Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Just as damning, in the twitter thread it shows State Ags I guess through FOIA posting emails that appear to show Biden admin and FB coordinating what to censor. :facepalm:
I knew the DNC would ramp up the "dangerous" campaign to replace the racist campaign before November. In addition, a decision to outright lie to the American public regardless of how ridiculous the answer looks is in place. Witness them say, "nobody is walking across the border" and inflation is now at 0%.

Part 2 of Biden/Demx student loan giveaway is just as insane but is not talked about.
Going forward future borrowers will only have to make payments of 5%(currently at 10%) of their "discretionary income, What is left after taxes food shelter and clothing.
KICKER? After 10 years rest of debt is forgiven.
No incentive to borrow responsibly And What do you think Colleges are going to do? Lower tuition?:lmao:
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Student Loan Relief for Borrowers Who Need It Most - The White House

Part 2 of Biden/Demx student loan giveaway is just as insane but is not talked about.
Going forward future borrowers will only have to make payments of 5%(currently at 10%) of their "discretionary income, What is left after taxes food shelter and clothing.
KICKER? After 10 years rest of debt is forgiven.
No incentive to borrow responsibly And What do you think Colleges are going to do? Lower tuition?:lmao:
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Student Loan Relief for Borrowers Who Need It Most - The White House

Wow, you only have to pay 5% on all student loans for 10 years? Then it's over? WOW
6721, we should not pretend or be nice anymore. Biden is not speaking for himself and has not for a LONG time. The man does not even know today is Thursday, unless someone tells him often during the day....

Not sure anyone posted prior, but IMHO:

Valerie Jarett, Susan Rice and Obama are leading and directing the woke, lame and feckless Biden admin.
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Good points.
IF Biden had Ever been truthful in his entire career I might feel empathy for the way he is being shamefully used.
But do not.
The Demx have no care the dignity of a sad creature.
Me thinks the OP needs to edit the title of the thread to: Joe Biden "Failure" Thread!!
Recall - the sole objective of the Democrats in 2020 was to unseat Donald Trump; they selected the candidate they thought had the best chance of beating DJT. They gave no (or very little) thought to what they would do if they won - and now they're having to stand by their man, good or bad (mostly bad).
^6721, you're correct - I was way too generous in allowing for any potential positive accomplishments from the Biden Administration. But the point is valid - the Dems' only objective was to oust Trump, and they gave very little thought to what they could do with Joe in the White House.

And my blood boiled over when I read that report from USAFA yesterday. If that's the direction the service academies are taking, we have clearly lost sight of the original objective - to develop military leaders capable of leading the defense of our country. The older USAFA graduates - classes from 1959 through the early 70s - are losing patience with the Association of Graduates (the AOG is supposed to serve the graduate community, but many think the AOG is now just a mouthpiece for the USAFA administration - continually seeking graduate donations without listening to graduate concerns).
I can't imagine how painful this is for you
Actually for any of the graduates of any Academy. You dedicated your lives to defending our country.
Now this crap, all under the approving eyes of Biden et al and Demx.
We're watching it but can't stop it.
It reinforces your point that the Demx wanted Trump gone at any and all costs.

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