Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Accomplishments... maybe set off a nuclear war.

Eta... the look on Biden's face and his answer at the 1:50 mark. The least the moron could have done was pass on the question. Now the ball is in putin's court
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Joe Biden:

Depends is done to doing that mumbling whispering speech tone like your granddad did his last few years at the nursing home. At least we at home, unlike those in attendance when he's pushed out on stage, don't have to smell the stench from his diaper.
Deez, MB and others, how did she get a Law Degree? Not all lawyers are geniuses but Good Lord.
You don't really believe that Willie was the FIRST one she got on her knees for, now, do you?

And, there is the other axiom of 'what do you call someone who finished last in their class and passed the Bar? An attorney.'

Nobody has EVER claimed that getting a JD and passing the Bar makes one qualified or competent to practice law...
OMG people. Kamala is a F idiot!!! Have to spell idiot correctly.

Speaking in South Korea with our military. This dumb, disengaged, unserious ***** misspoke about our "shared alliance with North Korea".

She is as incompetent as Joe, only she OFTEN laughs uncomfortably at herself and others.
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You don't really believe that Willie was the FIRST one she got on her knees for, now, do you?

And, there is the other axiom of 'what do you call someone who finished last in their class and passed the Bar? An attorney.'

Nobody has EVER claimed that getting a JD and passing the Bar makes one qualified or competent to practice law...

I thought that's why it's called practicing law. Anyone can practice anything, but that doesn't make the person necessarily good at the thing.
She is more incompetent than Joe, just less Alzheimered.
True statement - but the dangerous thing is that she doesn't have the handlers that Joe has, so she can shoot her mouth off a bit more freely with less preparation.
I certainly hope Joe can complete his term - I shudder to think what could happen if Kamala would land in the White House.
Deez, MB and others, how did she get a Law Degree? Not all lawyers are geniuses but Good Lord.

Gotta get that diversity in law school too!

As usual, iatrogenic has this right. Harris went to UC Hastings College of Law in California. It's not a bad law school, but it's not one of their best. It's not Stanford (the best in CA), Berkeley (second best), UCLA, UC Davis, or even USC. It's below those. But plenty of good lawyers go to Hastings, so that doesn't explain it.

But perhaps this does. She attended Hastings under the "Legal Education Opportunity Program." When you see the word "opportunity" in academic-speak, that almost always means, "we're screwing with the standards to push an agenda," and sure enough, they are.

From Hastings' website,

"The Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) offers special consideration in admission to applicants who have been subject to significant adversity that may have prevented them from attaining numeric criteria that fully reflect their motivation, talent, and academic and professional ability. While standard numeric criteria are considered in LEOP admissions, added emphasis is placed on non-numeric criteria."

In other words, she gave them a sob story (that was probably based more on her race and gender than her actual lived experiences) and they overlooked her probably crappy GPA and LSAT score. So though Hastings isn't bad, she wasn't actually good enough for Hastings.

You might ask, "but she graduated from law school, so clearly she was qualified to be there." Nope. Even law schools that are very prestigious are hard to flunk out of it. You may have to work pretty hard to get an A, but you can be pretty dumb and still get a C. Anything better than a total disaster will at least pass.

Then she failed the Bar Exam. Do good lawyers sometimes fall the Bar? Yes, but there's often a reason. For example, one of the best lawyers I know ate some bad enchiladas the night before the Bar and got the shits in the middle of the exam send flunked the first time. He had a reason. You can be the smartest legal mind in the world, but you're not passing the Bar with a bad stomach ache and trouser chili. I'm not aware of Kamala having such a reason.

Then she became a prosecutor - probably the trial lawyer job in which the lawyer's competence matters the least. You're a government employee, so you can't get fired. In addition, the judge is usually your friend and a former colleague, and most jurors walk into the courtroom thinking you're great and that your opponent is evil. Finally, you have unlimited resources to prove your case, and your opposing counsels are some of the lowest paid in the profession and have almost no budget to fight your case. If you're a mediocre lawyer who wants to get into politics, a DA's office is a good place to hide.

So what's Kamala Harris really good at? Well, when she was a nobody, she banged Willie Brown and leveraged that into a very good position. And later, she hooked up with Montel Williams. Now she's married to a pretty wealthy guy. So she can score rich or powerful men pretty easily. That means she's a freak in the sack. Everybody has their talents.
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Under Trump we had:

Low crime
Low inflation
An actual border, instead of a pick up zone for 2 million illegals to run across into the waiting arms of the government, who will never deport them.
A booming economy
A booming stock market
A president who doesn't ask for dead Congresswomen to come up on stage

I get that low information voters, The View viewers, and wino suburban moms all based their vote on who the media supports and calls a meanie (which is any Republican). Remember all the same people said Romney was a meanie who abused his dog, forcibly shaved the head of a some dude who later on was gay, and was going to put blacks back in chains. But it's a crap way to choose a President.

As for loon, only a crazy old man would give a speech and look like this:
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They're just puppets of the media, parroting anything they see. The media tells them Trump said the meanest, most meanier thing ever yesterday, and how everyone is shocked about it.

Then when you actually read what he's said, it's something like "why are we letting immigrants in from ****** countries instead of good ones", or "the Euros should pay their NATO obligation instead of being deadbeats and sponging off the US", and you say, yeah, that kind of makes sense.

Compare that to Depends insane "Enemy of the State" speech he gave, from the picture above. Fists up, face pulled back into a snarl, screaming that everyone who doesn't support him is an enemy of America. Think if Trump has done something like that.

And while it's amusing to laugh about how stupid Biden looks, and how he has the exact same pose as Cornholio:


What made Depend's unhinged rant so dangerous is that the entirely of the Federal Government believes exactly the same thing. That people who don't vote Democrat, and who are against the wishes of the ruling class, are enemies of the state, and should be spied on, investigated, arrested, rounded up, and crushed.

Depend's ranting gave them the go-ahead to begin their destruction of their common political enemies, knowing that cover had been provided from the Presidency, and his allies in state-aligned media.
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Great points
I wonder sometimes if the people whose complaint is on Trump's personality are serious. I hope not

I'd rather have Trump who doesn't say all of the right things but gets results than the opposite. I just can't believe so many Americans are so pussified.
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ask Rex Tillerson about Trump
He was president of Exxon before he took on being Secretary of State to the Bozo King. Ask him how that turned out. And I don't think Tillerson or any of the scores of other dropouts from Bozo's cabinet spent a lot of time getting their marching orders from left wing media. That is not what higher ups at ExxonMobil do.

Many of you have fallen for a cult of personality for a defective person. He acted like he was building a wall (it is not his fault the Mexicans would not pay for it like he promised ad nauseum when he was lying/running for the office) he acted like he was responsible for the tax cut McConnell and the Republican House and Senate passed

I liked the Republican tax cut and the Supreme Court picks (courtesy of Scalia's wish list and the Federalist Society) but on just about everything else he was a bust. Giving him credit for the economy is akin to giving Clinton credit for it when he was President. It happened when he was there, not because.
So you only liked 2 things Trump did?
So you were not ok getting NATO members to pay more?
Getting Mexico to keep more illegals in Mexico?
Do you think the Abraham Accords have no value?
Did you disagree with his Tax Cut act?
How about the billions spent to ADD to the Petroleum reserves
Was there any benefit to being the #1 producer of oil and gas?
Was there any benefit to getting China to increase beef imports from USA?

Since you are a Trump hater and are glad he was defeated
Can you give us a list of accomplisments benefitting USA under Biden and Demx?
So you only liked 2 things Trump did?
So you were not ok getting NATO members to pay more?
Getting Mexico to keep more illegals in Mexico?
Do you think the Abraham Accords have no value?
Did you disagree with his Tax Cut act?
How about the billions spent to ADD to the Petroleum reserves
Was there any benefit to being the #1 producer of oil and gas?
Was there any benefit to getting China to increase beef imports from USA?

Since you are a Trump hater and are glad he was defeated
Can you give us a list of accomplisments benefitting USA under Biden and Demx?
Haven't you figured out yet that huisache is an equal opportunity politician-hater? That he doesn't like Biden either, and that his dislike of Trump doesn't mean he is going to play the game and list non-existent Demx accomplishments?

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