President Biden Accountability Thread

It would be interesting to learn why Anyone who voted for Biden because they thought him better still thinks Biden is better.
What possible reason could ignore the reality ?
They will stick with the "(D)" no matter what. I do bet a lot of them wish they had coalesced around Klobichar or some other D candidate. 1/3 of this country will ALWAYS vote for and provide cover for "D". 1/3 of this country will ALWAYS vote for and provide cover for "R". There is about 1/3 in the middle that shows any willingness to be persuaded or to logic out individual arguments/issues.

They may not say he is better than the other D choices now, but they will always stick to the party line and say he is better than an R. That's just the way 2 party systems end up working. Unfortunately.
Have you considered asking some of them? Or are all of your acquaintances Trump fans?
I have. It’s one of the following:
1/ don’t like his policies (core Dem)
2/ has an emotional hang up over Trump , wants to feel morally superior
3/ has extreme confirmation bias and believes the media is telling the truth
4/ thinks the general politician is better than Trump and thus are offended by his tweets.

The last one is really incredible because it looks past the transgressions of Hunter Biden (for just one example). Trump didn’t make any money in office and says things out loud that other politicians say off camera. Basically folks who hate Trump don’t live in the same reality as the man in the street.
Remember only Trump lies.

There was a lot to criticize regarding Trump, but the media to criticize Trump as a more egregious liar than the typical politician was just as bad or stupid as Russiagate or providing cover for Biden. Like the Charlottesville hoax, it fed into people’s emotional hatred for Trump. Yet the deluded voters think it is Trump’s lies and Charlottesville comments that are uniquely bad. No, you hated Trump first, regardless of the fake reason. People really are sheep and the folks who capitalize this are the politicians who get elected.
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Russia has apparently asked China to aid them with missles and supplies, which seems hard to believe. Joe Biden has warned China of “grave consequences” should they comply. Don’t you know China is shaking in their boots?
There was a lot to criticize regarding Trump, but the media to criticize Trump as a more egregious liar than the typical politician was just as bad or stupid as Russiagate or providing cover for Biden. Like the Charlottesville hoax, it fed into people’s emotional hatred for Trump. Yet the deluded voters think it is Trump’s lies and Charlottesville comments that are uniquely bad. No, you hated Trump first, regardless of the fake reason. People really are sheep and the folks who capitalize this are the politicians who get elected.

Trump lied plenty, but did he lie more than others? To force that characterization, the media greatly expanded the criteria required to use the term "lie."

I've been following national politics since about 1991, and the number of times I've heard the media classify a Democrat's statement as a "lie" is very low. I could count them on one hand. The reason why is that they twist every word, interpretation, and angle and resolve every ambiguity in favor the comment being true. Even if they can't do that, they'll assume the Democrat believed the statement to be true or that he said it in error. He didn't "lie." He "misspoke" or "misstated" or at worst "made a false statement." The boldest said during the Clinton impeachment controversy in which there was irrefutable proof that he lied was that he "knowingly made false statements under oath." The word "lie" simply had too much moral condemnation and suggested too much bad intent to use on a Democrat.

For Trump, any statement that could be construed as inaccurate was called a "lie." It didn't matter if it was a clear exaggeration. It didn't matter if it he believed it to be true or certainly if there was no evidence that he knew it wasn't true. It didn't matter if it could be reasonably interpreted as true.
It’s one thing that Biden lied. It’s another that basically the entire media, the Intel agencies, and the State Department lied for him. That is systemic and what you should be afraid of.

It’s one thing that Biden lied. It’s another that basically the entire media, the Intel agencies, and the State Department lied for him. That is systemic and what you should be afraid of.

And this is something the conservative media and conservatives in general should never let them or anyone forget. It's a reason to distrust anything politically-oriented that comes from the mainstream media. They are a joke.
Anyone have any doubt Slojoe will embarrass the office of the Presidency while in Europe?

Any Vegas odds?
Vegas tends not to take money on that sort of thing, and I doubt the off-shore books would either...after all, there is no question #mushforbrains will embarrass the nation.
Which is why I am thinking more that Kamela is faking covid. She knows she makes an *** enough of herself alone
Why compound it with Slojoe's dumbassery?
Which is why I am thinking more that Kamela is faking covid. She knows she makes an *** enough of herself alone
Why compound it with Slojoe's dumbassery?
If we REALLY want to be cynical, Cameltoe and Psaki know something will happen to #MushForBrains while abroad and they don't want to be anywhere close to that incident...

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