Orlando Massacre

Boston and San Bernardino disagree. More on the way

Didn't the evidence show that the Tsarnaev brothers were radicalized after settling in the US? For San Bernardino, the wife was the immigrant who clearly needed more vetting. The husband was homegrown by any definition.
Remove "Sharia law" and there are some Christians that would fall into that bucket. ......

The wrongness of this gets tiresome

Sure, there are many conservative Christians who disagree with gay marriage.

In the Muslim world, the best educated Islamic scholars openly debate the method of death for gays. Not whether they should die - this is not in dispute. Their debate is over whether the death should be by fire, hanging, downing, pushed off roofs or buried to the neck and stoned.

The moral equivalency you seek here does not exist.

And, of course, there is little to no discussion of this in US media
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The Dems have moved on from LGBT and put Muslims at the top of their grievance hierarchy. Once they have a constituency voting for them, they look elsewhere for a new group to prop up so they can buy their vote, nevermind that the groups may not get along. And, it works. They still have the Jews and the Blacks locked up, even tho they do nothing for them anymore. The Dems flew the rainbow flag long enough to lock up LGBT, now they are throwing them under the bus for the Muslims.
And the Republican cream that rises to the top is... Donald Trump. Ain't politics entertaining.
Didn't the evidence show that the Tsarnaev brothers were radicalized after settling in the US? For San Bernardino, the wife was the immigrant who clearly needed more vetting. The husband was homegrown by any definition.

ISIS openly states, in multiple languages including English, that they are seeking to disguise martyrs within the refugee populations.
US screening was already patently poor prior to the Syrian exodus.
Ignore these warnings at your (and everyone else's) peril.
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The wrongness of this gets tiresome
Sure, there are many conservative Christians who disagree with gay marriage.
In the Muslim world, the best educated Islamic scholars openly debate the method of death for gays. Not whether they should die - this is not in dispute. But whether it should be by fire, downing, pushing off roofs or buried to the neck and stoned.
The moral equivalency you seek here does not exist.

Or not. This link was live as of yesterday but you'll need to trust my description. I was pointed to it by a lesbian cousin of mine from Nebraska.

It was a video of a sermon at Verity Baptist church from this past Sunday in which the preacher professes that Christians should be celebrating the deaths of the 50 sodomites based on the reading of passages in the Book of Judges. He goes on to detail how they should be killed based on the bible. I'm not pleading any more equivalency other than to say there are extremists in all faiths and they should be treated as that...extremists. Just as Christians shouldn't be defined by the extremists, Muslims shouldn't either.

Edit: Found it. Here is a quote from his sermon:

Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” asked Jimenez. “Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are predators. They are abusers.
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ISIS openly states, in multiple languages including English, that they are seeking to disguise martyrs within the refugee populations.
US screening was already patently poor prior to the Syrian exodus.
Ignore this warning at your (and everyone else's) peril.

Actually, I think when considered in totality the success rate is pretty good when you evaluate the number of immigrants over our history. Could it be better? Of course. If you're expecting 100% success then you're expecting the impossible. Following 9/11, many more cases of terrorism by radicalization of US citizens/residents have occurred than have been imported.
Or not. This link was live as of yesterday but you'll need to trust my description. I was pointed to it by a lesbian cousin of mine from Nebraska.,,,,,

We are told there are 1.6B Muslims on earth.
The majority of them live in countries with Sharia Law.
In 11 of those countries (all majority Muslim), the Sharia punishment for being gay is death. This is official government policy. And these laws are enforced. I can show you lots of pictures if you have any doubts.

Again, there is no moral equivalency.
We already carefully vet immigrants. ... about to return to the US for your third year of College at UT. Would being lumped with the Taliban and forced to delay your degree plan because of your religious heritage irritate you?

Interesting question, Crockett. I've often wondered what the State of Texas and These United States gain from educating foreign nationals at all. Do they become loyal citizens here? Do they invest here? Do they defend their status as American or use it as a wedge?

I'm not advocating a cessation of all foreign national students ... but it's clear there's a major problem with a certain demographic. Falling over ourselves to give the appearance of fairness will result in our demise.

I'm not a trump supporter, by the way, but he's not "wrong" on this ONE issue.
I never really bought the idea that all of the deaths in this bar were shooting deaths by the bad guy. One guy, no explosives = 50 dead? That's too many; it never made complete sense. I originally assumed some must have died via trampling in the panic

But now there is this

But that is the point, SH. As a Christian, I WANT to have those "so called" Christians branded as something other than Christian. I call them psycho Christians, but if someone wants to call them radicalized, that's fine by me. I don't understand why a peaceful Muslim would have a problem with the radical, kill people kind of Muslims called something different than Muslim.
I want to put as big of a divide between psycho Christians, and Christians like myself as possible.
But the media has to actively search out a small, under 200 member "church" and write lots of stories about the hateful rhetoric. Why? One has nothing to do with the other, it isn't a contest. And, even if it was, these "Christians" haven't called for, or killed anyone as far as I know. Big difference.

I think BO is being obstinate and petulant to not try to delineate between the various shades of Islam. I haven't been a fan of Obama, but his angry speech, scolding the US after a terrorist attack went beyond the pale. I was truly appalled by his words and tone.
I can't think of a major crisis in the US where the President hasn't put politics aside and attempted to, for lack of a better word, comfort the people of America and try and instill some sense of unity when something of this magnitude has occurred. It's called being Presidential, not being political.
In the end of course, it doesn't matter what you call it...people know what it is. It was an Islamic extremist carrying out a terrorist attack. We still don't know all the facts and how he was radicalized. I know one thing, the FBI needs to get up to speed on internet chatter and sites that are courting US citizens.
It is amazing to me that within 48 hours of the attack on innocent people, somehow this whole issue has been deflected to gay rights, Muslim rights, and once again, how horrible and bigoted most of America has become. Oh, also, they drug Christianity in to the whole thing because some Christians dared to say they were praying for victims, and some gay people wanted to refuse the prayers as they saw it as hypocritical. Suddenly the game became tit-for-tat on which religion is worse. Of course, saying Christianity is worse is fair game, but woe be the person who dares say anything negative about Islam.
I'm sorry the killer hit a gay bar, but he was also checking out Disneyland, so the whole anti-gay agenda doesn't hold so much water for me. I also don't see incidents of Muslims being tormented and discriminated against on a daily basis, so, why all the talk about Islmaphobia?
Bottom line, I'm weary of being told I need to feel guilty and apologetic because I am white. That supposedly affords me with untold privilege. Well, if you knew where my grandparents started, you would see that the only privilege I have been given was parents who loved me and worked their butts off to give me and my brother and sister a better life, as their parents had.
I sure as hell don't need or want to have this incident high jacked into a political narrative by anyone while the bodies of the victims still lay on the floor of the nightclub.
I never really bought the idea that all of the deaths in this bar were shooting deaths by the bad guy. One guy, no explosives = 50 dead? That's too many; it never made complete sense. I originally assumed some must have died via trampling in the panic

But now there is this


uh oh.

I have seen a breakdown of the number of people hit, the number of hits they took and the time to have made that happen ...

If that breakdown is accurate, yeah, there's more than one shooter.

1000 rounds, roughly, in 15 minutes, with all of the 'hits' in victims ... ie, not just randomly fired into the ceiling. That's 'GETTIN IT' ... that'd be 17 paired magazines (taped together inverted) to fire that many rounds.
Or not. This link was live as of yesterday but you'll need to trust my description. I was pointed to it by a lesbian cousin of mine from Nebraska.

It was a video of a sermon at Verity Baptist church from this past Sunday in which the preacher professes that Christians should be celebrating the deaths of the 50 sodomites based on the reading of passages in the Book of Judges. He goes on to detail how they should be killed based on the bible. I'm not pleading any more equivalency other than to say there are extremists in all faiths and they should be treated as that...extremists. Just as Christians shouldn't be defined by the extremists, Muslims shouldn't either.

Edit: Found it. Here is a quote from his sermon:

Then consider that a false prophet if that's what he said. He doesn't represent Christian doctrine nor does he appear to follow Christ's example.

So ... the equivalency you suggest does not exist. I and several others have decried this type of activity and advocation ... unlike most of the nation of islam being mum on their fundamental followers of mohamed.
This is long (apologies, and I did delete quite a number of paras). It's all factual and covers just one month in Britain. It gives an idea of what is coming here if the open borders crowd remains in control http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8250/islamization-britain-may-2016

May 1. Mubashir Jamil, a 21-year-old man from Luton, was arrested on suspicion of attempting to travel to Syria and engage in "violent jihad" with the Islamic State. He was charged with "engaging in conduct in preparation for committing acts of terrorism."

May 2. A senior British jihadi who boasted of recruiting hundreds of Britons for the Islamic State was killed in a drone strike in Syria, according to the Independent. Raphael Hostey, also known as Abu Qaqa al-Britani, left Manchester to join the Islamic State in 2013. The 23-year-old graphic designer became a key recruiter of British fighters and jihadi brides for the terror group and was also heavily involved in its propaganda. At least 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria.

May 4. The "Department of Theology" of the Blackburn Muslim Association ruled that it is "not permissible" for a woman to travel more than 48 miles — deemed to be the equivalent of three days walk — without her husband or a close male relative. The group also ruled that men must grow beards and women must cover their faces. The rulings were accompanied by the catchphrase: "Allah knows best."

May 7. Labour Party politician Sadiq Khan was sworn in as mayor of London. He is the first Muslim to lead a major European capital. During the election campaign, Khan faced a steady stream of allegations about his past dealings with Muslim extremists and anti-Semites.

British politician Paul Weston warned that Khan's rise is a harbinger of things to come:

"The previously unthinkable has become the present reality. A Muslim man with way too many extremist links to be entirely coincidental is now the Mayor of London. ... In a couple more decades Britain may well have its first Muslim Prime Minister. ... Reality cannot argue with demographics, so the realistic future for Britain is Islamic."

May 7. Mohammed Shaheen, a 43-year-old father of seven, was sentenced to 16 years in prison for raping underage schoolgirls. Shaheen, an immigrant from Pakistan, told the court he was a devout Muslim who had been framed by his victims. Judge Martin Steiger QC said: "He masqueraded as religious when all along he was behaving in this hypocritical way."

May 8. Six Algerian terror suspects with links to al-Qaeda were allowed to stay in Britain after winning a protracted legal battle. The Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) ruled that there was a "real risk" the men would be tortured by the Algerian security services if they were deported. This would have violated Article 3 of the Human Rights Act, which guards against "torture or degrading or inhuman treatment."

May 9. A Muslim man who was found guilty of threatening to behead a candidate of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) had his sentence overturned on appeal. Aftab Ahmed, 45, had been found guilty of making threats to kill David Robinson-Young, but a Newcastle Crown Court judge said he believed that Ahmed did not intend to act on his threat.

May 10. The trial began of three Muslims who plotted to behead British citizens after being inspired by an Islamic State order "to kill civilians everywhere in the West." The court heard that Haseeb Hamayoon, 29, Yousaf Syed, 20, and his cousin Nadir Syed, 22, planned to carry out a terrorist atrocity after a fatwa was issued by Islamic State spokesman Abu-Mohammad al-Adnani. Hamayoon, who has a Pakistani passport, had bought a "Rambo First Blood II" hunting knife online using his wife's bank account. British born Nadir Syed had stored images of Lee Rigby's killers, and the three men had allegedly shared images of beheadings.

May 17. One-third of Muslim adults in Britain do not feel "part of British culture," according to a new report on British multiculturalism. Nearly half (47%) of Muslims consider their Islamic faith to be the most important part of their identity. Only half (54%) of British adults believe there are a set of values that all nationalities and religions in Britain can agree upon in the future.

May 17. Belmarsh, a maximum-security prison in London, has become "like a jihadi training camp," according to testimony from a former inmate. Now a whistleblower, the former inmate said that a group of jihadists who call themselves "the Brothers," or "the Akhi" (Arabic for brother), have gained control of the prison, where many convicted terrorists and terror-related offenders mix freely with ordinary prisoners. "The problem is that Belmarsh is also a holding prison and so young people who are brainwashed and indoctrinated then go out into the wider prison system and create wider Akhi networks." In the five years to December 31, 2014, the number of Muslim inmates at Belmarsh has more than doubled to 265, or 30% of the total prisoners.

May 17. A Muslim convert who was arrested for a plot to behead a British soldier had his sentence reduced. Brusthom Ziamani, 20, was arrested in east London; he was carrying a 12-inch knife, a hammer and an Islamic flag. At his trial, the court was told that he had researched the location of Army bases in London and had shown his ex-girlfriend weapons, described Lee Rigby's killer, Michael Adebolajo, as a "legend" and told her he would "kill soldiers." The judges reviewing his sentence said: "Given his youth, we consider that the custodial part of the sentence, namely 22 years, was too long." Instead they gave him 19 years.

May 22. The government was accused of burying a report on prison extremism which warns that staff have been reluctant to tackle Islamist behavior for fear of being labelled "racist," according to the Sunday Times. The independent review, commissioned by Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove, says that Islamist inmates have exploited the "sensitivity to racism" among prison staff by making false complaints that they are victims of discrimination. The review recommended the creation of "specially designated units" in high-security prisons to house the most "dangerous, extreme and subversive" Islamists. There are more than 12,000 Muslims in prisons across England and Wales, according to the latest figures.

May 23. British and American intelligence services identified 27-year-old El Shafee Elsheikh as the fourth member of the Islamic State execution cell responsible for beheading 27 hostages. The four guards, led by "Jihadi John," were nicknamed the "Beatles" because of their English accents. Elsheikh, who was granted asylum in Britain when he was seven, left for Syria in 2012 after being radicalized in just 17 days after attending mosques in London.

May 23. A British Muslim woman who wanted raise her children in the Islamic State in Syria was jailed for two and a half years. Lorna Moore, 34, who failed to tell authorities that her husband, Sajid Aslam, 34, had left for Syria, was planning to take her three young children, one of them 11 months old, to the war zone. During sentencing at the Old Bailey, Judge Charles Wide said Moore, a Muslim convert from Walsall, West Midlands, "knew perfectly well of [her] husband's dedication to terrorism."

May 23. A survey conducted by ComRes on behalf of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK found that 33% of British adults believe that Islam promotes violence in the UK. The study also found that 56% of Britons disagree with the view that Islam is compatible with British values.

May 24. The BBC reported that a National Health Service (NHS) doctor who spent seven years working in Britain left his wife and two children in Sheffield to join the Islamic State. Issam Abuanza, 37, a Palestinian doctor with British citizenship, is the first practicing NHS doctor known to have joined the Islamic State.

May 25. Police in West Yorkshire revealed that they are currently investigating 220 alleged cases of child sex grooming in Keighley and Bradford. The cases involve 261 suspects and 188 victims. The revelation came after Keighley's former MP, Ann Cryer, called for the perpetrators of the crimes to be brought to justice. Cryer suffered verbal abuse and was accused of "demonizing" the Asian community when she began a campaign more than a decade ago to get the authorities to tackle child sex grooming in Keighley.

May 25. A Nigerian man launched an appeal against a decision by the Home Office to strip him of his British nationality. The man, known only as L2 for legal reasons, is directly associated with close friends of Michael Adebolajo, who murdered Lee Rigby in London in May 2013, and Mohammed Emwazi, or "Jihadi John." L2 was deemed such a national security threat that Home Secretary Theresa May personally signed an order removing his British nationality in 2013.

May 26. Home Secretary Theresa May established an independent review into the "misuse" of Sharia law in Britain. The inquiry will examine if Sharia ideas are being "misused or exploited" to discriminate against women. The review will not, however, examine whether Sharia law itself is discriminatory against women. A Home Office statement said: "It will not be a review of the totality of Sharia law, which is a source of guidance for many Muslims in the UK." According to May, many British people "benefit a great deal" from Sharia teaching.

Baroness Cox, who has spearheaded a parliamentary drive to rein in unofficial Sharia courts in Britain, said:

"My reservation is that it won't get to the root of the problem. ... a lot of Muslim women I know say that the men in their communities just laugh at this proposed investigation, that they will go underground so the investigation will have to be very robust.

"But the aspects which are causing such concerns — such as that a man can divorce his wife by saying 'I divorce you' three times — that is inherent; the right to 'chastise' women is inherent; polygamy is inherent. I don't think those things are a distortion of Sharia law. These are aspects of Sharia law which are unacceptable."

May 27. A British citizen who plotted to carry out a suicide bomb attack at Heathrow Airport was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Minh Quang Pham, 33, was sentenced in New York for travelling to Yemen to train with members of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Pham pled guilty to three counts of terrorist-related activity based on his support for the group, but denied he intended to carry out his plot and no attack ever occurred. Pham, a Vietnamese born British convert to Islam, was first arrested in Britain in June 2012 and was extradited to the U.S. in February 2015.

May 29. Music festivals, big sports venues and nightclubs have been placed on "high alert" for potential jihadist attacks, according to a senior anti-terrorism officer interviewed by the Sunday Times. Neil Basu, the deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said that crowded places — including Glastonbury, billed as the world's largest music festival, which will draw 135,000 people to Somerset from June 22 to 26 — are a major concern for police this summer. Basu warned: "These people are perfectly happy to target civilians with the maximum terror impact. Crowded places were always a concern for us, but now they are right at the top of the agenda."

May 31. The trial began of a Muslim man who tried to decapitate a random stranger in the London Underground. Somalia-born Muhiddin Mire, 30, attacked musician Lyle Zimmerman, 56, at Leytonstone Underground station on December 5 with a knife while yelling, "This is for my Syrian brothers; I am going to spill your blood." The jury was told that after the attack, police found images of Islamic State hostages having their throats cut on Mire's cellphone. The prosecutor said:

"At the end of the assault, when Mr. Zimmerman was lying motionless and defenseless on the floor of the ticket hall, the defendant crouched over him and quite deliberately began to cut Mr. Zimmerman's throat with a knife blade. Mercifully, Mr. Zimmerman survived the ordeal because, although he suffered three jagged wounds to the front of his neck, none of them caused any damage to any of the major blood vessels in that area."


Left: Muhiddin Mire, a Somalia-born Muslim, tried to behead musician Lyle Zimmerman at a London Underground station with a knife while yelling "this is for my Syrian brothers." Right: Belmarsh maximum-security prison in London has become "like a jihadi training camp," according to testimony from a former inmate.
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If I were a peaceful Muslim whose entry was delayed I would be angry, and my anger would be directed at my own people because I would notice that they are performing hundreds of acts (maybe thousands) of a horrendous nature throughout the world.
Yeah, kind of like gun-toting Americans, though they mostly confine their violence to the United States. The NRA will cheerfully put up with a little extra scrutiny on gun sales ... in another dimension maybe.
"We already carefully vet immigrants. "
Do you really believe that? HOW do we vet people from war torn countries who never had solid data to begin with? From where are we getting data on people we are letting in from Syria, Afgh Iraq Yemen? etc. There is NO reliable data or identification system.
3 mons ago we were assured by DHS that these people we are bringing in went through rigorous checks and rechecks, so rigorous it took 18-24 mons so we could feel confident everyone let in was OK. sure sure
Now all of a sudden they can do it in 3 mons . And you can say we are carefully vetting them?
Can you explain why you think that?
How about this as a small start regarding the big guns, the automatic AK-47 type. Sorry, I'm not up on my guns, but you know what I mean. Rapid fire types.

How about, if a person is on an FBI watch list, there is some type of data sharing like CODIS for criminals and their DNA that law enforcement uses to try and stop some of the big gun purchases to potential terrorists. I know that certainly won't solve all the problems, but it may help. In the first reports, I heard that the killer had tried, and failed to purchase body armor. Perhaps that should have rung an alarm bell with the seller? Maybe the seller tried to alert someone, to "see something, say something", maybe he was worried he would be labeled anti-Muslim if he did, or maybe he was a moron who couldn't add 2+2, I don't know. We must get over our fear of profiling and being PC if we want to prevent more of these tragedies.
(It reminds me of the 48 Hours television shows, when a woman goes missing, and police ultimately find surveillance video of a man buying, gloves, shovel, bleach, duct tape-- basically a burying kit. I always wonder, "did that checker give that guy a second thought? Maybe jot down a name, or a license number? Call the police?" Is common sense dead?)

I do know that even back before 9/11, a couple of flight school instructors reported these strange guys who had no interest in learning how to land a plane. Nothing was done, no one looked in to these guys further. Maybe we need to scrutinize the FBI a bit more closely...maybe we need to quit making "profile" a bad word in regards to terrorism. The FBI has no issue profiling serial killers...why is this so much different? I am no FBI expert, but it seems to me this killer had a good amount of flags that in the least, should have kept him on the watch list. If he had remained on the list, and there was a national data base, maybe he wouldn't have been able to buy his guns. How he dropped off the FBI watch list is information I am waiting to hear.

I know people want to politicize this and make it about gun control. We need to face the truth--the horse is out of the barn on this one. The guns are out there...the bad guys will get them, or use another method to carry out their mission. I'm not for Trump in any way, but I feel like BO is the opposite extreme who tries to shame anyone who isn't ready to welcome anyone to the US with open arms. So, our focus needs to be on many things, but profiling and uncovering sites that are luring these people should be at the top of the list in my opinion. This should be closely followed by a "see something, say something" with some teeth. I have no idea how many calls the FBI gets about this type of stuff, but in this case they listened to the tips, interviewed the guy, and let him off. What do they ask to let him off. Is it as meaningful as the airport questions? Do they just ask him if he is a terrorist, and thinking of committing terrorist acts, and if he says no, is that it?
I'm not trying to be partisan, but much of this is on Obama.
I feel as if he is more concerned about hurting bad Muslims, than good Americans, and that is just wrong.

Muhammad Ali, who was/is respected by many on both sides of the aisle, had an interesting take on trust back in the 60s, which some may find applicable today. He was a black Muslim, so maybe it's cool that he says it, because it isn't that far off from what Trump says. (I don't agree with the extreme parts of Trump's comments, but I don't see anything wrong with a strong vetting process, and taking our time before we open the floodgates) (substitute white people with Muslim, but I think you would have figured that one out on your own! :)
"“There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right,” he said. “If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good… Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?”
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How about this as a small start regarding the big guns, the automatic AK-47 type. Sorry, I'm not up on my guns, but you know what I mean. Rapid fire types.
An AK-47 doesn't fire any more rapidly than pistols owned by women (for protection against rapists) or school security guards. AK-47s sold to the general public are not automatic, neither have any firearms used in any mass shooting in the US. In fact, I do not know if there is any documented case of a gunman using an automatic weapon in these mass shootings. There may have been a case of a drug cartel battle along the Mexican border fought with automatic weapons, but I haven't heard of one.

AK-47s, and the AR-15s used in the recent mass shootings, are also not "big." The vast majority of these modern rifles are lightweight, smaller caliber carbines.

How about, if a person is on an FBI watch list, there is some type of data sharing like CODIS for criminals and their DNA that law enforcement uses to try and stop some of the big gun purchases to potential terrorists.
That already exists. If the shooter tried to buy a gun while under FBI investigation, he would have been denied. They closed the investigation and removed him from that list.
And the Republican cream that rises to the top is... Donald Trump. Ain't politics entertaining.

If the Republicans had not shat all over the Tea Party, and had not bedded down with the Dems for the past 10 years, Trump never would have had a shot.
If the Republicans had not shat all over the Tea Party, and had not bedded down with the Dems for the past 10 years, Trump never would have had a shot.

The R-Party needs a reformation/renaissance of its own
Or perhaps an Inquisition?
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Have you heard what the killer said or did that caused him to be removed from the watch list? I'm curious. What does it take to be removed, if you know.

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