Wheres Joe been hiding? I actually agree with the decision to pull out of Afghanistan. If we couldn't accomplish the mission in 20 years then something is fundamentally wrong.
Mission Creep is the real problem here. All of the presidents....ALL OF THEM... since 9/11 have screwed the pooch on this for political expediency.
Nation building is a very, very long task. If that is going to be the goal, then plan to spend two generations doing it. It requires a lot of money and a lot of personnel.
Killing lot's of stuff (for the US) is easy but comes with lots of politically uncomfortable collateral damage.
Keeping bad guys on their heels is pretty easy also, but requires robust intel and a persistent presence. Our teams have been successfully doing this for a few years now with a relatively small footprint and small budget.
Our problem is that our Goals never matched our strategy or actual concern/commitment. We had lofty Nation building dreams to include democracy and women's rights but no one ever wanted to be honest about the fact that this requires a Japan/Germany (WWII) type commitment. 50+ years, multiple bases and the politically uncomfortable creation of a MacArthur-esque position of Supreme Commander for a decade or so.
I was in Bagram and heard many interrogations first hand and a constant theme of the bad guys was "we just have to wait the US out". We proved them right, this month. And what is worse, we have demonstrated once again to the world that domestic politics makes winning wars a real problem for the US. This is even more problematic with social media now since foreigners can and will disguise themselves online specifically to stir emotion domestically just to undermine support for a conflict.
Can you imagine us carpet bombing a city now, even if we are at war with them? We have so many un-American diasporas in this country that our politicians try to appeal to, we'd never be able to engage the type of activities we actually need to "win" a war. Not unless, there were actual foreign troops and bombs in our own backyard.