President Biden Accountability Thread

I for one totally trust Biden and Harris to do the right thing regarding Russia and Ukraine. Let's slap that white, yellow, and blue flag on our social media profiles and get this thing done!
Is it really? How have you mentally handled your enslavement of blacks?
there are numerous examples around the world of people feeling persecuted and carrying that cultural memory forward for generations and sometimes even centuries. I don't personally feel it because I've never been in a persecuted group, unless you count E. Texas rednecks as persecuted because we are typically portrayed as dumb hicks. But that's the extent of my persecution, so not that deep or severe.

I do get a tinge of it when I think about Vietnam Vet's. I wasn't one of course, but I get very pissed off when I think about how poorly many of them were treated. That probably has a lot to do with wearing the uniform for 20+ years.
So you only have a "cultural memory" if your ancestors, or strangers you had no connection to, were persecuted? Got it. Don't believe the least bit of it and think it's horse apples, but got it.
So you only have a "cultural memory" if your ancestors, or strangers you had no connection to, were persecuted? Got it. Don't believe the least bit of it and think it's horse apples, but got it.
ok. we'll go another direction. "We're Texas"

If you are a longhorn fan you still believe by damn, that "We're Texas" despite the fact that we've won exactly one national champ in the last 50 years. Where does our "We're Texas" attitude/entitlement come from ? from a distant memory that many weren't even alive for and that almost none of us were directly involved in. I've got several friends that will proudly quote their unit's WWII legacy despite the fact that most of them couldn't tell you what happened in that battle besides the name that is on the guide on streamer. Or even our Texan heritage. Most of us think of Texas as having a unique cultural imprint on the world and despite our lack of any connection to "the cowboy" we consider that symbol a part of our Texan DNA. I can't even count the number of movies and books that use "our combined heritage" or "our forefathers" , or "our family name" as a rallying cry to stir the troops into action. That is "cultural memory". you can object to my terminology but it doesn't make its impact any less real.
Biden claims Republicans are trying to ban black votes “from even counting”. So now Ballot machines are racist. When I voted in the Texas primary, the machine that counted my ballot did not say "Thank you, White Man." I'll have to file a complaint.
ok. we'll go another direction. "We're Texas"

If you are a longhorn fan you still believe by damn, that "We're Texas" despite the fact that we've won exactly one national champ in the last 50 years. Where does our "We're Texas" attitude/entitlement come from ? from a distant memory that many weren't even alive for and that almost none of us were directly involved in. I've got several friends that will proudly quote their unit's WWII legacy despite the fact that most of them couldn't tell you what happened in that battle besides the name that is on the guide on streamer. Or even our Texan heritage. Most of us think of Texas as having a unique cultural imprint on the world and despite our lack of any connection to "the cowboy" we consider that symbol a part of our Texan DNA. I can't even count the number of movies and books that use "our combined heritage" or "our forefathers" , or "our family name" as a rallying cry to stir the troops into action. That is "cultural memory". you can object to my terminology but it doesn't make its impact any less real.
You lost me her because my points the last several year shave actually questioned the whole "We're Texas" thing.
ok. we'll go another direction. "We're Texas"

If you are a longhorn fan you still believe by damn, that "We're Texas" despite the fact that we've won exactly one national champ in the last 50 years. Where does our "We're Texas" attitude/entitlement come from ?

Texas is a LOT more than football...there are definitely more championships than one just in the past TWENTY years.

My Longhorn fandom is not limited to one sport. Nor, I imagine, is that of those who would proclaim "We're Texas."
Texas is a LOT more than football...there are definitely more championships than one just in the past TWENTY years.

My Longhorn fandom is not limited to one sport. Nor, I imagine, is that of those who would proclaim "We're Texas."

We won three titles just last year.
I would be delighted to contribute to a fund to purchase a one-way ticket to Russia for Kamala - anyone else?
No fund needed...tell me what the amount is and I will pull out the AMEX...admitted, it could be a challenge getting her shipped as freight since UPS and FedEx stopped shipping over there.
YOUR POTUS with half empty chamber speaking re State of the Union.

I predicted to my wife he would start off re: Ukraine and what he has done and NATO will do... o_O blah, blah.
Uncle Ho, Joe sorry.

"Time for Rust Belt resurgence? "... hollow words that sound good to an ailing economy. No actions to back that up of course - what you or your admin will do to change that.

Buy American you say!

Hell Joe, what about American oil & gas helping out? Let's flood the market with US oil to bring down the price of gas for average folks and HARM or at least undermine Russian economy / war on Ukraine!?

Oh, never mind your environmentalist won't go for that...
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Finally he states: "We need to secure our border" !!!?

What the hell Joe?

1.3 months after you took office.. meanwhile an estimated 2 MM illegals got over the border that we know about.
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