Post Left Wing looniness here

And the MP who wrote the original letter is Caroline Dinenange, who's a "Conservative." It makes me wonder if there is a political party in the UK that actually likes freedom of speech in any meaningful sense. Obviously, Labour and the LibDems don't, but i see very little evidence that the Conservative Party is significantly better.
And the MP who wrote the original letter is Caroline Dinenange, who's a "Conservative." It makes me wonder if there is a political party in the UK that actually likes freedom of speech in any meaningful sense. Obviously, Labour and the LibDems don't, but i see very little evidence that the Conservative Party is significantly better.

If it looks like a liberal, acts like a liberal, and speaks like a liberal, then it's a liberal!
6721, as was stated on another thread, it may reflect that many centrist Democrats are realizing that the national Democratic Party has gone totally off-the-wall crazy.
I agree. Want to see how he mayors now. He has never been a fire breathing Dem but he has always been a dem even involved in "community organizing ".IF he clashes with the Soros owned DA that might lend credibility to him.
My understanding is that he called his counterpart in the PLA (China) and told him the US was not planning an attack on China and also said that if we were, he'd call him and tell him beforehand.

Inappropriate? Absolutely. Court-martial? Maybe. Not familiar enough with the UCMJ. Treason? No.

Either way, Milley is a woke POS. I have no use for him.
There is no IF about it...he is on record admitting to going behind DJT to speak to China and saying he would give a heads up...

There are other allegations that are more serious in Woodward's book where Milley supposedly told the men under his command to only obey his orders and to disobey Trump's.
It's always funny but a bit scary when left-leaning people have to show great courage to state the obvious.

"Still, it’s unfortunate that we’ve reached a point where scaredy-cat social scientists are more interested in being popular than in following the facts, weighing the evidence and reporting the findings."
One of the core and most destructive issues with liberal theology.
"Still, it’s unfortunate that we’ve reached a point where scaredy-cat social scientists are more interested in being popular than in following the facts, weighing the evidence and reporting the findings."
One of the core and most destructive issues with liberal theology.
They know the deplatforming phenomenon can easily be turned against them.
And obviously stupid - if you as a nation stop having kids but your enemies don't, then how do you expect to win a war waged against you in 1 to 2 generations?

The people who make these arguments despise the West and wish nothing but decline and ultimately failure in the long term.

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