Post a photo you took

Thanks for the comments... I spotted that window from across the street and it begged to be photographed.

Name the hotel picture below (should be somewhat easy) and you win two used ticket stubs to a movie...

TXHookem and Mac-
What cameras do you use? It's probably been asked but I'm not sifting through 35 pages to find out.

I thought I bought a good camera with my Canon SD800 but I'm really relatively disappointed in some of my image qualities. I've been wanting to splurge on an SLR for a long time but I want advice from people who use them. Hornius Emeritus? Anyone?
I use a Sony H5. I'm kicking myself because the H7 is out and cheaper. I paid almost $500 for mine and the H7 is selling for around $400. It's got a better zoom (15x vs. 12x). It's also lighter and smaller. It's still bigger than a pocket sized one and a little too big to be an everyday camera unless you don't mind carrying something larger.
Here's an Orb Spider from my front yard. This little guy is about 1/4 inch across. He built his web right in front of my door. Scared the crap out of me.
a lot of great pics. on this thread. mine are spur of the moment stuff, digital camera not sure what kind it was a bit expensive I think. the seagull pic makes me laugh he was taking off, the big Papi was taken from my seats at the game, a bit blurry.
I use a Canon PowerShot SD IS. It took me a little time to get used to it but I'm really enjoying it. The zoom lens is excellent... that crab, for example, was maybe 20 feet away.
Great pics all. Seriously makes me wish I had any talent with a lens.

For posterity, my prides and joys:

My first son:

My second son (45 minutes younger than the first son):

My daughter:
These little guys were in a nest in a ligustrum bush right next to the fence around the pool at our swim meet this weekend.

This is Lostboy #1 warming up for the coaches relay at the end of the meet. I like the way the water is flowing over his head. First time I caught something like that with swimming.


And lastly here is another from our NYC trip over spring break. I just got around to resizing this one. I am sure it could be better, and hope to get a chance to try again some day! It is from the elevator lobby on the 33rd floor.


This is still the first thread I check on this board. Awesome contributions!
My camera vacuums so these pictures aren't that great, but I like them. Taken during a lunar eclipse in 2003.



Here are some pictures I've taken recently.

These are cranes on the UT campus. The two tower cranes are building that executive hotel thing. The other one going up diagonally is the big blue crane at DKR.

Then there's DKR - Texas Memorial Stadium at night, during construction, with the east facade and one of the crane's mysteriously illuminated.

And in the evening, when the sun is just right, the west facade gets a somewhat "golden" shine from the setting sun, accented by the east mall fountain.

At night, the tower is also a sight to behold, especially the top.

With all these storms recently, there has been lightning. Here are some of the better shots I've taken in the last month.


And finally, a cat named Dr. Tobias Fünke. I feel this picture could be adopted for the "Hi, I manufacture and sell internets" thread, but I thought it was pretty good, especially for a cat that refuses to sit still most of the time.

I hope you enjoy these pictures, and I hope you enjoy the DKR construction updates as well.
SMD, those shots rival your stadium construction pics. Great work...

Nice timing on the lightning, too. What was your vantage point for those shots?

I took these at Moody Gardens back before school let out. Our 8th graders went there on a field trip. They went on the paddlewheel boat and then toured the different parts of MG.

The kids were fascinated with the paddlewheel. Many stood and watched it for a long time.

I liked the way the colors turned out in this one.

This flower was growing like this, downward from the tree branch. I could not get the whole thing in focus, though. the bottom part curved away from me.

Just messing around with lighting here.

Not quite as good as some of them here - but I am certainly having fun, and you all are inspiring me to keep trying!

If you're talking about the "golden" DKR, I took that one from a ledge by the sidewalk going around the north end of the fountain. It's the ledge you walk on when the area around the fountain is a puddle due to rain...

Edit: Ok, my brother just told me that your post said "lightning". I'm dumb... Those were taken from a 2nd story balcony of my friend's apartment, by Capitol of Texas and Mopac.
OK, I finally broke down and got a photobucket account.
This is White Rock at Garden of the Gods State Park in Colorado Springs.

Rainy Day in Belt, Montana

Spokane, Washington

Another Spokane River

Lewis And Clark National Forest, Montana
That first one is my absolute favorite as well.

The light quality right about sunset was perfect, and I just so happened to be walking towards the rock at the exact time i needed to. I noticed it right away and just prayed I could capture it. 10 minutes later the tree and the rock were still there, but the photo op was history.

I'm also fond of the Spokane Falls picture, with the "Washington Water Power" being captured within the arch of the bridge. I have several more nice Spokane River photos too. That's a city I could easily be convinced to move to.

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Oct 19 • 6:30 PM on ABC
