Post Left Wing looniness here

Maybe nobody more looney than Olbermann. I remember when he was funny on Sportscenter. Now he is calling for economic civil war against red states for gun violence. Of course, latest gun violence was done in blue cities with strict gun control laws by minorities, but that's not important.

I say bring it. Red states produce more food and more energy than blue states plus we obviously own more guns. Good call idiot.

Keith Olbermann on Twitter: ""WE MUST HAVE ECONOMIC CIVIL WAR. "There is only one way to stop Mass Shootings. The Blue States must financially starve the Red States, the Gun Lobby, the GOP, the Death Lobby, and the crooked judiciary into submission. "NOW." WEDNESDAY COUNTDOWN:" / Twitter
So most of the shootings have happened with handguns in guns free zone
Demx including Biden are calling for more laws and not allowing 70 rd mags
NONE of which would have stopped the latest.
US would still lead the wealthy countries in murder assuming zero gun deaths moving forward. Of course, without guns, the number of murders likely only drop a small percentage
Astounding. The difference between homicide firearm deaths and homicide non firearm deaths.
Why don't Repub pols or ANY conservative media point this out?
What is going on in Estonia?
Astounding. The difference between homicide firearm deaths and homicide non firearm deaths.
Why don't Repub pols or ANY conservative media point this out?
What is going on in Estonia?
Dunno. Nations in the western hemisphere have a higher rate of violence than anywhere else in the world (except maybe for certain countries in Africa). The left wants to keep comparing the US to Europe as if they are comparable - they are not. The left does it to be dishonest in the gun debate.
I see Abbott/Texas will pass a law preventing biological males from competing in womans sports in college. Texas had already passed a law governing K thru 12
Florida had already passed a law and is being sued by a 13 yo tranny
So I predicted that Nicola Sturgeon will be replaced by something worse. I may end up being wrong. A woman named Kate Forbes is the current favorite to replace her as Scotland's First Minister. She's in the same party as Sturgeon is. However, she's pro-life and opposes gender ideology, and the Guardian doesn't like her, because she's a Christian. Link. Too early to tell if she'll win the post, but the fact that she's even being mentioned as a possibility is a sign that there are limits to the lunacy.

Oh yeah, and she's kinda cute.
Lesbians warned y'all that this crap wouldn't stop at the #cottonceiling stuff from a decade the tranny contingent believes they can bully straight males and get away with it.

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