Post a photo you took


I didn't notice how strong the reflection of me was at the time. I kind of like it.


I'm not sure why this one came out like it did. The window is not that dirty but for some reason it looks old even though there is a lot of color.


I love me some orange flowers.
Here's a picture of today's sunset over my hometown of Skidmore, TX. I would just like to note that there is no lake in Skidmore. That's just the creek that runs through that pasture. Its at least 20 feet or so higher than normal due to the monsoon. I hope it stops raining soon.

Burgy, if someone could 'Shop out those power lines, that would be an even more amazing photo... as it is, that's a calendar worthy picture right there, my friend.

Torbush. (the good kind...)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the power lines. That's as close to the edge of the road as I could go without getting wet, and they were still in the shot. I'm going to play around in photoshop tomorrow and see what I can do.

While goofing around in the yard during the 4th, I managed to get the tripod set up. Before I took this one, the little guy flew up to within 2 ft. of the camera to check me out, then went to the feeder.

' If it's in focus, it's photography, if it's out, it's art'

Edit: get the image
This was taken from my hotel room in Florence. The sun was setting from behind and a storm was passing/coming from in front. The lighting contrasts are awesome. Definitely my favorite picture.

Drove up to Mt. Rainier today. It's about 45 miles from our house. Absolutely gorgeous drive once you get across I-5 and out of the suburbs.


The glaciers on top are very visible once you get up around 5-6,000 ft.

This is the view up the road from us. Point Defiance has some great views of Rainier, the Narrows Bridge and the southern Sound islands.

Well done, Mac. We drove up from Yakima to Rainier one Summer, it was blue sky all the way up the pass. It had been around 95-100 degrees in the wine valley. When we hit the park, it was 50-60 degrees, and socked in from snow fog. Couldn't see a thing.
Candles at the cathedral in Chartres, France


The flower market in Amsterdam


Not one of my best shots but these two towers are well-known symbols of Bologna, Italy - my hometown.

Blanco River at 5-Mile Dam, full moonrise reflected in the river.

Original shot was operator was buzzed.


I used the palette knife feature in Photoshop to tweak it.

it was my birthday and my son (18 months in the photo) had just discovered chocolate cake a few months back for his first birthday. He sees it again, and wants to go in for the kill. I saw it coming so I had time to set up for the shot. It was about a year ago and at that time I was really into balancing shots of faces on something other than the face. Here I balanced the pic on the cake and my son's face fit nicely in the upper lef-hand portion of the pic.
HE - you make even a katydid look stately!

tropheus - nice job! I like learning stories behind photos like that! Mmmmmm - chocolate cake - I'll just sneak a handful and no one will ever know. Heh heh!

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Oct 19 • 6:30 PM on ABC
