interesting stuff going on in the arctic.....we have already had some "up" days...but this ain't over yet. today it dropped about 22,000 but we will wait until the morning correction (usually by 10:00 AM CST) to see if that gets corrected any rate, it has still not dipped below 2009's minimum extent, but that was 13 days after this last year so it is reasonable to expect that it will. regardless, it seems to be a virtual tie with last year because there shouldn't be more than a 150,000 to 200,000 max meltoff/compaction left in this year's melt season.....and we are still about 70,000 ahead of last year's low.
the la nina that is kicking in is promising to be a doozy, or at least that's more and more what it's looking like. the global temperatures will be dropping soon which means they will arrive in plenty of time to greatly increase Arctic ice.......looks like 2011 could be another uptick in ice extent in the north seas. if so, that will mean at least 3 out of 4 years of increasing ice.....not a powerful trend by any means (too short) but certainly not the "death spiral" talk that started this thread eh?