Post Left Wing looniness here

Of course the risk of "misgendering" someone is the top concern. Very stupid concept, and frankly, I'm not sure that the Right argues over the verbiage very wisely. When someone says we're "misgendering" them, I hear people like Ben Shapiro or Matt Walsh get into an endless haggle over there being only 2 genders. I understand the point, but I'm not a big fan. If you're arguing over gender, you're already conceding a lot to the gender ideologues, because there's too much subjectivity to that.

For example, I got into a spat on Twitter with a Scottish gender ideologue about a week ago, and as usual, he said I'd be "misgendering" somebody. Well, instead of haggling over how many genders there are, I just told him that I'm not referring to anyone's gender. I'm referring to one's sex. I basically said you can claim any gender you want, but the issue is how others (including the law) see you. I told him I identify people by their sex, not what I think their gender is. It left the guy with little to say.
I always notice and respect someone who uses sir and ma'am. I also use those terms.

When my son was in Boy Scouts, I was an Assistant Scoutmaster, and my wife was on the Troop Committee. We had a new scout who refused to say sir and ma'am. When I asked him why, he claimed that his parents thought it was belittling.

I said Ok, but in this Troop, you will say yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am. I will explain that to your parents. That ended the discussion.

This was early 2000's.
I think you still win because she/he/it (****) is identifying as an individual and not part of an aggrieved group. It’s part of the deprogramming on your part.

So you'd say, "Hi Edwina. How's Edwina doing? Has Edwina seen any good movies lately?"

Too big of a concession. You're essentially willing to stop using pronouns and significantly altering your own language to avoid the underlying issue. That's asking for too much.
My daughter (a high school English teacher) was telling a story about "they". I kept trying to figure out who she was talking about. Finally, I asked her, and she said her friend Maddie. So, I asked "and who else?" She said just Maddie, so I pointed out "they" is plural. She just rolled her eyes at me.

I sincerely thought she was talking about multiple people; I had no idea she was just referring to one person.
My daughter (a high school English teacher) was telling a story about "they". I kept trying to figure out who she was talking about. Finally, I asked her, and she said her friend Maddie. So, I asked "and who else?" She said just Maddie, so I pointed out "they" is plural. She just rolled her eyes at me.

I sincerely thought she was talking about multiple people; I had no idea she was just referring to one person.
I have had that discussion as well. On another thread there are wise cracks about grammar, but the use of plural pronouns referring to one person has been egregiously abused for years well before all this pronoun crap.

"Everyone thinks they..." and the like. You see and hear it in news broadcasts that are written ahead of time and supposedly edited. Ridiculous.
So you'd say, "Hi Edwina. How's Edwina doing? Has Edwina seen any good movies lately?"

Too big of a concession. You're essentially willing to stop using pronouns and significantly altering your own language to avoid the underlying issue. That's asking for too much.
You are missing the point why they ascribe to these aggrieved groups in the first place - the loss of self. Treat folks as individuals and you starve the oxygen from these orgs and cults. Why do I care what they personally call themselves.
My daughter (a high school English teacher) was telling a story about "they". I kept trying to figure out who she was talking about. Finally, I asked her, and she said her friend Maddie. So, I asked "and who else?" She said just Maddie, so I pointed out "they" is plural. She just rolled her eyes at me.

I sincerely thought she was talking about multiple people; I had no idea she was just referring to one person.

That's the funny thing about it. No offense to your daughter, but the gender ideologues say something stupid and illogical, and then they roll their eyes when others trying to apply basic logic miss their point.
You are missing the point why they ascribe to these aggrieved groups in the first place - the loss of self. Treat folks as individuals and you starve the oxygen from these orgs and cults. Why do I care what they personally call themselves.

But they don't know this. They'll all tell you that they're "getting to be themselves." It's not about caring what they call themselves. It's about being intimidated into altering our own language to participate in falsity.
But they don't know this. They'll all tell you that they're "getting to be themselves." It's not about caring what they call themselves. It's about being intimidated into altering our own language to participate in falsity.
Why is calling them a name they have chosen altering language?

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