President Biden Accountability Thread

So, Horn in Chi, what's the SOP for a takeoff if you have say a dozen people clinging for dear life onto your landing gear?

Well we barely made the airport
For the last plane out
As we taxied down the runway
I could hear the people shout
They said "Don't come back here Yankee"
But if I ever do
I'll bring more money
Cuz all she wants to do is dance

As long as you clear it with the ground crew, it's all good....
There are no words to express the horror of that vid
Or the horror the pilot and crew felt
Almost out of words to express disgust of Biden et al
And his followers.
Book 'em now for your next party, corporate event, or gender reveal:

The Amazing Joe Biden Aeronautical Acrobats!!!

See their death defying, err embracing, stunts, and prepare for your jaw to drop even faster than they do!

Book them today - slots are limited, and going fast - at least 120 MPH terminal velocity!

Now that's rubbish. I remember it from 2001. Lots of talk about expelling BL - but not actually ever doing it. It was a stall for time tactic. The Taliban had plenty of chances after Sep 11 to expel Al Qaeda - and never did.

Sure you had first hand information about what was being said. You were taking whatever corporate news was telling you and swallowing it whole cloth.
Sure you had first hand information about what was being said. You were taking whatever corporate news was telling you and swallowing it whole cloth.

My first hand information was that over a month after Sep 11, exactly none of the Al Qaeda rats had been handed over or even expelled from the country.

What were the Taliban waiting for - Christmas? Eid? Mayflower to show up with the moving van?

Cheat and retreat is a common tactic in that part of the world. You make vague mission statements about what you claim you'll do, then do nothing, playing for time, hoping the other side will get tired and give up.

The idea that if only we'd waited another day week month year, that the rats would have been turned over or expelled, is a myth, ginned up after the fact to discredit the invasion. Much like how JFK was supposed to have planned on leaving Vietnam, if only he'd had more time.
My first hand information was that over a month after Sep 11, exactly none of the Al Qaeda rats had been handed over or even expelled from the country.

What were the Taliban waiting for - Christmas? Eid? Mayflower to show up with the moving van?

If you would have read the entire thread all your questions would have been answered.
Fact is, the Taliban didn't round anyone up and turn them over. Characters who even at the time wanted to blame the US for everything can make all the excuses they want to as to why it didn't happen - the real reason is that the Taliban had no interest or desire to expel Al Quade, and so they didn't. I'm not wading through various anti-American reporter statements to hindcast what they claimed could have happened.

You can say we should have struck Afgan in a different way, or that we should have left earlier - but to go down the rabbit hole of "if only we'd let the Taliban turn BL over to us" is rubbish.
I can hear the speech now....well, whenever slow joe appears.

"These people desperately want freedom so bad they will cling to airplanes. All we are asking of you is to get your shot. Now, come on, man, don't you think these Afghans would be happy to do that right now?"
The talking points have gone out, as I said in another post.

The theme will be that actually, we succeeded in Afghanistan, and that whatever happened over the weekend was entire Trump's fault, and has nothing to do with the current occupier of the Oval Office.

As I wrote before
2. Slow Joe's handlers are desperately working the phones and Twitter direct messages to get everyone in the media-entertainment complex on the same talking points. You'll know it's been coordinated when you hear the same phrases over and over again

Look for lots of "succeeded" " accomplished" "original mission" "did what we needed to do" in the next few days from the media - entertainment complex.

Then "it's over, off to the next topic", with the late night comic suck asses moving into to compare, as they did in 2001, the Taliban to conservatives. It won't be funny now as it wasn't then, but the Applause!! light will go off and the seals will clap.

President Depends receiving updates on the evolving situation:

Slow Joe.jpg

Ubabaubab That's All Folks!!!
I’m sure he’ll make statements of how devastating will be his reaction should any Americans be harmed in the evacuation. Beware, GI Joe gonna get you.
He dodged the draft via a bunch of student deferments, while plagiarizing his way into 3rd from the bottom of his law school. So I doubt GI Joe's going to do much.

It would be funny to see an action doll of him - complete with cape, and Presidential diaper with the official seal on the front.
They are loyal party members. Like a dog eating crap, they sometimes lose control of themselves and tell the truth, but a sharp Snap! of the fingers, and they'll be back by their masters side, and return to being Pravda.
Not true at all. The Taliban are perfectly safe, and ready to begin the process of killing any and all that worked against them the last 20 years.
Ha, and back on vacation to Camp David. They must have better ice cream there than in the White House.

Joe Biden has called a lid.

He must have used up all the oxygen in the transfused blood, now back to a secure location to begin another round of treatment, to get him ready for tomorrow's exciting ice cream photo op with the press. Who will wager on what flavor he picks and then cheer him on as he attacks the top of the cone with a relish that makes even VP STD Harris in stare in awe.

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