Post Left Wing looniness here

Never been a Lauren Southern fan, but banning not just her but her parents? So if you're related to someone the Left thinks is a racist, you're banned from Air BnB?

Never been a Lauren Southern fan, but banning not just her but her parents? So if you're related to someone the Left thinks is a racist, you're banned from Air BnB?

Just more 'tolerance' from the tolerant left on display. They obviously decided that Stalin was someone to emulate...

Either that or they are big fans of Terry Benedict.
Just more 'tolerance' from the tolerant left on display. They obviously decided that Stalin was someone to emulate...

Either that or they are big fans of Terry Benedict.

And how far do you go with this crap? How many Germans had parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents in the Hitler Youth, SS, or, SA? Damn near all of them. Is the whole country getting banned from Air BnB?
And how far do you go with this crap? How many Germans had parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents in the Hitler Youth, SS, or, SA? Damn near all of them. Is the whole country getting banned from Air BnB?
I'm not arguing with you...and going a step further, I believe there will be SEC violations given my guess this is not contained in the 10K, 10Q or any other required filings.

My experience with Twitter was that the mere threat of an SEC complaint mailed to General Counsel often creates a corporate backdown...
Mr D?
How many of those you mentioned are alive and banned from AirBnB?
According to AirBnB her parents were banned for being related to her, someone alive now and banned.
Your point is good. Your examples not.
Mr D?
How many of those you mentioned are alive and banned from AirBnB?
According to AirBnB her parents were banned for being related to her, someone alive now and banned.
Your point is good. Your examples not.

Does being alive really make a difference though? They're guilty for being related to her, not because they've done anything wrong. It's the guilt of their relative that's causing their banning. Well, if Lauren Southern somehow died tomorrow, they'd still be related to her. The underlying reason for banning them would still exist.

But if you want to keep it to those who are alive, Zacarias Moussaoui is still alive. Should his parents and family members be banned from Air BnB because he was part of the conspiracy for 9/11 (presumably much worse than Lauren Southern making wise cracks online)? Personally, I think that would be a bit unfair to them.
//Since AirBnB mentioned the parents were banned because Lauren who is alive was banned I'd say yes it does matter that Nazis no longer alive are likely to have been banned so is not a good example.
Your example of a 9/11 conspirator is better even though kinda unlikely
Another example might be banning the parents of Jim Hoft ( a known conservative blogger).
Most people I know are no worried about AirBnB from banning them. They are trying to figure out how to ban AirBnB from renting homes in their neighborhood
Most people I know are no worried about AirBnB from banning them. They are trying to figure out how to ban AirBnB from renting homes in their neighborhood

Ain't that the truth. I live in a tourist area. In the last survey of the county I saw, 62% of the homes are owned by people whose primary residence is outside the county. The average price of a home is over $830K and the average salary of county residents is $33K. The average price to Airbnb is $364/night. All these empty homes are going Airbnb/VRBO. There's nowhere for the service/trades people to live. They're trying to build "affordable" housing, but even those are going for $250-350K.

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