Post a photo you took

Here is an example of teaching yourself to "see" something that has gone unseen but that has been right in your face the whole time.

About two weeks ago my girlfriend and I were out driving the back roads near Salado. We stopped to photograph some wildflowers and I found some wild garlic there. I plucked off one of the blooms and gave it to her in one of those silly romantic gestures that we men don't want other men to know that they do. She thanked me and gave me a kiss, then left the bloom on my dashboard. It's been bouncing around there ever since. Every day I've been staring at it but yesterday I finally SAW it. It was laying there as I was about to get out of my truck and I finally realized that I had been looking at a photo opportunity the whole time. So, without cleaning the dust off my dashboard, I snapped this shot.

I believe this pic is one of those "**** a brick moments. Ft. Lewis has a ton of rifle, grenade, pistol and artillery ranges. Along the North and East Gate Roads, they just line the side. Even though they face the other direction, I'd think twice about driving on them when they are in business.

I never would have thought rabbit would be cheaper than frog legs. And I don't want to eat the alligator or kangaroo that is available in McKenna, WA.

Hornius, I would have liked you to have taken some pictures of my old one eyed horse before he had to be put down... there was a lot of 'something special' in him.

There are a lot of good spots out our way here in Drippin'... if you ever want to rummage around, send me a PM. My Mom just got about 20 Ameraucuana chickens & Guinea Hen young 'uns... she says they're getting bolder by the day (hopping up on the side of the steel tub, etc).

TXHookem, that is a G R E A T pic of the window / wall. The composition is about as perfect as one could ask for... my eyes automatically flipped the shutters the other way.

Fantastic (not Fran-tastic).


There are some great statues on post at Ft. Lewis. This one is on the edge of Gray Army Airfield. If you don't mind hopping out during a red light, this is the view you get.
Mac, that looks like a well defined pic of a little green army man... did you get a photo of the guy kneeling with the bazooka or the 'crawler'?

texashooch - amazing pics...i love the way you capture faces. I've said this about my brothers photography from his world travels. you can see some of his work here-The Link

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Oct 19 • 6:30 PM on ABC
