President Biden Accountability Thread

Slow Joe made MANY comments last night that illustrate how out of touch they are with how pricing works. He wants to claim companies are gouging, which is how they managed a profit.

Simultaneously, he ignores the crappy energy policy that has seen diesel prices go to over four bucks in most places. Then he wants to increase minimum wage at the federal level.

He and his handlers fail to recognize that rising wages mean the cost of raw goods go up since, after all, THOSE costs of production increased. Then, once produced, they have to be shipped by companies that have higher fuel costs AND wage costs, where they are received by companies that now ALSO have higher overhead. And they refuse to understand the trickle-up impact on pricing.

Of course, as we watch places like Target tout the wage increases for employees, lost in the chaff is that fewer employees will likely be used for registers as they move towards more self checkout and fewer employees will get the hours needed to qualify for healthcare on the company dime...

And, while the effort to move jobs BACK to the USA for manufacturing is laudable, it costs a lot more in some areas of production precisely because $15 or more per hour is a lot more than a few sheckels a day in some foreign land...

I don't believe Biden is stupid. I believe he is a ruthless politician who is mining for votes. He gas-lighting the idea that people need to be bailed-out by the Feds and those who dissent are racists. That is all he is. That is all Liberals are. That is why they need to be voted out.

And don't forget the national debt. That is a non-entity as far as the Left goes. Maybe it's the same on the right. But there is nothing being said except some genius in New York pushing the Modern Monetary Theory meaning the national debt is no longer real; it's just some sort of esoteric thing that only racists care about.
Slow Joe made MANY comments last night that illustrate how out of touch they are with how pricing works. He wants to claim companies are gouging, which is how they managed a profit.

Simultaneously, he ignores the crappy energy policy that has seen diesel prices go to over four bucks in most places. Then he wants to increase minimum wage at the federal level.
Has anyone thought of sending Kamala to Moscow to do a “piece” deal with Putin? I can’t believe no one has figured this out.

She is too busy with other events apparently...

(and yes, before anyone WAS from the Bee)
Mc, exactly right in the tax issue. If they really want corps to pay income tax they need only change the idiotic IRS code. But ain’t gonna happen.
The irony is interesting. Last evening Biden supports the precious Ukraine borders but only states a hollow "secure our border." Did you believe he meant that or do anything toward securing the US border? Hell no!

As POTUS, protecting our borders is his #1 responsibility.

Oh, he did announce "amnesty" for the millions of illegals that have poured over the border starting Jan. 2021 o_O.

His speech writers snuck in a mention to "fund, not defund the police" only because the AH is getting killed in nationwide polls about RECORD CRIME across the country.

Hoe, Kamilian, Billary are all phony, lying, corrupt politicians.
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The leftists are simply trying to raise prices enough on purpose to kill fossil fuels. It’s the same thing they will eventually do to ammunition. Ironic in that Biden is paying Putin for oil and Ukrainian citizens are standing in line for guns to defend themselves. Thankfully there are a large percentage of Americans who are already prepared.
Most of the people I know who voted for Biden considered him as better than Trump and they still feel that way

I shudder to think what comes after these two idiots
It would be interesting to learn why Anyone who voted for Biden because they thought him better still thinks Biden is better.
What possible reason could ignore the reality ?
It would be interesting to learn why Anyone who voted for Biden because they thought him better still thinks Biden is better.
What possible reason could ignore the reality ?
Have you considered asking some of them? Or are all of your acquaintances Trump fans?

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