Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

How could there be so many who want our country destroyed?
6721, I wish I had an answer to that question. Nikita Khruschev was wrong when he said "We will bury you" - all they had to do is wait for us to bury ourselves.
I sincerely hope there are enough true patriots remaining to save our great country from self-destruction.
My question is once this country falls, what do all these liberal idiots think will happen here? Suddenly we'll have utopia where everyone is wealthy and no one has to work? I mean what do they think is the end game? I don't believe any of them can actually state that.
My question is once this country falls, what do all these liberal idiots think will happen here? Suddenly we'll have utopia where everyone is wealthy and no one has to work? I mean what do they think is the end game? I don't believe any of them can actually state that.
What they really believe is that they can create a system where everyone is dependent on the government for all needs - and they (the liberal establishment) will have the cushy government jobs regulating our lives.
Someone muzzle that doofus

Joe Biden's biggest accomplishment was getting 7 million more votes than Trump and booting him out. As long as Trump is your man, you will lose again. The fact is that his supporters are outnumbered by the people who can't stand him. He is an anchor that continues to drag you down, but you don't seem to mind, so have fun!
Joe Biden's biggest accomplishment was getting 7 million more votes than Trump and booting him out. As long as Trump is your man, you will lose again. The fact is that his supporters are outnumbered by the people who can't stand him. He is an anchor that continues to drag you down, but you don't seem to mind, so have fun!

So Depends won the election by 50,000 votes in the Electoral College (where the race is actually won - babbling nonsense about total votes when that doesn't' count is like saying your team got more yards than the other team and ignoring points), all via 3 am ballot drops that went 99% in his favor.

Then he's been sitting in his own soiled diaper for the past two years, exploding the debt, running inflation up to 9% and interest rates up to 6, while 2 million foreigner run across the border. He's about to lose control of the House and Senate, and when even die hard Democrats see there's no chance he wins in 24, the KGBI will suddenly begin a real investigation of his crime family's dealings to convince him to hang it up

Biden is a wet dirty diaper that continues to drag down the Democrat party, but if you're into senile presidents with an approval rating in the 30's and who get lost on stage, have fun!
It's all they have - he squeaked by Trump and stole it fair and square via vote by mail fraud votes.

This time in Trump's presidency you had low crime, inflation, interest rates, and a booming stock market. While sending Shillary and the Clinton Crime Family Inc. to the poltical scrapyard was fun (such a hoot seeing how the donations to the Clinton Foundation dried up overnight in 2017 - with no influence to peddle anymore no one was going to send their bribe money to her), Trump didn't just sit around and say "not Clinton".

He got things done and improved the country, which Depends hasn't done, unless you're either a criminal or an illegal alien running across the border. In which case, he's your man!
Joe Biden's biggest accomplishment was getting 7 million more votes than Trump and booting him out. As long as Trump is your man, you will lose again. The fact is that his supporters are outnumbered by the people who can't stand him. He is an anchor that continues to drag you down, but you don't seem to mind, so have fun!
The fact is that if Trump was re-elected he would be over and done in 6 weeks after the mid-terms. The best way to get rid of Trump was to re-elect him, but I know most people aren’t smart enough to figure that out.
This could also go in the Roe thread. This is a really most terrible abuse of power for political purposes imaginable. It shows pro lifers being arrested Thursday by FBI and forced to scramble backwards on their knees For a protest that happened in 2020.
Then the link talks about a prolifer arrested for having 5 aborted fetuses.
Video surfaces of FBI raid, arrest of nonviolent pro-life activists - LifeSite
Now we learn about the pro lifer of 7 children being arrested by 25-30 FBI agents in front of his children. Still no proof there was a warrent.

serious question. were oppressed people in other countries whose fellow citizens were jack booted arrested and hauled off anymore powerless than we seem to be now?
Thought about posting it in the rowe thread, but this raid is a DOJ /FBI issue. They've gone too far and a lot if folks are pissed. Me included

At times I think these recent witch hunt or senseless raids (mar a Lago, pro life leader) are designed to enrage and bait the public into another Jan 6 type event. Hopefully everyone keeps their cool but this senseless raid does nothing but fuel the flames.
As frightening as that thought is you may be right.
There are just too many lately.
What is just as scary is how many rank and file FBI and DOJ agents are going along with the abuse.
Why aren't there more whistle blowers?
It is OUR country at stake.
The fbi whistle blower on bongino's show stated the older agents are simply waiting for their retirement dates. Also said many seasoned agents are of the boiling frog types. They're just used to following the company line. The younger agents are the ones speaking up. "This isn't right" is the theme amongst them
Hearing Hillary and the Lib "leadership" compare Trump to Adolph Hitler (and anyone who suppports him Nazis) for saying basically the same sort of things Ronald Reagan said shows you how delusion and/or corruption can evolve in just a few decades.
And the minions cheer and nod their collective heads.

...But we know its only chess moves
This could also go in the Roe thread. This is a really most terrible abuse of power for political purposes imaginable. It shows pro lifers being arrested Thursday by FBI and forced to scramble backwards on their knees For a protest that happened in 2020.
Then the link talks about a prolifer arrested for having 5 aborted fetuses.
Video surfaces of FBI raid, arrest of nonviolent pro-life activists - LifeSite
Now we learn about the pro lifer of 7 children being arrested by 25-30 FBI agents in front of his children. Still no proof there was a warrent.

serious question. were oppressed people in other countries whose fellow citizens were jack booted arrested and hauled off anymore powerless than we seem to be now?

The craziest part of that story to me is this response.

"Nix writes that he personally viewed images of the bodies last week, and 'I can say that these are the largest babies killed that I have ever seen pictures of. I really am not sure if it’s abortion or infanticide, which clearly explains the urgency of the left to pin this on pro-lifers who were turning in bodies who died by possible infanticide. They are too gruesome to link here."

Yet amazingly ... "We are aware that the Metropolitan Police Department has stated they do not believe a crime has been committed against these babies under D.C. law.”

Uh, if a random dude can't tell if they were killed via abortion or infanticide, how can Metro PD decide it wasn't infanticide so fast?

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