Damn, you'll do anything to rationalize these handjobs. You don't need a gun to use force. A baseball bat will suffice. A hammer will suffice. Any blunt or sharp object will suffice. Shear numbers can suffice. If one guy tries to get into my house with no weapon of any kind, unless he's unusually strong I can probably stop him. If 500 try to get into my house, I probably can't. There's force in numbers.
Only you know what's in your own mind, but you don't sound like you think so. You're doing everything you can to diminish it.
Yes, CNN is a bunch of partisan hacks. I'll concede that point and make that point all day long. They have no crediblity with me at all, but I'm not going to let that blur and distort my personal judgment.
I don't care what CNN and others like them say and frankly stopped watching them long ago. My judgment of the Capitol rioters is completely independent of theirs. If they say something is bad, I'm not going to assume it's bad. However, if they say something's bad, I'm not going to assume that it's good just because they say it's bad. It feels like you're taking that approach, and it's weird, because that's usually not your style.