North pole to melt this year? are strongly projecting....and if i am the coward, why are you the one running from simple questions about your beliefs? did you grow up Hindu and then become an atheist? why can't you answer simple questions if you are so brave. you know exactly where i stand.....and what do i get for my courage? i get regular abuse from you for being a Christian. yet, you are squirming out of every question i ask about your history.

Paso....buddhism in one sense is a subsect of Hinduism...
I probably should have posted a smiley face because I know about the relationship and it was sort of a joke. I was attempting to defuse an ugly situation. I do admire Buddhism which is fairly similar to my view of what Jesus taught in the New Testament. I do not know as much as I would like about Hinduism beyond some of the basic tenets I learned in world religions in high school about 30 years ago.

thanks Coel...but that's just the tip of the iceberg as we all know.

by the way GT....when did you leave Hinduism? why are you not answering a simple question? being a Hindu (or former Hindu in the case of GT) akin in some way to being a communist or beating one's wife? that is certainly not my suggestion....i am just trying to get to the bottom of GT's personal bigotry against Christians.
I will be the first to admit that I have not read this entire thread.

I have not seen, in the parts that I have read, any hostility on the part of GT toward you because you are a "Christian". He does appear to have some hostility toward you because you appear to elevate faith over science. I do not think this is the same thing and, as such, I do not understand what his current or former religious beliefs have to do with the price of tea in India.

I am fairly uncomfortable conversing about religion in a public forum because language can be so limiting and nuances can be badly misunderstood.
I did not know that you are a Christian before today (or maybe yesterday) and honestly have never thought of it. It is, for the most part irrelevant to me. I suppose that I would have guessed that you were Christian, but I would guess that about most posters on here.
back to the topic at hand while we wait to see if the poster who called me a coward can be courageous enough to answer my question about his religious past since he consistently mocks and derides me for mine....

this is a paper that was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research in July of 2009. The basic point of the paper (judging by the description) is that the Global temperatures closely follow the Southern Oscillation Index. But no sooner did this paper come out than the same guys who were later implicated in the climategate emails began publicly bashing it in a fairly well coordinated effort to discredit it. well...if they were right, i suppose that would be ok....but at this point it doesn't look like they are going to be right. they predicted fairly well what is in fact happening right now. the SOI has indeed begun to plummet (as they predicted when they wrote this in December of 2008) and now the general expectation (even from GT, although much later than these 3 scholars) is that the temperatures are indeed about to follow course. we don't know how long this drop will be....and it may be quite short....but so far, their paper looks quite prescient despite the blasting it got from some scientists who seem very invested in keeping the "orthodox" position from suffering stain.
fine paso...then explain why you said i seem to elevate faith over science. what is that based upon, especially in light of the fact that you didn't even know i was a Christian until the past 48 hours? in other words, i take you at your word and believe that you didn't know I was a believer, but what did you mean by that statement that i am challenging you to defend?
You have great faith in the pseudoscience of Watts.

You also do not appear to understand that ENSO cycles (El Nino and La Nina) occur several times in a decade (and are continent not world wide) and this is not going to lead to an actual cooling trend (as measured by statistics). Statistically the earth is warming and has continued to warm for deades. This is as scientifically true as we can determine and is really not open to debate. The La Nina pattern might make 2011 the fifth warmest year in recorded history instead of the first or second, but it is not a climate driver or even much of a change and is just noise when measured over time (noise has a specific definition among climatologists that you should look up).

Your "belief" that it is going to make everything all right is "faith" not science and reflects either a lack of understanding or "faith" in the wrong people. This entire thread reflects some bizarre faith that long term trends are meaningless because of occasional reversals.

Can you link this article by the way so that I can read and interpret it for you?
By the way, you do realize that every single scientist involved in "Climategate" was cleared. Why do you then smear these fine men? You get offended because you are called "Christian" and yet you slander these people?
We are pretty much done. I am going to call you a clown from now on.

You do not have the first clue concerning ENSO if you think it is responsible or explains decades of warming.

Do you know who authored the paper you claim links ENSO to decades of warming? How about you list their PhDs and qualifications?

Here is a link to ignore by some guys that actually know what they are talking about.

The Link
A Wall Street Journal editorial means something on science? This is a joke, right?

Why can't you answer the question about who is right and who is wrong?

I guess it is because of your "faith" and "belief" rather than actual knowledge of science.
I also find your refering to climate scientists who had e-mails stollen (or not in many cases) as climategate scientists to be incredibly offensive since they were all cleared by several investigations. Why are you doing this? I think you are doing this because you are incapable of challenging their data and conclusions so you must cling to pseudoscience and belief.

Why not prove me wrong by showing that McLean's paper supports his press release and that Foster's criticisms are invalid? Can you?

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