Canada is going the way of the of Western Europe - a big rise in atheism and agnosticism coupled with very low observance even for professed "Christians." However, I think that couple has it wrong.
After living in Europe for awhile, I'm starting to suspect that the reason Europe (and Canada) is becoming so secular isn't that people "gave up on God." That description gives the impression that God somehow failed them. Instead, I think God delivered so much for them that they've lost sight of why they have it so good and think they don't need God. A left wing culture discouraging religious observance doesn't help, but let's bear in mind that many of the most religious countries in Europe used to be under communism, which expressly mandated atheism by law. It's about more than cultural institutions becoming screwed up by leftism.
I also think cynicism has set in. Most of Europe (and Canada) has established churches. What are these? They are institutions funded and administered by the government under the guise of Christianity. Like any other government institution, they are often corrupt, because they're beholden to slimy politicians and appropriators. The Bible is a tool to justify state power or some political interest more than a guide upon which individuals can build a relationship with God. It's easy to become cynical of religion when that's how it's run. I'm not saying there aren't any decent people working for the established churches. There certainly are, but they aren't in charge.
(I actually attended a Church of England service a few months ago with a visiting friend who wanted to attend and spoke to one of these decent people. He made it clear to us after the service that the church is under significant pressure to incorporate woke gender ideology, which he resists. I commend him for it, but he shouldn't have to deal with that crap.)
The US is heading that way in certain areas for sure, but I think the reason it hasn't fully gone that way is that our churches aren't run that way. They aren't perfect by any means, but when good people run a church in the US, they can follow the Bible both in their teaching and by example. That allows them to invoke far greater moral authority with people when they tell them they should submit to God and the Bible. That's why though I don't buy into it as they modern left applies it, I'm a very big believer in separation of church and state as the founding fathers applied it. It has been good for the church and the state.