President Biden Accountability Thread

This is why I am into BITCOIN!
The Fed has to print currency out the ***, in order to keep the 30 year treasury bonds from skyrocketing up (natural in inflationary times). If the long bonds spike up, that crashes the real estate and stock markets. It's called yield curve control. They are simply destroying the purchasing power of your money. So, either get poorer every year. Or BUY BITCOIN! It doubled in value IN THE FIRST QTR 2021!
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Why would a private currency, backed by nothing but speculation, have any value if the government currency (which also has no intrinsic value) crashes? Can't see Bitcoin having any value if the USA is in a depression.
AOC came out wanting 10T. Ten trillion, what is wrong with these idiots?

$10T..over 10 years. That's way too high without a method to pay for it. Biden's current proposal is $2.25T over 10 years. I haven't seen the breakdown of how much money a 7% rise in Corporate income tax would raise, especially because you have to consider all the loopholes that will inevitably get introduced.

The Extreme left of the party is worried that this is their last shot to feed from the public trough for their pet projects. This is the moderates in the D party that have limited this proposal, much to the chagrin of the extremists.
Why would a private currency, backed by nothing but speculation, have any value if the government currency (which also has no intrinsic value) crashes? Can't see Bitcoin having any value if the USA is in a depression.

All currency was private in early US history. There was some paper money from governments, but specie (gold or silver) could always be used. We have fiat today, cryptos are just another kind of fiat money. However, they are purposefully outside the manipulation of government and have a cap on the supply. As long as you don't want to use money that government manipulates then crypto will have a place.
$10T..over 10 years. That's way too high without a method to pay for it. Biden's current proposal is $2.25T over 10 years. I haven't seen the breakdown of how much money a 7% rise in Corporate income tax would raise, especially because you have to consider all the loopholes that will inevitably get introduced.

Two big error in this thinking. 1) Corporate tax raises aren't going to generate enough money to cover for this kind of increase in government spending. An additional $225 billion/yr? That crazy talk. 2) Loopholes don't exist. Loopholes are tax laws the way they are written. And guess who is writing these tax laws? Wealthy government officials like establish Ds and Rs together with large corporate interests. They will undoubtedly write tax laws that harm their competitors more than them.

I challenge the idea that the government can just claim more of OUR money any time they wish? They don't have a right to our money. There should be more legal restraints on increasing their legal plunder.

I write blogs on Bitcoin. I have Bitcoin ATM's and an OTC Desk online. It takes research and work to begin to understand it. I have exponentially grown my net worth with Bitcoin. So, if I can help anyone let me know. We all want to retire someday, right? Bitcoin will help you to that end.
Two big error in this thinking. 1) Corporate tax raises aren't going to generate enough money to cover for this kind of increase in government spending. An additional $225 billion/yr? That crazy talk.

I did say that I wanted to wait to see how much revenue it would raise, right?

2) Loopholes don't exist. Loopholes are tax laws the way they are written. And guess who is writing these tax laws? Wealthy government officials like establish Ds and Rs together with large corporate interests. They will undoubtedly write tax laws that harm their competitors more than them.

OK. It a bit like debating the definition of "is". Loopholes are exceptions to the tax codes targeted as specific industries or companies. You may not like to call them loopholes but there are large lobbying efforts targeted at benefiting themselves and often punishing others. Regardless, they are exceptions to the corporate tax rate. I'll call them loopholes, you call them whatever you want.

I challenge the idea that the government can just claim more of OUR money any time they wish? They don't have a right to our money. There should be more legal restraints on increasing their legal plunder.

First, taxation with representation is codified in our constitution. That gives us the right to collect taxes to pay for the government we elect.
“Loopholes” are exactly why they can mean and groan about corporations not paying any income tax. Yet they want to raise the tax % and not touch the “loopholes”.
Trumps tax changes eliminated many deductions (or loopholes) when it increased the standard deduction. If I was still working and lost my home office deduction I would have been mighty ticked.
“Loopholes” are exactly why they can mean and groan about corporations not paying any income tax. Yet they want to raise the tax % and not touch the “loopholes”.
Trumps tax changes eliminated many deductions (or loopholes) when it increased the standard deduction. If I was still working and lost my home office deduction I would have been mighty ticked.

Trump's tax reductions were crap. The pendulum of putting the tax burden on individual tax payers vs corporations shifted mightily to the former. It screwed the middle-to high income workers while helping the wealthiest. The $10k cap on SALT deductions meant that liberal states contributing the most to the federal coffers contributed MORE, much MORE, to the Feds compared to conservative states, states that typically already receive more in fed funding than hey pay in. It was a giant FU to progressive leaning states and a giveaway to conservative states no different than welfare.
Guess that’s why I liked it.
Hahaha, just pulling your chain SH, but truly it helped me only because as a retiree my income was lowered enough to not need the home office deduction and be able to just take the new higher standard deduction. But as I said, losing the home office if I was still working would have dampened my Trump support dramatically.
Guess that’s why I liked it.
Hahaha, just pulling your chain SH, but truly it helped me only because as a retiree my income was lowered enough to not need the home office deduction and be able to just take the new higher standard deduction. But as I said, losing the home office if I was still working would have dampened my Trump support dramatically.

I get it...taxes are unique to every individual. My >$50k tax bill while not being able to deduct any education expenses with 2 kids in college was really painful. I'm fortunate to be in the income bracket I'm in but getting majorly squeezed as someone not poor enough to get the benefit of the tax advantages and not wealthy enough to spend a lot on accountants that manipulate the tax system.
Our taxpayer money is supporting this while US kids go needing. And Stupid AOC insists this Biden debacle is not different? THIS is WRONG
Help Wanted. Position description as follows: Octant Associates is actively recruiting to support the site that has been opened in Dallas, TX to house the incoming unaccompanied minors. We anticipate additional sites opening requiring staff, as well.. We have immediate and urgent need for temporary Humanitarian Support Staff/Youthcare Workers. Requirements: * U.S. citizenship OR U.S. residency for the past 5 years. * Ability to pass a background check. * Minimum 18 years of age. * Minimum high school diploma or GED/equivalent. * Bilingual English/Spanish is a plus. * Experience working with undocumented minors is a plus. * Experience with refugee outreach and community services is a plus. * Currently living in the Dallas Area or immediate availability to work on-site in Dallas (AIRFARE AND HOUSING ARE COVERED). * Availability to support flexible schedules, depending on the position, including 12-hour shifts. * Availability for temporary hourly employment that is anticipated to last through early June 2021. * A minimum of a 5-day commitment is required with preferability of at least a 1 month commitment Experience in one or more of the following areas will be considered: * Refugee Processing * Immigration Advocates * Resettlement Specialists * Interfaith Outreach * Social Services * FEMA Emergency Support * Red Cross Emergency Support * Food Service * First Responders * Event Planning/Event Coordination * Logistics * Supply Chain * Nursing/Nursing Assistants * Legal Service Providers * Health Service Providers * Mental Health Counselors * Community Support Services * Youth Programs * Education and/or After School Programs * Parks and Recreation Services * Food Pantry Operations * Field Specialists * Case Managers * Interpreters English/Spanish - including entry level * Resettlement Officers * Housing Assistance/Shelter Services * Media and Communications Specialists * School Guidance Counselors * College Students * Customer Service Responsibilities are varied, but may include: * Logistical support, eg stocking shelves * Intake * Childcare and supervision * Administrative activities * Shelter services Pay ranges from $15 (no experience or degree) up to $30 per hour, depending on experience. Overtime (over 40 hours) at time and a half. Lodging, some meals, and incidentals are provided. Airfare can be provided, depending on the length of commitment. The Prime contractor is working with CDC to try to provide vaccinations to incoming workers although there are no definitive plans yet. The need is urgent and immediate. If interested, please contact: Elizabeth Turpen, [email protected] or Tami Stukey, [email protected]

Posted in General to Anyone
U.S. citizenship OR U.S. residency for the past 5 years.

Ironic that you have to have U.S. citizenship or residency to work there.

If this company is paying $15 - $30 / per hour plus OT, how much are they getting from the Tax Payer?

Airfare and Housing included? Wow.
I presume you’re asking how much /hr they are getting right? Because it ALL is from the taxpayer.
Clarification: How much is Octant Associates getting per worker? Not the workers themselves.
The company getting far more than $15 - $30 per hour. I understand overhead and support costs but was wondering just how much was being charged for overhead and support.
I did say that I wanted to wait to see how much revenue it would raise, right?

Yes. My point was that there is no chance it will pay for the spending increases. It is an unreasonable statement that politicians make.

OK. It a bit like debating the definition of "is". Loopholes are exceptions to the tax codes targeted as specific industries or companies. You may not like to call them loopholes but there are large lobbying efforts targeted at benefiting themselves and often punishing others. Regardless, they are exceptions to the corporate tax rate. I'll call them loopholes, you call them whatever you want.

My problem with calling them loopholes is that it implies something unethical or sneaky on the side of people who use them. The point is that the exceptions are a part of the tax system. Why does that matter? Because politicians blame companies for using loopholes when it is they who wrote the damn law. They are griping about what they themselves did and acting like companies are unethical by following the tax law they wrote.

First, taxation with representation is codified in our constitution. That gives us the right to collect taxes to pay for the government we elect.

I know that. But just think about something. Regardless of whether a politician is elected or not. These are people taking other peoples' money without consulting the people. "Us" or "we" aren't the government. I am not collecting taxes from anybody and definitely don't support raising taxes, so they don't represent me.
The Dan Bongino Show

The video Bongino plays on yesterday's podcast:
It's an ex nazi war criminal (reformed) talking about how to take over a country, using mind control tactics with the media, and taking over politicians (through compromise) to force the country to destroy itself from within. It IS happening in the US right here, right now! Fight Back!!!
The Dan Bongino Show

The video Bongino plays on yesterday's podcast:
It's an ex nazi war criminal (reformed) talking about how to take over a country, using mind control tactics with the media, and taking over politicians (through compromise) to force the country to destroy itself from within. It IS happening in the US right here, right now! Fight Back!!!

It might be time to log off the internet, shut off your radio and enjoy life. The conspiracies are a bit much.
Because of that Politifact rates your previous post as.... MOSTLY FALSE.
No I am just old, and I forgot Uri Bezmonnoff was Russian KGB. I was thinking he was German. So, what Uri Bezmonnoff is saying is mostly true. Me being forgetful is open season for jokes!
It might be time to log off the internet, shut off your radio and enjoy life. The conspiracies are a bit much.

I dunno man. You're older than me and I can clearly remember most of the last 40 years and I felt really good that as a society we were moving toward greater freedom and equality, we've had programs like affirmative action promoting African Americans and minorities, striking down laws and policies that discriminated against minorities. Blacks and minorities have enjoyed bigger roles in all fields from public service to the private sector and military, entertainment and sports. Some of the most popular and wealthiest Americans are Black.

And all of a sudden within a few short years we have activist movements trying to undermine all of that and push a renewed belief that no, African Americans and minorities are actually woefully oppressed and the history of America negates all the positive movement we've had as a nation. In fact we are a deeply racist and bigoted country and so we must tear down our institutions and flog ourselves for the realities of a world that no longer exists.

Yeah man. No conspiracies. Nothing to see. Forget everything you ever knew 10 minutes ago and only focus on the outrage of the moment and project that onto everyone that ever existed. If you're white then you're unconsciously racist and you must self flagellate yourself because people a long time ago lived in a world where racism was commonplace but you have inherited that by genetics, because that's how racism works. It's in your genes right?

If you're not familiar with critical race theory and it's corresponding literature, you need to.
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Oh my goodness, scripture reading today Mathew 24 I read 24:10 “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”
I have read Mathew many times but this verse gave me an uncomfortable feeling today.
I dunno man. You're older than me and I can clearly remember most of the last 40 years and I felt really good that as a society we were moving toward greater freedom and equality, we've had programs like affirmative action promoting African Americans and minorities, striking down laws and policies that discriminated against minorities. Blacks and minorities have enjoyed bigger roles in all fields from public service to the private sector and military, entertainment and sports. Some of the most popular and wealthiest Americans are Black.

And all of a sudden within a few short years we have activist movements trying to undermine all of that and pushed a renewed belief that no, African Americans and minorities are actually woefully oppressed and the history of America negates all the positive movement we've had as a nation. In fact we are a deeply racist and bigoted country and so we must tear down our institutions and flog ourselves for the realities of a world that no longer exists.

Yeah man. No conspiracies. Nothing to see. Forget everything you ever knew 10 minutes ago and only focus on the outrage of the moment and project that onto everyone that ever existed. If you're white then you're unconsciously racist and you must self flagellate yourself because people a long time ago lived in a world where racism was commonplace but you have inherited that by genetics, because that's how racism works. It's in your genes right?

If you're not familiar with critical race theory and it's corresponding literature, you need to.

I'm familiar with CRT, some I agree with and much of it I do not. It's a repudiation of the liberal theory of color blindness. My interpretation is that CRT is advocating more awareness of race because there are inherent racial biases, many subconcious, that we all carry. "Color blindness" simply ignores those biases. Not sure why being aware of one's own biases is such a threat.

I don't need to "self-flagellate" myself for any benefits I've gleaned in the past due to my gender, race or any other advantage. Recognizing that there are benefits simply ensures I don't perpetuate any advantages to a preferred class. Take the White Male CEOs. BOD's prior to the 90's were >95% white male. Why? Because the they promoted their friends who were also white male. Did they do this with mysogonistic and racist intentions? No likely for most but rather that's who they knew in college, it's who they worked with coming up and who they congregate with outside of work so the "system" was setup to limit non-white non-male members of the BOD and executive roles until pressure to add women and POC to the mix. What's wrong with recognizing that there was an unintentional system setup to promote white males? Now when BOD positions open up companies can more critically look at the racial and gender makeup of the BOD. If you see that as a threat against "white males" then I don't know what to say.
If one looks to fill a BoD with color just for the sake of being 'diverse,' as opposed to getting the most qualified individual, then the company will not be surviving and thriving. Same thing even with line staff. Forcing companies to bypass the MOST QUALIFIED candidate so that a box can be checked is problematic, yet that is what the woke left is insisting upon...
If one looks to fill a BoD with color just for the sake of being 'diverse,' as opposed to getting the most qualified individual, then the company will not be surviving and thriving. Same thing even with line staff. Forcing companies to bypass the MOST QUALIFIED candidate so that a box can be checked is problematic, yet that is what the woke left is insisting upon...

So, before the 90's the most qualified people were always white males? Why?
I'm familiar with CRT, some I agree with and much of it I do not. It's a repudiation of the liberal theory of color blindness. My interpretation is that CRT is advocating more awareness of race because there are inherent racial biases, many subconcious, that we all carry. "Color blindness" simply ignores those biases. Not sure why being aware of one's own biases is such a threat.

I don't need to "self-flagellate" myself for any benefits I've gleaned in the past due to my gender, race or any other advantage. Recognizing that there are benefits simply ensures I don't perpetuate any advantages to a preferred class. Take the White Male CEOs. BOD's prior to the 90's were >95% white male. Why? Because the they promoted their friends who were also white male. Did they do this with mysogonistic and racist intentions? No likely for most but rather that's who they knew in college, it's who they worked with coming up and who they congregate with outside of work so the "system" was setup to limit non-white non-male members of the BOD and executive roles until pressure to add women and POC to the mix. What's wrong with recognizing that there was an unintentional system setup to promote white males? Now when BOD positions open up companies can more critically look at the racial and gender makeup of the BOD. If you see that as a threat against "white males" then I don't know what to say.

Dude. You are either incredibly gullible and naive or you're intentionally intellectually dishonest in an attempt to convince small minded people through overt deceit and manipulation.

If you're at all familiar with Ibram X. Kendi, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Robin DiAngelo or Ta-Nehisi Coates you would know damn well that their objectives are not simply "advocating more awareness of race because there are inherent racial biases, many subconcious, that we all carry."

FFS. Did you take any history classes? Of course we all have biases. That's common sense. Why were there hundreds of native American tribes? Why weren't the Aztecs and the Mayans the same? Why were there and still are different tribes and factions in the Middle East along racial and ethnic lines? Why were the Tutsis and Hutus slaughtered in Rwanda? Why are the Uighers in China being enslaved and killed?

Hello..... it's because people all over the world have to some degree inherent biases. We tend to associate with those like ourselves. It's called being human. It ain't a White thing.

"If you see that as a threat against "white males" then I don't know what to say."

You can't be this naive. Nope. You're just dishonest. Its not about a threat against White males and anyone with a brain knows that. It's about these race baiting socialists trying to tear down 50 years of positive outcomes by turning us against eachother and I don't believe you're naive. You support it.
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Hello..... it's because people all over the world have to some degree inherent biases. We tend to associate with those like ourselves. It's called being human. It ain't a White thing.

I was in ROTC in High School and normally ate lunch with other people in ROTC. Anyone was welcome to join us and sometimes I would eat with other groups. As I was on the Rifle and Drill teams, I spent most of my time with those individuals and that was who I was most likely to associate with outside of class and outside of school.

I had other friends (I swear I had friends :smile1:) who were jocks, socials, cheerleaders (might be wishful thinking there....), etc. but I tended to gravitate to some people more than others.

In ROTC we had males and females who were white, black, hispanic, asian. Race or sex didn't matter, we were a group, a tribe if you will. No hate, no exclusion, just association.

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