Orlando Massacre

I saw one poll that showed Syrians prefer Sharia Law 97%
Yemen probably even higher."

let's ay it is only 75%
so WTF is BO doing letting in thousands and thousands? Why would any intelligent person do that?
Headline for CNN is anti Trump. Buries the censoring in second level story, but fails to call it what it is.

Kim Jun Obama hard at work.
I can honestly understand not repeating the phrase Radical Islamic Terrorism. The experts have convinced me that Muslims friendly with our values are an indispensable ally in this struggle.
That said, when you start editing transcripts and pretending like Islamic faith was not a factor in instances where it's been widely reported and repeated that it was ... it's embarrassingly awful spin control. It doesn't affect public perceptions of the event, but makes the administration look out of touch and blatantly deceptive.
I can honestly understand not repeating the phrase Radical Islamic Terrorism. The experts have convinced me that Muslims friendly with our values are an indispensable ally in this struggle.
That said, when you start editing transcripts and pretending like Islamic faith was not a factor in instances where it's been widely reported and repeated that it was ... it's embarrassingly awful spin control. It doesn't affect public perceptions of the event, but makes the administration look out of touch and blatantly deceptive.

+1 to both halves of your post.
That said, when you start editing transcripts and pretending like Islamic faith was not a factor in instances where it's been widely reported and repeated that it was ... ....

Maybe Obama should go full Harry Potter ....

guy says i don't believe women have any rights; and i believe queers should be killed

girl says you must be a republican

guy says no, i am a muslim and those are muslim beliefs

girl says oh i'm sorry; i hope you don't think i am islamohpobic
The wheels of the Obama Administration Bus just rolled over Loretta Lynch.


All the omissions did was make Team Obama look determined to keep its head in the sand about the nature of the enemy.

Even the “explanations” sounded dumb. Here’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch on ABC’s “This Week”: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda.”

Further his propaganda? Seriously? The answer to Islamist jihad is to black out the words?

Lynch never did anything this absurd in all her years as US Attorney here in New York, so you know the order came down from above.

It’s also idiocy déjà vu: Four years ago, Team Obama made then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice tour all the Sunday shows to blame the deadly Benghazi attack on an Internet video, rather than on the terrorist plot they all knew it was. She looked a fool once the administration finally admitted the truth, just as Loretta Lynch does now.

It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?
Frankly, I'm surprised the Administration was this dumb. Nobody believes that the shooter wasn't driven by Islamic radicalism, so whom did they think they were fooling? They just sounded dumb making this move.
Frankly, I'm surprised the Administration was this dumb. Nobody believes that the shooter wasn't driven by Islamic radicalism, so whom did they think they were fooling? They just sounded dumb making this move.
They clearly overestimated the stupidity of the population...but then again, it IS the same administration that was put in place by a majority of voters who clearly exercised ZERO thought in the last election cycle (or the one before that).
Even as they pretended to remove the redactions they stupidly still refused to quote the killer's words correctly. Maybe to BO etc Allah is the same as God, why else would you misquote?
And to bring up that it was Latin night at the club? What reason could there be to point that out now?
It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?

Yeah, send a dumb white guy next time. Send Josh Earnest. He says stupid stuff everybody knows isn't true every day.
guy says i don't believe women have any rights; and i believe queers should be killed

girl says you must be a republican

guy says no, i am a muslim and those are muslim beliefs

girl says oh i'm sorry; i hope you don't think i am islamohpobic

This is both funny and somewhat true, but it ignores a critical distinction between opposing Republicans politically and supporting Muslims in their fight against persecution, despite their political views.

If a small fraction of extremist Republicans were terrorists, yet all Republicans were being persecuted as potential terrorists, the situations would be analogous and it would be reasonable to expect liberals to defend the Republicans. I'm not saying they all would, but that would be an analogous position to liberal support for American Muslims.

Conversely, if Islam was merely a political party with views that were anti-liberal, but without the wrinkle that Muslims are routinely persecuted, I would expect most liberals to be anti-Islam.
This is both funny and somewhat true, but it ignores a critical distinction between opposing Republicans politically and supporting Muslims in their fight against persecution, despite their political views.

If a small fraction of extremist Republicans were terrorists, yet all Republicans were being persecuted as potential terrorists, the situations would be analogous and it would be reasonable to expect liberals to defend the Republicans. I'm not saying they all would, but that would be an analogous position to liberal support for American Muslims.

Conversely, if Islam was merely a political party with views that were anti-liberal, but without the wrinkle that Muslims are routinely persecuted, I would expect most liberals to be anti-Islam.
While what you say makes sense, it's wrong. Defending Muslims against criticism from a western civilization perspective goes back to blaming the colonialists for all the problems in ME countries. Also, just another cog in the wheel of identity politics. Your analogy breaks down since the GOP were never subject to colonialists.
Gun control doesn't play well in OH and PA. Trump will win those states. However, he needs FL.

Keep in mind, polls show that ~90% agree with restricting people on the Terrorist watch list from being able to purchase guns. Expect the "Republican's support terrorists having guns" from HRC surrogates.
Keep in mind, polls show that ~90% agree with restricting people on the Terrorist watch list from being able to purchase guns. Expect the "Republican's support terrorists having guns" from HRC surrogates.
That 90% includes gun owners and NRA members (like me) AND NRA officials.

The rub is due process, which is the ACLU's pet peeve and probably CAIR. This is the classic case of how stop and frisk, which Sotonmayor hates so much, feels on the other foot. Politicans are so principled until it doesn't fit our politics.

The thing is, in this low information social media society, saying republicans want to sell guns to ISIS reflects how this country has fractured itself. Instead of listening to and empathizing with each other, we name call and villanize fellow Americans that ultimately want the same thing you want.

Figuring out the due process where people can share common ground really shouldn't be that hard if the Terrorist Watch and No Fly lists were started from scratch today. But since they are imperfect systems that had different missions when created makes fixing the systems to our new requirement incredibly difficult.
Scott Adams of Dilbert fame:

"On average, Democrats (that’s my team*) use guns for shooting the innocent. We call that crime.

On average, Republicans use guns for sporting purposes and self-defense....

Democrats are unlikely to talk Republicans out of gun ownership because it comes off as “Put down your gun so I can shoot you.”"
Keep in mind, polls show that ~90% agree with restricting people on the Terrorist watch list from being able to purchase guns. Expect the "Republican's support terrorists having guns" from HRC surrogates.
The problem is that the current gun control pandering is being done by trying to attach amendments to a spending bill instead of actually taking the time to craft a standalone piece of legislation. Kneejerk legislation should NEVER be done through amendment processes...I am glad the attempts were all shot down even if some modicum of check should be in place.

I did find it disingenuous of republican legislators to ponder the due process elements one day and then the next day propose amendments that would have increased electronic spying on 'suspected terrorists.'

I agree that they have a valid point that there should be some manner of due process if you are on the no-fly list. As it is right now, you simply have to piss off the wrong person and your ability to get on a plane is in jeopardy and you have no effective way to challenge the placement on the list.
House Democrats staging a sit-in asking for action on gun control measures

What's amazing to me is
1) They've portrayed themselves as the ones wanting action and their opponents as obstructing action, even though they obstructed just as much (regarding any gun control action that didn't subvert due process)
2) The media has bought into that portrayal so unquestioningly

Meanwhile as mb pointed out, the senate came 1 vote short of saying the FBI can use browser history without a warrant and without accountability. Most of the people say they are against this type of 1984 stuff, but then turn around and vote for people (in both parties) who will increase it. Votes speak louder than words.

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