Post Left Wing looniness here

We have a reporter saying that Elon Musk should be locked up for stating his opinion.

So now to the US regime making decisions about your own private property is conducting foreign policy and making military decisions. How about end all business with the government, if they are going to treat your business as serfdom.

Unless you're in the UK. I'm 47. My dad, uncle, and grandfather all had prostate cancer. My NHS GP said, "you don't need a prostate check. If I checked it, it could be positive. If that happened, I'd have to refer you to a specialist who would do a lot of costly treatment that could disrupt your life. Prostate cancer is usually very slow. It's better not to go down that path until you're at least 50."

Of course, nothing he said is necessarily wrong. It usually is very slow, but it's weird that they wouldn't even look. What if I had aggressive prostate cancer? The NHS would rather take their chances (or my chances) on that. (I told my private gastroenterologist about this. He rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to be right there anywhere, so I'll check it. It took longer for your GP to say all that than it would have taken him to just check it.")
I thought a family history of anything made it worth checking earlier than normal for it! Maybe that NHS GP didn't want to be around your butt so he lied his butt off.
I thought a family history of anything made it worth checking earlier than normal for it!

Of course it does. My doctor in Germany also didn't think I needed to be checked at 40, but he said starting at 45, I definitely should be checked. The NHS simply has a different priority. An American doctor's priority is what is good for this patient right now. The NHS doctor doesn't necessarily blow that off, but he's going to weigh it against the public health interest of allocating NHS resources. If I get referred to an oncologist, I'm going to expend NHS resources that might be supposedly be better spent on someone else. As a (relatively) young man, they're going to take their chances with me.

Maybe that NHS GP didn't want to be around your butt so he lied his butt off.

I don't necessarily blame him. I wouldn't want to do that either, nor would I look forward to having it done to me. But he signed up for this gig for better or worse. Also, I don't think my butthole will be any more pleasant to be around at 50 than it is now. lol
Mr Dee Too bad you can't use a military medical facility. I bet they 'd do it immediately

I actually can but only on a space available basis, and my insurance will cover it. The problem is that I trust it even less than I trust the NHS. It's massively bureaucratic, and the customer service is garbage.

Here's the rap on the NHS. Like most government programs, most of the people doing the real work are fine. Our GP is a nice guy and conscientious, and the people who work in the office are competent and well-meaning. However, they work in a garbage system that makes them follow a script and rules handed down by bureaucrats who have an entirely different agenda from individual patient care.

The way to circumvent the problem is to go private, which I can do because I have private medical insurance. That lets you go to specialists without a GP referral, and you get the very top doctors who often operate out of fancy hospitals and clinics. Interestingly, many of those private specialists are also NHS docs. For example, the gastroenterologist I saw is a NHS doctor, but he sees private pay patients on his off days.

So I do a mix. If I have a routine problem like cold, fly, etc. or need medication for anything, I go with my NHS GP. He's fine for that. If we need care for something significant, we call a private specialist.
Mr D
I know you have weighed all options. It seems scary to have cancer and not know since it is "slow growing" I had a friend who was diagnosed ( also with family history ) very early and did the targeted therapy. A year later no sign of cancer. He will get tested frequently from now own. Each has to decide what works for them.
Just wish you the best.
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The rejected patient reportedly told media outlets that the secretary: “told me the doctor doesn’t deal with that, and that he wouldn’t see me. I was shocked, it was the first time I had experienced such transphobia, it was hyper-violent.” Once he was rejected, the patient then reportedly, “got angry, had an aggressive reaction, insulted the secretary, called her transphobic in front of the waiting room full of people.”
Sounds like the dude was the one initiating a violent reaction simply because he was reminded of his biological reality.

If all of the French public and media reacted to HIM the way the doctor did, perhaps HE would stop being aggressive and insulting and instead realize all he is doing is pretending to be a woman, and everybody could get on with their lives in peace.

Oh, and by the way... The secretary wasn't trans-phobic. She had no innate fear of this tranny. She was, rather, reality-philic.

Canadian High School Student: "I'd like to check out The Handmaid's Tale, please. I want to read about the theme of powerless women in a patriarchal society from a powerful female Canadian author."

Canadian Librarian: "It was published in the 1980s so we removed it from the library in the name of equity."

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