Post Left Wing looniness here

So do I, 6721 - so do I. But there's near zero chance of that in Kalifornia.
Remote chance...remember that the SF voters did rise up against the woke school board not to long ago.

I expect to see crime and crap on the sidewalks become major battlegrounds in the campaign. A sudden spike in CA fuel costs would be an added bonus...
Remote chance...remember that the SF voters did rise up against the woke school board not to long ago.

I expect to see crime and crap on the sidewalks become major battlegrounds in the campaign. A sudden spike in CA fuel costs would be an added bonus...
mb, one would hope you are correct, but this is Northern California so common sense takes a leave. The Newsome/Pelosi Political Machine rules which means common sense is out the window.
Had to look the whack job up
She is in SD House of Representatives. A Patient Experience Specialist whatever thst is
And she is married to a man. Has 2 step children.
The comments in thread skewer her so she changed who can reply.
Had to look the whack job up
She is in SD House of Representatives. A Patient Experience Specialist whatever thst is
And she is married to a man. Has 2 step children.
The comments in thread skewer her so she changed who can reply.
The irony is that shutting down replies makes for more quote retweets...Streisand effect enters the chat.

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