you heard ANYTHING from him since his tortured statement Monday? Any leadership exhibited?

What about any expressed concerns for our citizens left behind, Afghans or our future US terrorism prospects from:

Chuck Schumer?
Nancy Pelosi?

How about any comments from the LOW IQ Squad?
You know about concerns for fellow Muslims and especially women in the cross hairs of the Taliban?

Some of the media has been tough on Joe, but many PREDICATABLY have and will blame Trump.

Biden recklessly just made all of us more unsafe. Meanwhile the border is wide open and terrorists are coming in from reports I have heard from border officials. No, sorry all you Dems, no F link on terrorist coming over the border from border officials, but you can use your imagination.
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We have had a crisis for days and Joe was sent to Camp David for "vacation" to shut up and only say what he was told.

Have any of you heard ANYTHING from him since his tortured statement Monday?

What about any concerns for our citizens left behind or the Afghans or future terrorism from:

Chuck Schumer?
Nancy Pelosi?

How about the Squad?
You know about concerns for fellow Muslims and especially women in the cross hairs of the Taliban?

Some of the media has been tough on Joe, but many PREDICATABLY have and will blame Trump.

Biden recklessly just made all of us more unsafe. Meanwhile the border is wide open and terrorists are coming in from reports I have heard from officials on the border. No sorry all you Dems no link.
Brother, they are so far out of their league, it is embarrassing. Except it isn't because mindless people who pay attention to CNN et al don't know any better.

Liberals have a mental disorder in their political beliefs and views.
Border agent: “what country you coming in from?”

X: “Afghanistan”

Border agent: “oh, are you Taliban?”

X: “yes, we are just passing through, we have new family in different cities in US. We are part of the Afghanistan government, we love America”

Border agent: “well I can’t deny you entry”
Border agent thinking this is not going to end well.
Border agent: “do you have COVID”

X: “no we don’t wear mask”

Border agent: “have a nice visit in America”
Border agent thinking this is not going to end well.
So, I had this thought of how the bad decision to leave Afghanistan suddenly went down with Joe:

Morning POTUS briefing:

Advisor: Mr. President our planned, condtioned, measured and slow reduction of presence is going well - I'm informed this from our military commanders in the region.

Joe: Maxine could I please have more coffee with 2 sugars and a couple of those donuts with sprinkles.

Advisor: Mr. President it is important we stay on plan and get our people and military equipment out before we turn things over to the Afghan President & Generals.

Joe: Robert, what time today is my meeting with the Ambassador of Chile?

Advisor: Mr. President, it is important we leave the Afghani government, military and people according to the plan and with confidence we still have their back.

Joe: F 'em! We've had their back for 20 years. I'm Commander & Chief and I want us out of there NOW! My back hurts and I am tired of hearing daily about affairs in Afghanistan. GET US OUT NOW and that is an order... I'm on vacation until further notice.

Advisor: gulp!
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