Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

FBI arrests 11 pro-lifers under Biden’s Department of Justice for blocking abortion clinic with prayer and worship gathering last year | Not the Bee

Normally, the FBI investigates crimes and then sends recommendations to the Justice Department regarding charges, but Mark Houck's lawyer says that there's evidence these investigations are being run by Merrick Garland and the DOJ, and they are recommending arrests to the FBI, which is a huge change in procedure, and essentially weaponizes the FBI for the Biden administration's policies.
Which the KGBI willing goes along with. They are the federal secret police force and Gestapo for the Democrat party, as the DOJ is their legal service.
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Biden is in Leadville, CO today "doing everything he can to lower fuel prices". To that end, he is banning drilling and mining on 225,000 acres.
It seems to me Demx have stopped protecting SloJo from making so many demented statements. As though they are setting the stage for their new Candidate.
Scary contemplating who their new puppet will be.
In a speech about his son Beau who died of brain cancer:

"I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq," Biden said.

Depends has made a political career via gravy training off his dead family members. His wife being a terrible driver and pulling out in front of a semi was the best thing that ever happened to him, as he rode her and his daughters dead bodies to many electoral wins.

Of course he'll lie about his son dying in Iraq, when, after a grueling, just grueling 8 month tour of duty as a, checks notes, Army JAG lawyer, he came back to the US and died years later from brain cancer, a condition that seems to run in the family.
It was interesting how Depend's largest rise in the polls this year came after he got the Wuhan, and had to go back into the basement a la the presidential campaign. Voters truly like him more when they don't see and hear him. Surprised his handlers didn't say he got it again and again, and so him coming down with it for the 11th time is the reason why he still is out of sight.

I still predict he gets forced to announce early next year that he's not running for another term. That gives his staffers two years to work on getting other jobs and avoiding permanent Delaware diaper duty, opens things up for those who want to run for President in 24, and allows the media to turn the page on his dreadful time in office.

Now Slow Joe won't want to say he's out of office in 24, and lord knows DOCTOR JILL BIDEN!!! won't either, but it will be let know that if he doesn't, Hunter's getting indicted for tax and gun charges, and if that isn't enough, the Feds can always start poking around as to why this crack fiend was getting paid millions of dollars a year by those seeking political favors, of which he himself had none to give, but his dad did.
It was interesting how Depend's largest rise in the polls this year came after he got the Wuhan, and had to go back into the basement a la the presidential campaign. Voters truly like him more when they don't see and hear him. Surprised his handlers didn't say he got it again and again, and so him coming down with it for the 11th time is the reason why he still is out of sight.

I still predict he gets forced to announce early next year that he's not running for another term. That gives his staffers two years to work on getting other jobs and avoiding permanent Delaware diaper duty, opens things up for those who want to run for President in 24, and allows the media to turn the page on his dreadful time in office.

Now Slow Joe won't want to say he's out of office in 24, and lord knows DOCTOR JILL BIDEN!!! won't either, but it will be let know that if he doesn't, Hunter's getting indicted for tax and gun charges, and if that isn't enough, the Feds can always start poking around as to why this crack fiend was getting paid millions of dollars a year by those seeking political favors, of which he himself had none to give, but his dad did.

Maybe we need a new thread, closest to the pin contest on the date he steps down. My guess is July 31 2023
Above is a Gov Grant paying big money for people to transport unaccompanied minors all over the US. A bus was stopped in Westchester county NY recently with dozens of 14 yr old girls on it. All illegal, came from TX border. Human Trafficking operation!
More about what happens to young girls after they get off these Buses to nowhere, is coming out. We’ll see!
Dr Jill accomplished something notable. She got booed at a Phillys game And an Eagles game.Demx tried to scrub the Eagles booing tweets but failed.
Image from discussions on oil...

Needs Depends in a soiled diaper.

Think of how depressing it would be to work in the White House as a staffer. You get an assignment, and work all day and night to polish it up. You're led into the Situation Room for the briefing, and at the end of the table there's Biden.

His head is slumped down, a stream of drool dripping out of his open mouth, staining the ink on whatever Top Secret document has been placed under him. Eyes staring blankly at the puddle of his own drool. Black eyes, dead eyes, eyes like a doll.

Shaken at the pathetic sight of the Worlds Most Powerful Man looking like an abandoned old man sitting in a wheelchair in a nursing home hallway, you sit down, and begin your briefing.

Before you're a slide into it, Biden shits himself. Loud, long, and stank. His diaper has fought a valiant but ultimately losing struggle to contain his waste, both liquid and solid, and now it gives up, letting the stench waffle out, the room quickly smelling like a bathroom in a roadside gas station during a Texas summer.

Eyes burning, nose dripping, and fearful of being fired by Shadow President COS Klain, you continue on, trying to keep focus on your slides.
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It seems to me Demx have stopped protecting SloJo from making so many demented statements. As though they are setting the stage for their new Candidate.
Scary contemplating who their new puppet will be.

The Dems have NO bench!

Who ya gonna run that has a chance?

Kamala :lmao:, Pete, Bernie, Hillary, F Chuck Schumer.. how about Fetterman ???
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This seems credible and really WTF
Guatemalan President Says Biden Admin REFUSED To Help Him Stop Illegal Migrants Bound For The U.S. Border
"Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei said the Biden administration refused to provide Guatemala with the tools to stop or deport illegal migrants heading to the U.S.

The stunning accusation came in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation from his presidential palace.

Giammattei told the DCNF that he’d requested that the Biden administration move its deportation planes and buses to Guatemala for the country to use in returning illegal migrants to their home countries before they reach the U.S. He even offered to permit U.S. ICE officials to operate without his country’s borders in order to help stop them from proceeding to the American border.

They flat out refused."
Is he deliberately lying knowing Demx media will not call him on it
Or is he dementedly confused?
His handlers don't appear to even try to control him

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