Orlando Massacre

Another near perfect summation of the Lefty view --


The hypocrisy of leftist politicians on this issue is reprehensible. Obama decries armed guards in schools but his children are protected with armed guards everywhere they go. If guns truly make us less safe then why would you knowingly make your children less safe? They were "horrified" by the NRAs proclamation that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. How can anyone with more than half a brain cell disagree with that statement? It's obvious from their actions that they don't believe the bullsh*t that they spew.
Another lefty slips up and momentarily says how she really feels about things.

Here, in an attempt to smack Trump over immigration, Kelly Osborne actually says "If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?"

Hilarity ensues.

Well BO has chided us that we need illegals to pick strawberries and make our beds.
how stupid is he to not know there is a visa that allows UNLIMITED people in to do agri work?
Time for people to make their own beds OR pay a legal person to do it.
Al Qaeda urges lone wolves to target whites, to avoid 'hate crime' label


In an article first reported by The Foreign Desk, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) called for more self-directed Muslim terrorists to kill in America. But the article, titled “Inspire guide: Orlando operation,” tells terrorists to “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found” because if gays or Latinos appear to be the targets, “the federal government will be the one taking full responsibility.”
Mark Zuckerberg, one of the leading lovers of Open Borders, has erected a Wall around his fancy Hawaiian estate, of course.


Let's see, would Zuckerberg's money and public persona potentially draw the crazies? Much moreso than my suburban house. I've never understood this line of thinking. Yes, the POTUS has armed guards around him just like every friggin' president in the world. That has nothing to do with you and I having a need for guns.

When I worked for Starbucks I learned that the company pays for round the clock staff to protect his home and his family. Why? He's a wealthy jewish man outspoken against Palestinians in the past. Most importantly, he's an asset of the company. Without him the company's net worth would be a fraction of what it is today. His need for protection has no impact on whether I should carry a gun.

The threats to Zuckerberg, Schultz and the POTUS are other worldly compared to me and my family. Comparisons aren't apples to oranges but rather apples to Volkswagens.
..... Comparisons aren't apples to oranges but rather apples to Volkswagens.

You defeated your own argument by conceding in the last sentence your analogy is an apple to a VW. Why would you do that?

In any event, I disagree that Leftist politicians should be allowed armed guards but none of the rest of us should be allowed to protect ourselves/families in a similar fashion. Same applies to borders and walls. Lastly I would argue that the harm to the country from open borders in much greater than the loss of any single politician or celebrity.
You defeated your own argument by conceding in the last sentence your analogy is an apple to a VW. Why would you do that?

In any event, I disagree that Leftist politicians should be allowed armed guards but none of the rest of us should be allowed to protect ourselves/families in a similar fashion. Same applies to borders and walls. Lastly I would argue that the harm to the country from open borders in much greater than the loss of any single politician or celebrity.

My analogy? It was a reference to saying the threat to an uber-wealthy person or a politician is equivalent to what you or I face. Gabby Gifford would be an example of public personas requiring more protection, in part because the ease of access of guns in our culture.

These politicians only receive that extra level of security on capital hill, right? I'm sure you think a mass murder of our politicians would be a good thing but I think they deserve some additional protection while in D.C. There is plenty of evidence of crazies stalking or trying to get access to politicians, in all parties.
How come whenever a politician proposes limits on sales of guns with vast magazines or limits on access to weapons by folks on the "NO FLY LIST" all my gun loving friends on here and Facebook have posts that decry something along the lines of "Taking away our guns and rights to defend ourselves."

It's like telling a five-year-old they can't have a cupcake and hear them screaming "You mean I can never eat again. Daddy is going to make me starve to death."
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... or limits on access to weapons by folks on the "NO FLY LIST" all my gun loving friends on here and Facebook have posts that decry something....

The list idea is simple. Lists must be opposed at all times, in all matters. It will go something like this --

Step 1 - List made of all gun owners. This will probably begin at the local or state level. These databases will later be 'merged' or 'shared' via federal intervention

Step 2 - Fed Law will then be passed along the lines of -- "any person with a 'mental defect' cannot own a firearm and shall be dispossessed of said property."

Step 3 - Some type of Presidential Panel will declare all persons of a certain status to be mentally defective. For ex, all Registered Republicans. Or, anyone who has ever questioned "Climate Science." Or, anyone who thinks the UK was smart to leave the EU.

Who knows what it will be exactly? The means does not really matter. All that matters is the ends. Right?

Anyway, the specific answer to your original question is that your "gun owning friends" are smarter than you.
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The threats to Zuckerberg, Schultz and the POTUS are other worldly compared to me and my family. Comparisons aren't apples to oranges but rather apples to Volkswagens.

It is apples to apples. If someone breaks into my house, or your house, or Zuckerberg's house, or a politicians house then the worst case consequences are exactly the same for all of us. Yes, the probability may be higher for Zuckerberg or the POTUS but so what? It is not out of the realm of possibility that someone could break into my home and intend to cause harm to my family. It happens every day to non-celebrities and non-politicians. Why should Zuckerberg be afforded the right to protect his family simply because he has a higher likelihood of being a target?

Yes, the POTUS has armed guards around him just like every friggin' president in the world. That has nothing to do with you and I having a need for guns.

It shows that he understands a basic tenet that the NRA has pointed out for some time - the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. He has surrounded himself and his children with a bunch of good guys with guns because he knows its an effective deterrent. I have no problem with him using armed guards for protection, quite the contrary. I have a big problem with his hypocrisy.
Funny thing about the "bad guy" "good guy" analogy is that most people are good guys most of the time. And a lot of gun deaths stem from knuckleheadedness or temporary loss of careful thinking rather than the action of the long-term malintentioned. A lot of murders would have been locked up for fighting or simple assault had they not gotten their hands on a weapon that's lethal even in the hands of a person who is drunk, weak and poorly coordinated.

And by the way, sometimes courageous people without weapons intervene and get the irrational people to put away their weapons without killing somebody. It's not as satisfying as having the "bad guy" suffocate in a pool of his own blood, but it works.
Crowder is excellent at debunking media lies and "misinformation"

This interview would never take place on a MSM outlet. I do give the Brit props for letting Crowder make his points.
When I worked for Starbucks I learned that the company pays for round the clock staff to protect his home and his family. Why? He's a wealthy jewish man outspoken against Palestinians in the past. Most importantly, he's an asset of the company. Without him the company's net worth would be a fraction of what it is today.

Okay, so if you are outspoken and an asset to your company which affects the net worth of the organization, you get protection.

However, if you are the head of household that has a right to free speech and are an asset to your family, and the net worth of your family would be a fraction of what it is today without you, you do not have a right to protection.

Per your reasoning, rich people have a right to protection, but poor people do not. Please, let us know the demarcation point for wealth or income that qualifies for protection? I would suggest the point at which a person begins to pay taxes since they are an asset to the country. Anyone that doesn't pay taxes doesn't get protection.
Okay, so if you are outspoken and an asset to your company which affects the net worth of the organization, you get protection.

However, if you are the head of household that has a right to free speech and are an asset to your family, and the net worth of your family would be a fraction of what it is today without you, you do not have a right to protection.

Per your reasoning, rich people have a right to protection, but poor people do not. Please, let us know the demarcation point for wealth or income that qualifies for protection? I would suggest the point at which a person begins to pay taxes since they are an asset to the country. Anyone that doesn't pay taxes doesn't get protection.

I'm saying we all are under the protection of a police force. The argument that we all deserve (or need?) armed guards at our houses, schools or simply we all need to be packing heat has nothing to do with the relative risk to high profile politicians while they are executing their duties in D.C. or uber-wealthy/celebrities who are at a much more extreme risk for stalkers.

I'm not advocating that someone shouldn't be able to protect themselves. Rangel, Obama nor Zuckerberg are being hypocritical by taking gun control stances.
Mark Zuckerberg, one of the leading lovers of Open Borders, has erected a Wall around his fancy Hawaiian estate, of course.

That kind of hypocrisy seems to be the rule for rich liberals. Every time I hear Hellary railing against the rich I laugh.
I'm saying we all are under the protection of a police force. The argument that we all deserve (or need?) armed guards at our houses, schools or simply we all need to be packing heat has nothing to do with the relative risk to high profile politicians while they are executing their duties in D.C. or uber-wealthy/celebrities who are at a much more extreme risk for stalkers.

I'm not advocating that someone shouldn't be able to protect themselves. Rangel, Obama nor Zuckerberg are being hypocritical by taking gun control stances.
You mean protected by the police force like the Trump supporters in San Jose?
Or the police force protection at Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, Orlando, Ft. Hood, Lubys in Killeen, U.T.'s campus, or a few thousand other places? Is that the protection to which you are referring?
I have to laugh every time I hear some politician or pundit say, "if you are on the no fly list, you should not be able to buy a gun."

How about this, "if you are on the no fly list and for a good reason, we put you in jail. If you are on the no fly list, you are also on the no go to the mall list, the no go to a school list or the no go anywhere list?"
Obama/Lynch (aka "the most transparent administration ever") told the Orlando attack responders to hide their records and report any requesters to the FBI.


"The FBI has asked law enforcement agencies who responded to Pulse nightclub to withhold records from the public, according to officials.

A June 20 letter from the FBI, attached to the City or Orlando's lawsuit over withholding 911 calls and other records from 25 media outlets including the Orlando Sentinel, was also sent to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office with instructions pertaining to how they should respond to records requests.

The letter requests that agencies deny inquiries and directs departments to "immediately notify the FBI of any requests your agency received" so "the FBI can seek to prevent disclosure through appropriate channels, as necessary.".............."

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