Post Left Wing looniness here

Wait just a minute!?!?!? This makes it sound like Stalin maybe wasn't such a bad guy after all... (per Warner Bros. Studios)

The central planners in the US loved Stalin and admired the five year plans. They were believers in command economies controlled by people like them. Stalin and the Soviets epitomised it.

As Monahorns pointed out, many of them also liked the economic practices of the Nazis as well. Remember, Hitler isn't hated by the left today because his economic plans, his authoritarianism, his warmongering, or even his anti-Semitism and genocide. He's hated because he persecuted communists in Germany and invaded the Soviet Union. Had he not done those things, he wouldn't necessarily be hero today, but they'd rationalize his crap like they rationalize Stalin's, Castro's, and Mao's.
The central planners in the US loved Stalin and admired the five year plans. They were believers in command economies controlled by people like them. Stalin and the Soviets epitomised it.

As Monahorns pointed out, many of them also liked the economic practices of the Nazis as well. Remember, Hitler isn't hated by the left today because his economic plans, his authoritarianism, his warmongering, or even his anti-Semitism and genocide. He's hated because he persecuted communists in Germany and invaded the Soviet Union. Had he not done those things, he wouldn't necessarily be hero today, but they'd rationalize his crap like they rationalize Stalin's, Castro's, and Mao's.
The numbers don't lie. The hard-left authoritarians killed far more people than any other ideology this world has yet seen.

As far as "conservative" authoritarians killing mass numbers of people, the biggest I can come up with are: (i) Classical Conservative (Monarchist) King Leopold of Belgium, who presided over a genocide of some 1-3 million in The Belgium Congo / The Congo Free State (not so "free" in reality), and (ii) the predecessors of our best pals today: Japan -- Imperial Japan of the 1930s-1940s. A sort of Classical Conservative ancient "divine, man-god" inherited Monarchy that went on an expansionist rampage and killed millions--especially in China.

Both are Monarchist, Classical Conservatives ala Hapsburg-type-stuff. These are the sorts that Classical Liberalism pushed against. This is not what is commonly called "Conservative" today. It barely exists anymore outside the Middle East.
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Wait just a minute!?!?!? This makes it sound like Stalin maybe wasn't such a bad guy after all... (per Warner Bros. Studios)

I recently saw a reference to an article that apparently stated that Russia would have been better off economically today if it had avoided Soviet-style communism (in direct opposition to that film clip). Apparently this needs to be said.
I recently saw a reference to an article that apparently stated that Russia would have been better off economically today if it had avoided Soviet-style communism (in direct opposition to that film clip).
Of course they would be better off. The Czars were backwards and neglectful of the millions of peasants, but they weren't nearly as murderous as the Marxists. The best thing that could have happened would have been if the Romanovs transitioned into something like the British Monarchy.
The Romanovs had implemented some reforms but they weren't viewed as fast enough or going far enough. But things were getting better. The Bolsheviks killed all that.
Affirmative action was going to fall apart anyway. Too stupid of an idea to maintain.

"For the most part, Intelligent found, these white students tended to get away with their lies. About 3 in 4, or 77 percent, of white applicants who faked minority status on their applications were accepted to those colleges."

The liberal solution won't be to abolish AA. It will be to require a video with the online application. Once videos are realized to be faked too, then an in-person event will be required. Funny when the college marks the person as white based on appearance but the person can prove something like Hispanic.
Everytime I think people can't get anymore disgusting I get proven wrong.
I did learn from the comments what he had to do but wondered why he couldn't wait til he got home. His family must be so proud.
We live in a disgusting and astoundingly stupid time. You'd think the fact that his brain and body try to close the wound up would tell him he's not a woman.

This dope thought that the "Labour" in Labour party meant having a baby, rather than working.

If vegans would just be vegan they wouldn't have to explain themselves.

They start having to explain themselves when they can't live and let live, but instead have to lecture everybody else about their supposed moral superiority. Once you start setting yourself up as superior, it is pretty natural for those "degenerate" folks to start asking exactly why you think that way, and you wind up explaining yourself.

Vegans do it poorly because they have no actual moral superiority. It is 100% presumed on their part.
If vegans would just be vegan they wouldn't have to explain themselves.

They start having to explain themselves when they can't live and let live, but instead have to lecture everybody else about their supposed moral superiority. Once you start setting yourself up as superior, it is pretty natural for those "degenerate" folks to start asking exactly why you think that way, and you wind up explaining yourself.

Vegans do it poorly because they have no actual moral superiority. It is 100% presumed on their part.
They don’t want to or seem intellectually capable of separating modern livestock operations and the morals of eating animals. What they are doing is a bait and switch. They will never admit that eating a freshly killed fish or animal is morally justified. Or they never say that they simply support humane killing of livestock; otherwise, eating animals are okay.

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