Post Left Wing looniness here

It seems true from what I have seen. This has been explained before on here at HFs. MrD??
If You Say Men Give Birth, We Know Your Position on Hamas

I didn't make this exact point and certainly didn't have the solid explanation Prager did. What I did point out was that there's a lot of crossover within the progressive activist class. A lot of the same morons in the green energy movement are clearly also in the trans and antisemitism movements. I think I made a decent observation, but what makes Prager sharp is that he can explain the reasons why.
Hard to believe he's an Air Force Academy grad. Hhd not included but I've run across some from AFA that were less than honorable. A few from west point as well. By and large most are honorable , but the ones that aren't were really poor human beings
Pop was Class of 1970 - of the same general age group as I am. "Woke" was not what we were taught at USAFA. Clearly he moved a different direction as he grew older.

The National Socialist/Fascist vs Socialist/Communist issue is complicated. All of them were collectivist. They divided society into privileged classes and villain classes. Nazis and Fascists built there system around national identity: German, Italian, Spanish. But they then used leftist economic policy to inflate money supply, regulate the economy, direct capitalists what to do, and restrict trade. They were also politically strict. There was no freedom of speech or property rights.

There were some important differences though too. Nazi/Fascists were more conservative on cultural issues. They promoted "family values" moreso than communists. They even protected Christianity in Spain, Portugal and Italy. In Germany they started to do that but then betrayed them. Communists were consistently atheist and killed and raped Christians ferociously.

But none of them protected individual rights. The USSR had a bill of rights but none of them were followed at any time.

The big shift started when they Hitler started imprisoning and persecuting communists. That tipped off to Western progressives that he wasn't their guy. Obviously the great betrayal was when he invaded the Soviet Union and tried to take out the world's biggest bastian of communism. That made him their eternal enemy. Had he not done those things, the American Left would be rationalising the Holocaust today the way they rationalise Hamas.
Yea I always associate murdering millions of Jews, Romanis and mentally retarded with "family values".

I said it was complicated and it changed over time. There was the rhetoric to get into power, and then there was the policy progression after time. Their policy was focused on Germans. Anybody not German was not considered worthy of support.

Well, Dan just coached the Detroit Lions to their first conference championship game since 1991, but yup - they should've hired a black person instead.

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