President Biden Accountability Thread

Bubba Bubba
The 70% refers to an increase in the number deported in Feb using a policy Trump put in place in 20
Not that they deported 70% of the illegal aliens flooding in,
Even You can read the many reports how facilities are overcrowded and tent facilities are being built as quickly as possible plus now using The huge San Diego convention center.
Common sense should have told you 70% were not being deported
:facepalm: :ousucksnana:
Open borders appears to be the goal. Who is calling for the abolishment of ICE? It is the vision and the ruthless ambition of ELECTED officials (not some fringe group of nutjobs like QAnon) who are pushing for open borders. We are fighting against what is obviously a goal of AOC and her crew. They want to get rid of Henry Cuellar, the Laredo Democrat with more sense and emotional stability than all of them. The current statistics (which I haven't reviewed) are a sign that Joe hasn't told ICE and the Border Patrol to stand down. He doesn't have the balls to do it.

AOC does.

AOC is a joke. She represents a district in NY yet is getting herself all messed up in the affairs of Texas. That's really F*d up. She doesn't know what she's talking about.
Bubba Bubba
The 70% refers to an increase in the number deported in Feb using a policy Trump put in place in 20
Not that they deported 70% of the illegal aliens flooding in,
Even You can read the many reports how facilities are overcrowded and tent facilities are being built as quickly as possible plus now using The huge San Diego convention center.
Common sense should have told you 70% were not being deported
:facepalm: :ousucksnana:

I ignored Bubba for a reason. He just posts to be a contrarian shill. Its worthless to engage him at all. There's no point.
I ignored Bubba for a reason. He just posts to be a contrarian shill. Its worthless to engage him at all. There's no point.

Bubba ignores anything that goes against the narrative he's been told. He brings up the "very fine people" statement constantly when people have shown him many times that's it's false.
Biden Harris just asked Pentagon to house illegal aliens at Lackland and Ft. Bliss
These must be the ones Bubba says dont exist since "70% are being sent back immediately"
Biden Harris are sick an stupid
Gila Bend Az Mayor Chris Riggs has declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing border crisis, saying the blame rides on the Biden administration for sending illegal aliens to his town by bus.
“Border Patrol let us know that they were going to be dropping illegal aliens that had been detained for 72 hours in our town, which we really didn’t understand because we have nothing here,” Riggs said. “We have no charity organizations that can help, no non-governmental organizations that a lot of the larger cities and towns do have to assist these people.”
Riggs went on to say that people are being bussed over to his town without access to food or shelter. The town of Gila Bend has a population of just 2,000 and has not received any federal, state, or local funding to help provide food or housing for migrants, or for coronavirus testing on illegal aliens.
Border Patrol advised us they’re basically going to drop people off here and [say] ‘They’re your problem.’

In an interview on Monday afternoon, Gila Bend Mayor Chris Riggs, an Independent, said the administration had left his city “completely in the dark” on the illegal aliens who are being dropped off there.

Riggs claims that the Biden administration did not provide him with notice of what to expect, and thus they could not properly prepare.

“They’re not able to give us how many. They can’t give us what background these people are. They can’t tell us what their health issues are. I’ve got a lot of seniors and elders here between Gila Bend and San Lucy Village that are very susceptible to COVID,” he said."

Biden Harris, what pos
Dems who voted for them must be so proud.
Border Control agent gives account of what is going on inside the facilities
Exclusive: Border Agent Gives Inside Account of Overcrowded Facilities (
"The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant.
Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cells .One or two agents are left to control 300 to 500 people during a shift.
No agent wants to report physical or sexual assaults between the aliens because they’ll get blamed for “letting it happen.” They’re also forced to separate a child from an extended family member because he or she is not a biological parent."
More at link

You Dems must be SO proud.
Or you could be like Bubba and say these things can't be happening since Bubba knows Biden is immediately deporting 70% of illegals who sneak in

Come on This is your country too. CARE. Make sure your elected pols R or D know this has to stop.
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Dems are trying to say Trump caused this flood of illegal aliens by dismantling the entire system and there was no infrastructure in place when Biden took office.
In fact, when Trump took office, Barack Obama had left him with 8,400 beds for asylum seekers. Trump added almost 5,000.

At ICE, Trump added even more beds, up to 50,000 from just more than 30,000.

Trump also built two larger border processing facilities in Yuma and El Paso, approved renovations and expansion at the border patrol shelter in McAllen, and added five tent cities in 2019 - three in the RGV, one in El Paso and one in Yuma. When that crisis ended, the border patrol asked to build three new permanent facilities - in Del Rio, Laredo and San Diego, but border agents say Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee opposed it.
But let's focus on Melania's raincoat.
Thank the dark lord that QAnon is going to save us all from this stuff.

Just a general question unrelated to my smarty pants sentence above...If over 70% are sent back immediately, how is that "open"?
I don’t know, and I never understood all that “Q” stuff, but I’ve heard from law enforcement folks that human trafficking (including sex trafficking) from the border is real, very real. And it’s a huge problem.
Dems are trying to say Trump caused this flood of illegal aliens by dismantling the entire system and there was no infrastructure in place when Biden took office.
In fact, when Trump took office, Barack Obama had left him with 8,400 beds for asylum seekers. Trump added almost 5,000.

At ICE, Trump added even more beds, up to 50,000 from just more than 30,000.

Trump also built two larger border processing facilities in Yuma and El Paso, approved renovations and expansion at the border patrol shelter in McAllen, and added five tent cities in 2019 - three in the RGV, one in El Paso and one in Yuma. When that crisis ended, the border patrol asked to build three new permanent facilities - in Del Rio, Laredo and San Diego, but border agents say Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee opposed it.
But let's focus on Melania's raincoat.

Did not know most of this but not surprising. Doesn't fit the narrative however.
Day 64.... after nap time.

One event a day Joe.

Update: In the next couple of days... I hear Bejing Biden will try to stop my countdown by conducting a "speaking engagement" where a few highly chosen members of the "news propaganda" <clears throat> uhh, U.S. news media / press will attend.

Of course Biden will get credit for his first "Press Conference" .... right.

Of course the invited media will only be allowed to ask questions previously submitted in advance to Speaker "Circle Back" Jen and the Biden admin.

This way Joe has a chance to come out in a perceived positive way...
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OMG people, Kamala Harris is NOT a serious or informed person. She is YOUR VPOTUS.

Since her candidacy for POTUS, she grins and laughs like that will make people like her and buy her time to figure out what to say next or answer questions she is asked. She is a PHONY and a joke!!!

She is now in charge of dealing with the CRISIS and squalor at the TEXAS border for the Biden / Harris administration.

Nothing good will come of this... just continued managed chaos...
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Mostly children being housed in Texas, Arizona, California. Adults are the ones being sent back to Mexico. I wonder what happens to the thousands of children left (without their family) in these "shelters". I have seen pictures of a 24'x36' room with plastic walls. 80 kids inside. 80! Deficating on the floor! Taking turns sleeping on the floor. We just need the truth out there. America will turn on the whole Biden Administration. The media is NOT going to do it!

500,000 missing children in the US annually. And they're not even counting illegal aliens!
These thousands and thousands of llegal aliens being housed will never be sent back. Not sure the 15>17 y o being housed in Dallas Cinvention center are children especially since we have no proof of their real age. There are many cases where 16 y or so llegals turned out to be in their 20s.

Btw the Adidas Lone Star Classic VBall tourney was scheduled for KGH convention center Aoril 14th.
It has been scaled back but until Biden sent thousands if illegal aliens there it was still on.
It would be a mistake to have to cancel something that would have addded to the economy because the place was over run with illegals
Watching this press conference of Joe's, it's a joke. Taking softball questions then looking down at notes and reading the answers. When he tries to expand on his answer, he apologizes and says 'am I rambling/ going too long here?' Then when he runs into a dead end on his answer he sighs and says "anyways...."

This clown is a joke
He has a list of reporters that he is calling on. I amthose reporters submitted their questions
Has he asked any conservative outlets to ask a question

god he just used glasses to read the answer
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Didn't take a single question from a conservative questioner / outlet. Not one

My guess is Korn Pop beat the living **** out of Biden, lingering issues exist :).

He's scared shitless of honest, direct questions. That's for sure

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