North pole to melt this year?

The reason we know the forcing is from CO2 is because the solar trigger is relatively weak. The majority of the warming must be from reduced albedo and increases in CO2 and CH4. I have seen 33% of the warming attributed to CO2, but I am not sure how strong the science is on this issue.

As far as a little extra warming being a good thing, this is certainly not true for a 3-5 degree C increase. I do not think a 1-2 degree C increase is that big of a deal. The big problem with global warming is the lead time required to make meaningful changes coupled with the fact that we have pretty much done nothing at all. It would be one thing if we couldn't live with any changes, but this just is not the case.
I think there is more than enough science and more than enough danger that reasonable steps toward limiting carbon output should be taken. I do not think we should wreck our economy over it because we almost certainly can adjust to some change. The problem I have is that we are doing absolutely nothing and this is very foolish given the time frames involved for the impact of any changes. The real danger that I see is to global food production.

I was familiar with the lag and the reason for it. I am not a climate scientist (although I do have a strong science background especially in biology) and I have been studying paleoclimatology recently because a friend of mine who has a geology background drives me crazy with paleoclimatology doubter questions, but I have not studied the CO2 rise in the depth required to answer your question. I could parrot a website, but I do not like to do this particularly since I like to understand or at least think that I understand the subject before posting on it.
you didn't coel...i am having fun extrapolating from things he has said. i could be point is that stereotyping is ridiculous and bigotry is too....although so far i haven't actually said anything bigoted at all, while he says bigoted things all the time.

GT....were you ever Hindu?
Ok, I was starting to wonder which caste he had relegated me to. Who knows: maybe there's a caste for science deniers.
yeah..i guess that's quite possible as there are thousands of castes in Hinduism. this what's going on here?
GT....because you don't criticize my attitude on criticize some strawman caricature of my attitude on science based on your personal bigotry. you are clearly a bigot and can't even admit it. if i said the things you say about any other religion or about gays or blacks or asians or indians, i would rightfully be considered a bigot.

so are you a former HIndu?
GT...i don't need to quote is clear to anyone who has read this thread that i am correct. you are biased against me because i am a Christian not because my arguments in any way reflect the accusations you levy against me.

and i think you are a former hindu.....where all have you done your studies?
GT...i could pull out quote after quote from this thread, but i am too tired (and moving to california in 2 days with my entire family in tow)......sorry, just don't have the energy to show you that black is black (that's a reference to your bigotry)

but you are right...i can rejoice that i am being persecuted for my faith. it does somewhat amuse me though when supposedly "liberal-minded" people show their true colors.

In reply to:

tell you what....we have been on this thread for 2 plus years now and it has only been kept alive because of give me a few weeks (we are going to take our sweet time getting out to California) and i will gladly show you your bigotry.....but let me make a prediction very will deny it (as you have done a dozen times) and claim that you just hate me for my "science denial" but you have many times referenced my faith as the cause of my alleged "science denial" despite the fact that i have told you repeatedly that my faith has nothing to do with it. furthermore, i have plenty of friends who have near identical spiritual beliefs to mine but nonetheless believe in AGW. in fact, i could still be convinced.....just not yet and see lots of reasons to doubt the link.

so when did your family leave Hinduism? was it before your birth or after?

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