President Biden Accountability Thread

Fact is, the Taliban didn't round anyone up and turn them over. Characters who even at the time wanted to blame the US for everything can make all the excuses they want to as to why it didn't happen - the real reason is that the Taliban had no interest or desire to expel Al Quade, and so they didn't. I'm not wading through various anti-American reporter statements to hindcast what they claimed could have happened.

You can say we should have struck Afgan in a different way, or that we should have left earlier - but to go down the rabbit hole of "if only we'd let the Taliban turn BL over to us" is rubbish.

Ignore the facts, but the facts remain. As mentioned in the thread the Taliban did not have positive view of 9/11. They were willing to aid the US in bringing them to justice. It was the US government that acted in bad faith not the Taliban in this instance. That doesn't mean the Taliban is the good guy either. They are very evil. But that doesn't change the facts.

It's not anti-American either. These are people who were serving our country in the military saying this. These were good Americans calling out government stupidity and corruption. It isn't anti-American to expose truth and learn from mistakes. It isn't a rabbit hole to recognize what was being discussed and the alternatives the US government faced and then chose to go down the wrong path.
This article refutes much of what Deez was using as justification for staying in Afghanistan. Yes, it is CNN. This is a rare example of when they let people report truth. The author was on the ground in Afghanistan with the US military. This is a good American describing how the government narrative has been wrong on many levels regarding ME foreign policy. It's time for the neocon movement to die and all of us conservatives and libertarians to learn from past mistakes. The way forward is the way of the Old Right who was always skeptical of wars and nation building. Let's get back to building our nation.

Opinion: What critics of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan get wrong - CNN
I’ve been for leaving Afghanistan for a long time. My regret is how this was carried out.
No way this evacuation debacle is on anyone but those currently in charge. Learning the horrors going on and to come will be a long time coming to light.
This article refutes much of what Deez was using as justification for staying in Afghanistan. Yes, it is CNN. This is a rare example of when they let people report truth. The author was on the ground in Afghanistan with the US military. This is a good American describing how the government narrative has been wrong on many levels regarding ME foreign policy. It's time for the neocon movement to die and all of us conservatives and libertarians to learn from past mistakes. The way forward is the way of the Old Right who was always skeptical of wars and nation building. Let's get back to building our nation.

Opinion: What critics of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan get wrong - CNN
I don't agree with all that he said but on one major point he is right. Our presence creates resentment and pushback among many more people than were ever terrorist to begin with. I worked for the tip of the spear guys for a while and even they would ultimately tell you that the night raids we did on compounds were recruiting bonanzas for the bad guys. Even after the Spec Ops teams intentionally altered tactics to try and ensure fewer injuries and fatalities on target, the act of raiding someone's home stirs a level of anger and resentment that is not easily quelled. It is a sentiment echoed by virtually all invaded peoples everywhere. "I don't care if we are right, or if we are wrong....but dammit this is MY HOME."

But that will always be the choice. Let bad guys get away with being bad, and so they get worse. Or hit back and run the risk of collateral damage that ups the ante.

The one option that is almost always a fail is Nation building. but then you have to admit to the world that you aren't there to "make things better". You are there to exact retribution and put other people on notice. Blow things up and go home. That doesn't play well with the global press, and is hard to do when you are overly concerned with a global image.

Whether you agree with staying or not, the one thing we could all agree on is that Biden did this about as poorly as it could be done.
In all the pics coming out including the overcrowded Cargo plane full of Afghan men who rushed onto the plane before our military could close the ramp ALL you see are military age men
What F'n cowards.
Not only are they cowards for not fighting for their country
But they abandoned women and chidren to the Taliban
Dear God do Not let this slime into our country
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Biden points to deal negotiated by Trump to explain Afghanistan exit

This man is a bald-face liar so don't ever talk about Trump again. It's even.

He could have stopped this. He was not bound to pull the troops out. We do what we want in situations like this. He is the weakest President we've had since Jimmy Carter. He is being brow-beaten by feminist women and OCD white Liberals in general. Trump's ability to put those people in their place is why they hated him. And they need to be put in their place. They are obsessives who care only for themselves while pretending to be world class humanitarians.
This article refutes much of what Deez was using as justification for staying in Afghanistan. Yes, it is CNN. This is a rare example of when they let people report truth. The author was on the ground in Afghanistan with the US military. This is a good American describing how the government narrative has been wrong on many levels regarding ME foreign policy. It's time for the neocon movement to die and all of us conservatives and libertarians to learn from past mistakes. The way forward is the way of the Old Right who was always skeptical of wars and nation building. Let's get back to building our nation.

Opinion: What critics of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan get wrong - CNN

It's actually just a guy blurring correlation with causation and spouting Ron Paul talking points and mischaracterizations.
The one option that is almost always a fail is Nation building.

I don't think anyone is there to "nation build" - certainly not anymore. We were mainly there as a peacekeeping force. We kept the guys who harbored and enabled terrorists from having a state for very little cost in blood and money.

Actual nation building is possible, but nobody has the stomach for it. There's no nice way to do it. Basically you have to kill everybody who's hostile to you, crush the spirit of those who are sympathetic to those who are hostile, and completely reorder what it means to live in the country at issue at a fundamental level. In an Islamic country, that would get very bloody very fast and would stay that way for quite awhile.
Never overestimate a Dem

On another note, OPEC just turned down Biden begging for more production.
How did we go from largest producer(and exporting oil) to begging OPEC to letting us buy oil?
Bueller Bubba anyone?
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I don't think anyone is there to "nation build" - certainly not anymore. We were mainly there as a peacekeeping force. We kept the guys who harbored and enabled terrorists from having a state for very little cost in blood and money.

Actual nation building is possible, but nobody has the stomach for it. There's no nice way to do it. Basically you have to kill everybody who's hostile to you, crush the spirit of those who are sympathetic to those who are hostile, and completely reorder what it means to live in the country at issue at a fundamental level. In an Islamic country, that would get very bloody very fast and would stay that way for quite awhile.
agree with all you said. I wouldn't even call this a War anymore. That word, quite frankly, is what causes so much backlash at home. I don't know how accurate this is, but someone said last night that we have more troops in Spain than we have in AFG. This hasn't been a "war" for quite some time. And to continue to call it "America's longest war" created an image of something that it wasn't. We were basically flying a few black helicopters or drones out in dark of night occasionally to strike coalescing terror/taliban/etc. The tactic was low cost and effective. They couldn't get their machine going because we busted it up as soon as they put the wheels on the frame.
I don't agree with all that he said but on one major point he is right. Our presence creates resentment and pushback among many more people than were ever terrorist to begin with.

What source do you have to believe that it was important to control AFG to limit terrorism? The article clearly describes the situation and how this was a myth. Is your source Bush? Biden's woke US generals?

The Afghanistan Papers show that the military leaders have been lying about the status for many many years. The only truth you are going to get is from whistle blower types like who wrote this article. People on the inside noticing things that are being censored or covered over with the false official narrative.

Notice there were 35,000 killed civilians. That means most of those killed were civilian. That makes the collateral damage more substantial than the actual missions. If our country was under a direct threat that could be acceptable. But it isn't. At this point it is immoral, and it is immoral to support such a situation.
Basically you have to kill everybody who's hostile to you, crush the spirit of those who are sympathetic to those who are hostile, and completely reorder what it means to live in the country at issue at a fundamental level. In an Islamic country, that would get very bloody very fast and would stay that way for quite awhile.

Every neocons wet dream.

Biden is THE most incompetent, feckless and worthless POTUS the US has ever had. Yesterday tried to blame others for his failure.

He stated the buck stopped with him, but his speechwriters stuck that in there at the last minute.

He needs to go - resign in disgrace after this epic withdraw DISASTER in Afghanistan or via the 25th Amendment.

The experts said the military had a detailed plan for the withdraw that would not have lead, at least for the short term, to the Taliban overrunning the country in months and this withdraw debacle unfolding. The US could have orderly gotten our military gear, equipment, weapons, technology, etc. out plus US citizens & the thousands of Afghan allies - interpreter's and others that helped us over 20 years that the Taliban will now round up, torture, rape and eventually execute.

Joe ignored that plan and chose to just haul *** virtually overnight. Joe this is your Saigon exit.
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Every neocons wet dream.

Are you in favor of "Realpolitik?"

Do we not care for the internal affairs of another nation and instead compromise as a tool of our own national interest?

Do we isolate them as we did South Africa during apartheid. Do you think the Taliban would give a ****? I don't. They cannot be brow-beaten or embarrassed into submission because they aren't part of our world. Nothing we value matters to them.

So either we just write the whole place off and tell the locals, "Sucks to be you" or we send a well-placed missile or two up somebody's camel just to make a point.
WorsterMan, the only downside to Biden leaving office is that we would be stuck with Kamala - and that could be "out of the frying pan, into the fire." Kamala could be even worse than Joe.

Agee 100% HHD. Kamala is incompetent and weak - could be far worse for the country than Joe (if that is possible).

Leadership of the US would take another serious blow with her as POTUS. Just like Joe, she would still have all the amateur millennial admin / staff telling her what to do that is naïve and wrong.
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The experts said the military had a detailed plan for the withdraw that would not have lead, at least for the short term, to the Taliban overrunning the country in months and this withdraw debacle unfolding.
Well, let's be fair because the experts were technically correct. The Taliban only took weeks to overrun the country.
WorsterMan, the only downside to Biden leaving office is that we would be stuck with Kamala - and that could be "out of the frying pan, into the fire." Kamala could be even worse than Joe.
Not to mention the next VP becomes Pelosi...

The LONE bright spot there is that it means the House comes back into play.

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