Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread


Paul Pelosi says thanks Joe, everything is going swell....

Pelosi was violently beaten at his home this morning, no word on suspect(s)

Bad stuff, many angles. Lot of demonstrations at that house by far left activists, of course a right wing nut job is the theory floated. Bad deal either way
Unlike if he'd attacked someone not in the ruling class, I figure the attacker of P Pelosi will get the book thrown at him. Attempted murder charges, high or no bail, long prison sentence, with an enhancement for elderly abuses, etc.

A revolving door of criminals is all well and good for the peasant class, but the ruling class doesn't put up with that rubbish when one of their own is attacked.
Is he deliberately lying knowing Demx media will not call him on it
Or is he dementedly confused?
His handlers don't appear to even try to control him
In Joe's defense he may have never paid for gas himself. The man has been on the government gravy train his entire life.
There are so many bizarre aspects to the Pelosi attack I hope even though we see Demx try to control the story facts do come out.
Was Paul in house alone?
Who called for a "priority wellness check"? When?
What is the likelihood that a "wellness check " by police would just happen at same time an attacker was in home
Was the security system on? If it was a break in why didn't it go off?
It looks like the broken glass is outside
Do the cops announce themselves on entering the house?
If they were close enough to see both men holding hammer ( didn't say struggling just holding)
Why didn't police stop attacker from taking control of hammer and hitting Pelosi?

but hey let's just blame Trump
I think the guy is just an all around nut-case. Berzerkley/SF, being a nudity activist and making hemp jewelry is not a hallmark of right-wing individuals, no matter WHAT they might be discussing online. Sometimes wingnuts just don't adhere to one political spectrum...

Mon still wonders if this was a grindr gone wrong...I had to do a double take when my normally-grounded 76yo mother allowed that to exit her mouth. That had come after I posited that I would not put it beyond Papa Paulie to have been so drunk that the alarms were not set...
There is audio of call to SF police around 2:30 am saying a friend "David" seems confused and is "waiting for his wife"
I will try to find link
Two dudes in their drawers at 2am, there’s some homo stuff going on.

if the case against the attacker goes to court then it truly was an unprovoked assault. But if this case gets the low profile treatment, with pre-trial diversion to metal health, then you know there’s an embarrassing story that needed to be covered up.
Two dudes in their drawers at 2am, there’s some homo stuff going on.

if the case against the attacker goes to court then it truly was an unprovoked assault. But if this case gets the low profile treatment, with pre-trial diversion to metal health, then you know there’s an embarrassing story that needed to be covered up.

Maybe they were having an argument about who’s turn it was to be hammer and who’s the nail.

And ha, I meant to type mental health but wrote metal health. In line with that:

As Musk said, There is the tiny possibility there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Can the Demx cover it up enough?
The 2 sites Demx were using to try to show Depape as right wing were created Friday and have been taken down. Hillary used these fake sites to label Depape right wing.
Politico reported a third person let the police in.
Any doubt the police cams will be reported as malfunctioning?
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Why have we not learned the identity of the third party who OPENED THE DOOR for the cops? And, is there confirmation that the broken glass was on the OUTSIDE of the door?

None of this makes sense...especially since they ALSO covered up who was the passenger in Papa Pauly's Porsche...
So a third unidentified person opened the door to police.
And Lo and Behold! conveniently standing in the entry are both Paul and friend David in underwear and holding a hammer. Then David has time to hit Paul hard enough to fracture his skull. That must be a HUGE entry since the popo were too far away to prevent the beating.

We know they will manipulate and cover up.
The Website that was supposedly Depape 's was put up on Friday, after Depape was in jail. It was taken down when it was exposed as fake

So Now we are told Depape made it to Paul 's bedroom
And then they both made it to entry of house just in time for police to see them holding on to a hammer
AND now we are told there was no third person (probably an illegal house keeper)
So which one opened the door for police? David or Paul
Who then must have stepped back in the entry so police could see them both holding the hammer.
The Demx usually do a better job of covering up
Underwear or no underwear, who cares
But changing the police story ?
It will soon be announced there is no footage from all the security cams and the hired security detail was on coffee break.The police cams weren't working due to solar flare.
And David won't make it out of hospital OR he will be moving from cardboard box to 3Story town home

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