President Biden Accountability Thread

You can't be this naive. Nope. You're just dishonest. Its not about a threat against White males and anyone with a brain knows that. It's about these race baiting socialists trying to tear down 50 years of positive outcomes by turning us against eachother and I don't believe you're naive. You support it.

OK, I'm either naive or dishonest. Not much gray area there, huh? Is that a debate tactic you find successful often?

From where I stand, I don't see a whole lot of daylight between the "race baiting socialists" and your position when evaluating who is "turning us against each other". I simply said recognize your biases and you jumped to volume 11 in accusations. You do you.
OK, I'm either naive or dishonest. Not much gray area there, huh? Is that a debate tactic you find successful often?

From where I stand, I don't see a whole lot of daylight between the "race baiting socialists" and your position when evaluating who is "turning us against each other". I simply said recognize your biases and you jumped to volume 11 in accusations. You do you.

Nice deflection. You say you're familiar with Critical Race Theory and it's proponents but act like you have no clue what I'm talking about concerning their overt motivations. So yes, it's a pretty binary determination. You either know what CRT advocates, or you don't. There isn't another option.

I pointed out that human beings of all colors have had biases for as long as humans have existed. It's not about "white" people as CRT proponents desperately want to make it. It's dangerous and threatens to split this country apart yet all you can say is that we should all recognize our biases. Good job. Your position and lack of acknowledgement of the gravity of this is laughable at best.

I almost miss OU Bubbas posts but not really. I won't miss your posts either. If you can't acknowledge something as blatant as what these CRT proponents overtly advocate, then there isn't any reason to converse with you further.
Now when BOD positions open up companies can more critically look at the racial and gender makeup of the BOD. If you see that as a threat against "white males" then I don't know what to say.
As mb227 said, why look at the racial and gender makeup of the Board if you are not going to make a decision based on those criteria? That would be racist.
"Color blindness" simply ignores those biases. Not sure why being aware of one's own biases is such a threat.

It's because they want to use government power to make us "aware" and to force us to do something about it, i.e. $$$

Now when BOD positions open up companies can more critically look at the racial and gender makeup of the BOD. If you see that as a threat against "white males" then I don't know what to say.

If you don't think the pressure to govern a Fortune 500 demands the best and the brightest then I can't help you. You want outside forces to make political decision, to right a wrong, no matter the reality of who they would choose.
If you don't think the pressure to govern a Fortune 500 demands the best and the brightest then I can't help you. You want outside forces to make political decision, to right a wrong, no matter the reality of who they would choose.

First, my entire career has been spent in Fortune 500 companies some of which I've reported directly to C-Suite execs. If you think "best and brightest" is only 1 person for any role then you've never been part of an executive search. Nobody is advocating for hiring the uneducated felon off the corner into the BOD.

The problem starts with developing POC (and females) for Executive level roles. Lots of progress on that in the past 2 decades but still lots of work to do. "Best and brightest" is still often a function of opportunity to prove oneself. To date, only 3 African Americans have ever been CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

If you really care about the issue then here is a 2019 study on women and minorities in the board room.

All of these numbers are improving but any claim that "we're done...we've achieved equality" isn't reinforced by the data.
- As a group, Caucasian Men hold 66% of Fortunate 500 board seats, keep in mind that as of 2010 only 31% of American residents were Caucasian Males.
- Minorities only make up 19% of board seats, up from 16% in 2016.
- Minorities that have broken into the board room are getting recycled, sitting on multiple boards rather than new opportunities getting offered.
It's because they want to use government power to make us "aware" and to force us to do something about it, i.e. $$$

If you don't think the pressure to govern a Fortune 500 demands the best and the brightest then I can't help you. You want outside forces to make political decision, to right a wrong, no matter the reality of who they would choose.
My grad school project was on affirmative action as I was working in HR at the time. The research indicated that a diverse workforce was more creative and more productive and that AA was no longer needed. I don't know if it's needed or not, I will let that question lie. What I do think is accurate is that a little diversity in the workplace brings about better ideas and outcomes.
What I do think is accurate is that a little diversity in the workplace brings about better ideas and outcomes.
I agree with diversity if the individuals involved are capable of producing ideas and outcomes that benefit the company - employees and shareholders. I simultaneously lead a team in India and the US with great results. Seems like a simple proposition but many organizations cannot grasp that idea and are stuck with wokeness.

Weird part is that many of the "Wokes" are white males who promote this culture and would not have their current positions under a "Woke" culture. Any White males at MSNBC, CNN, willing to give up their job for a POC?

For the record, I hate the terms "Woke" and "POC". Are you Aware, Awake, etc.? Apparently, I have no color.
First, my entire career has been spent in Fortune 500 companies some of which I've reported directly to C-Suite execs. If you think "best and brightest" is only 1 person for any role then you've never been part of an executive search. Nobody is advocating for hiring the uneducated felon off the corner into the BOD.

The problem starts with developing POC (and females) for Executive level roles. Lots of progress on that in the past 2 decades but still lots of work to do. "Best and brightest" is still often a function of opportunity to prove oneself. To date, only 3 African Americans have ever been CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

If you really care about the issue then here is a 2019 study on women and minorities in the board room.

All of these numbers are improving but any claim that "we're done...we've achieved equality" isn't reinforced by the data.
- As a group, Caucasian Men hold 66% of Fortunate 500 board seats, keep in mind that as of 2010 only 31% of American residents were Caucasian Males.
- Minorities only make up 19% of board seats, up from 16% in 2016.
- Minorities that have broken into the board room are getting recycled, sitting on multiple boards rather than new opportunities getting offered.

Whites make up 76% of the population and you say hold 66% of the Board seats.
Minorities make up 24% of the population and hold 19% of Board Seats. (Not sure who holds the other 15% of board seats...aliens I guess)
Adjust for location of residents, employees of each color that actually work for Fortune 500 companies, educational differences, work ethic, intelligence, etc. and there doesn't seem to be a problem.
We are not looking for equality of outcome, we want equality of opportunity. I think we are there.
My grad school project was on affirmative action as I was working in HR at the time. The research indicated that a diverse workforce was more creative and more productive and that AA was no longer needed. I don't know if it's needed or not, I will let that question lie. What I do think is accurate is that a little diversity in the workplace brings about better ideas and outcomes.
Diversity of what? Color?
Whites make up 76% of the population and you say hold 66% of the Board seats.
Minorities make up 24% of the population and hold 19% of Board Seats. (Not sure who holds the other 15% of board seats...aliens I guess)
Adjust for location of residents, employees of each color that actually work for Fortune 500 companies, educational differences, work ethic, intelligence, etc. and there doesn't seem to be a problem.
We are not looking for equality of outcome, we want equality of opportunity. I think we are there.

Blacks are 13.5% and Hispanics are at least 25%. Whites aren't more than 60%
I had my own consulting firm (it consisted of me). If I had grown that company and had a board of directors, I would have been a fool to have said I need this percentage of white, this percentage of black, this percentage of brown, etc.

That is not how you improve your company or make it more competitive.

Hire and retain the best and brightest.
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What crap. No surprise
(CNN)President Donald Trump claimed Friday there will be enough coronavirus vaccines for every American by April -- a claim that doesn't match any timeline given by the federal government's health agencies, private researchers or even the companies making the vaccines.

But Trump and one of his top advisers said they were confident that a vaccine would be approved, manufactured and ready for distribution to all by April.
First, my entire career has been spent in Fortune 500 companies some of which I've reported directly to C-Suite execs. If you think "best and brightest" is only 1 person for any role then you've never been part of an executive search. Nobody is advocating for hiring the uneducated felon off the corner into the BOD.

The problem starts with developing POC (and females) for Executive level roles. Lots of progress on that in the past 2 decades but still lots of work to do. "Best and brightest" is still often a function of opportunity to prove oneself. To date, only 3 African Americans have ever been CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

If you really care about the issue then here is a 2019 study on women and minorities in the board room.

All of these numbers are improving but any claim that "we're done...we've achieved equality" isn't reinforced by the data.
- As a group, Caucasian Men hold 66% of Fortunate 500 board seats, keep in mind that as of 2010 only 31% of American residents were Caucasian Males.
- Minorities only make up 19% of board seats, up from 16% in 2016.
- Minorities that have broken into the board room are getting recycled, sitting on multiple boards rather than new opportunities getting offered.

I know you have a blind-spot. I believe your analysis of Public Corporations is very poltical. I'm looking at getting the job done. I work for a utility and during the massive freeze our gas costs skyrocketed. We had to scramble and get a bridge loan and it was a huge undertaking and because the best and the brightest in our company dedicate their lives to this company, they were able to get the job done.

You are skewed and filtered by your Liberalism. I want the best and the brightest. What do you want? Don't lawyer the phrase. It is a basic fact. When the sh*t hit the fan there was no time for activist thinking. It's just like last spring/early summer when COVID hit. AOC was mighty silent and Amazon was stepping up. We know what it takes.

I'm not saying "We're done" or "that we've achieved equality." But when you say it, then you have moved the goal posts and put egaliltarianism ahead of the best and the brightest WHEN THE TIME COMES FOR FAST THINKING, TOTAL PREPARATION, COMPLETE EXPERIENCE AND THE ABILITY TO SUCCEED.

I wonder why it's so hard for you to accept this.
I know you have a blind-spot. I believe your analysis of Public Corporations is very poltical. I'm looking at getting the job done.

I brought data from a very credible source, Deloitte. It's not @Seattle Husker 's analysis but theirs. They are one of the world's largest consulting firms and not your typical "activist" organization. If you don't like their data find your own to support your premise. Absent that, you are projecting the emotions you repeatedly accuse liberals of.

You are skewed and filtered by your Liberalism.

You don't have any biases? You are clear minded with filters? I presented data and you brought...what?

I want the best and the brightest. What do you want? Don't lawyer the phrase. It is a basic fact.

Let's take a step back. "Best and the brightest" is a very cliche term. What's your definition?

I'm not saying "We're done" or "that we've achieved equality." But when you say it, then you have moved the goal posts and put egaliltarianism ahead of the best and the brightest WHEN THE TIME COMES FOR FAST THINKING, TOTAL PREPARATION, COMPLETE EXPERIENCE AND THE ABILITY TO SUCCEED.

This paragraph is so full of cliches that I'm not sure how to respond. Are you saying that minorities/women aren't prepared and don't have the experience to succeed at the ratio of Caucasian males? How does one gain the experience and preparation? Opportunity? Or are you saying they simply don't have the "ability"?

I wonder why it's so hard for you to accept this.

What are you asking me to accept? Status quo?
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