Orlando Massacre

If you want some laughs, read the Snopes review of this story and count the number of times they say "well, this MAY have happened..." or "details are really vague, but it MAY have been that..." or "we really can't say for sure what happened." Although they did raise a valid point that calling this a mass shooting is probably not accurate.
You mean protected by the police force like the Trump supporters in San Jose?

Some of the victims of that riot have filed a federal lawsuit against San Jose
Today the judge for that case denied the majority of the City's Motion to Dismiss. SOme of the state civil rights causes were dismissed, but (I think) all of the federal civil rights causes were allowed to continue.

Discovery in this case will be interesting. I look forward to learning who gave the stand-down order to the police. Did it stop with the Police Chief or Mayor? Or did it go further up the chain to Obama/DNC folks?

"..... The city was sued by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, in a pro bono case, representing some of the victims. Dhillon, the national committeewoman of the California Republican Party and a contender to lead the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, also attended the rally.

“Citizens ranging from their teens to their 70s were assaulted, abused, chased, hunted, and terrorized in a situation for which the city is responsible, and must now answer,” Dhillon told LifeZette. “This lawsuit seeks to vindicate the principle that every American — regardless of his or her political beliefs — is entitled to equal protection of the laws, and to the rights of free speech and free assembly, particularly in the support of their candidate of choice.”

Dhillon, a candidate to lead the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, is a Sikh-American who was born in India. Her experiences witnessing hate crimes against Sikhs led her to believe that if civil rights laws are on the books, conservatives and Republicans must use them in court if they encounter violence and suppression of their constitutional rights.

"San Jose has had two opportunities to dismiss this case, and now must defend the indefensible: its 250-plus police officers' utter inaction in the face of a violent mob riot they forced Trump supporters to walk through," Dhillon told LifeZette Friday. "San Jose violated these constitutional rights and the public trust, and we hope to make sure, through this civil rights case, that this travesty is never repeated......."

One year ago
Interestingly, they dont mention who did it, or why
The word Muslim does not appear once in the WAPO article
Nor does the word Islam
No mention of ISIS

The FIFY version -
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I heard that the WaPo's 1000 word article on Orlando didn't mention islam, ISIS, terrorism or any of Barack Obama's "hot button words". It gave no indication of the gunman's motive. You'd think he was just crazy if all you read was the article.

A caption for one picture used the word "ISIS", but not the article.
Whole bunch of apologies due in this - which is of course why there's not a whole lot of discussion of this issue in the current gun debate.


"The HuffPo‘s Melissa Jeltsen details information revealed or otherwise confirmed at the trial that contradicts just about every narrative set by progressive politicians and their allies in the mainstream press in the aftermath of the June 2016 massacre:

[Noor]Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

As far as investigators could tell, Mateen had never been to Pulse before, whether as a patron or to case the nightclub. Even prosecutors acknowledged in their closing statement that Pulse was not his original target; it was the Disney Springs shopping and entertainment complex. They presented evidence demonstrating that Mateen chose Pulse randomly less than an hour before the attack. It is not clear he even knew it was a gay bar. A security guard recalled Mateen asking where all the women were, apparently in earnest, in the minutes before he began his slaughter.

As a refresher, let’s take a look back at how the notoriously biased North Carolina political media reacted after the Pulse murders – keep in mind that this was before any investigation had been launched… and even during and after, when it was more than obvious that Mateen was motivated by hatred for America and its attacks on Islamic radicalism, not “anti-LGBT” bias."
If your goal is to push an intersectionality agenda, then you're going to jump to the conclusion that the act was mostly motivated by "homophobia" (and therefore a "hate crime") rather than Islamic fundamentalism and slow to drop that narrative. That clearly happened here, and of course, idiots on social media didn't help.

Frankly, I was always suspicious of this narrative. Everything the guy said at the scene suggested it was about Islam, not gays. Furthermore, so many so-called "hate crime" cases that have gotten media attention ended up being hoaxes that I'm at the point at which I pretty assume that a hate crime story is phony. What's ironic about it is that there are real hate crimes. The criminal stats back that up. But for some reason, the media mostly focuses on the ones that turn out being phony, and in this case, they focused on it so much that they thew an innocent Muslim woman under the bus.
This Orlando thing really is huge news. It further confirms to me the left is not interested in preventing mass shootings. They are more interested in what narrative they can spin (gays, confederate flags, etc.)

The media really really needs to come out and apologize over their orlando reporting. Most people believe, and will continue to be believe, the “closeted gay guy shoots gay people” narrative.
The ironic thing of all of this is their poor reporting helps Trump in general more than anything else.

It does more than that. It gives false credibility to people like Richard Spencer. When he refers to the media as the lügenpresse, how do you argue with him? Consider what happened here. They didn't just get some details wrong. They built a fraudulent political narrative around a story they knew they were mischarachterizing.
It gives falsecredibility to people like Richard Spencer.When he refers to the media as thelügenpresse, how do you argue with him?

You are very right about this problem. Most intelligent people, like our hornfans community, will look at Richard Spencer and reject him saying “sure, you are right the media is bad, but you are disgustingly wrong on everything else.” However, the more feeble minded (of which there are plenty), may dangerously say “he is right about the press, maybe he is right about other things?”

All and all, there are a plethora of ills that come from constant bad reporting by our primary news sources. You hit one of the more dangerous ones.
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You are very right about this problem. Most intelligent people, like our hornfans community, will look at Richard Spencer and reject him saying “sure, you are right the media is bad, but you are disgustingly wrong on everything else.”
Probably a 40/60 mixture of people who would be that way here. Many are very intelligent they just don't want to know. I can admit that my world view is not 100% accurate.
I'd guess that both served as motivators.

I don't know if you actually read the article or not, but the evidence suggests otherwise. As a Muslim, he obviously didn't like gays. However, there's little evidence to suggest that he killed these people because they were gay. The club wasn't his initial target. He didn't scope the place out. He didn't even know it was a gay club when he showed up. From a political narrative standpoint, that means he wasn't a crazy gay basher (which could be used to bludgeon the Right and Christians). He was a crazy Muslim guy (which could be used to bludgeon the Left). Sadly, forcing the preferred narrative was most of the media's top priority - not publicizing the facts.

But here's what's really sad. The people who got shot are just as dead. They were violated just as much. Their deaths are just as sad. Their families and friends cry out in pain just as much. Furthermore, they had every right to know what happened and why and should have been able to trust the media to help them find that out. But instead of being told the truth, they were spun a self-serving, agenda-driven yarn coupled with a dash of sanctimony and splash of false sympathy. It's a friggin' disgrace.

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