It's always pretty complicated... successes and failures. Ed O was objectively terrible as Ole Miss Head Coach and a head coach he coordinated for got fired on the tarmac at USC He has some stellar seasons as position coach and coordinator before. It's always a mixed bag.
Best head coaching I ever saw in the NFL (pre-Bellichick) was by a guy who went 1-15 in his first attempt. Jimmy Johnson still had some of the same players and assistant coaches with him when he won consecutive super bowls for Dallas in the 1990s. Can Texas win with coaches who have never won anything anywhere? Probably not. Can they win with coaches who have not been with winning teams at every previous stop? Yes!
Redemption, underdogs turning the tables, turnarounds stories, team building, leadership, learning from losses. Those are what make football fun for me to observe. People aren't static. Some learn, grow and overcome. They inspire me and others.