North pole to melt this year?

uh oh coel.....the former hindu turned atheist is starting in on you! next thing you know he will describe you as a 6,000 year old earth creationist or take glancing shots at "fundamentalists" all in an attempt to prove how open minded he is and how he is not bigoted. beware! ; ) may get annoyed at Coel's persistence...but his question is incredibly reasonable and needs to be addressed....constant appeals to authority get very old with you AGW enthusiasts....why not discuss this intelligently with people who clearly are willing?
Just for the record, I'm in the we don't have a mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive explanation yet. But it's a sad day on hornfans when a thread bickering over anamorphic climate change overtakes the sorority thread post count...those were the good ole days.
btw summer sea ice has gone from 9 million sq km in 1900 to 4.3 million sq km in 2007 or from 7.5 million sq km in 1979 to 4.3 million sq km in 2007
paso...but you do know that the Northwest passage has been repeatedly navigated since the 40's right? do you mean that it has never been completely clear of ice that we know of?
by the 3 mm per year, how long is it going to take for the oceans to rise 1 meter? yeah...333 years. for all of the reports we have heard from alarmists...shouldn't it be rising more than 3 mm per year? yeah...i know, this is a 50% increase over 30 years ago or something like that...but what does that really mean? it means that it is now rising 1 mm per year faster.
maybe, I posted this information earlier on this thread though

the earth's orbit explains why it may have been lower then
why hornpharmd?

speaking of arctic ice...we have seen that this melt season does indeed have some spunk left in it! we just dipped below the 5,000,000 mark. hard to say when we will be done. last year was the 13th....temperatures are dropping but the Arctic Oscillation has gone negative so we are seeing compaction and drift (depending on which side of the arctic you are on)......

i was enjoying looking at the PIPS earlier today....our thickness seems quite comparable to most of the other years since 1998....better than some and worse than a few. all in all probably in the top 30% of the class from my estimates. maybe this is where we can take some solace?
of course i understand the simple point you were trying to make.....what i don't understand is why you think it's a good point or a big deal.

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