Hornius Emeritus
2,500+ Posts
Here is an example of teaching yourself to "see" something that has gone unseen but that has been right in your face the whole time.
About two weeks ago my girlfriend and I were out driving the back roads near Salado. We stopped to photograph some wildflowers and I found some wild garlic there. I plucked off one of the blooms and gave it to her in one of those silly romantic gestures that we men don't want other men to know that they do. She thanked me and gave me a kiss, then left the bloom on my dashboard. It's been bouncing around there ever since. Every day I've been staring at it but yesterday I finally SAW it. It was laying there as I was about to get out of my truck and I finally realized that I had been looking at a photo opportunity the whole time. So, without cleaning the dust off my dashboard, I snapped this shot.
About two weeks ago my girlfriend and I were out driving the back roads near Salado. We stopped to photograph some wildflowers and I found some wild garlic there. I plucked off one of the blooms and gave it to her in one of those silly romantic gestures that we men don't want other men to know that they do. She thanked me and gave me a kiss, then left the bloom on my dashboard. It's been bouncing around there ever since. Every day I've been staring at it but yesterday I finally SAW it. It was laying there as I was about to get out of my truck and I finally realized that I had been looking at a photo opportunity the whole time. So, without cleaning the dust off my dashboard, I snapped this shot.