MSM is so desperate to paint Trump as evil they keep getting caught using pics from Obama era OR pics that are not as they want to portray.
Time mag is the latest. Their cover shows a scowling towering Trump and a young crying girl captioned, "Welcome to America"
Turns out the girl was never separated from her mother( which was of course the implicit message Time tried to convey).An "image America could not ignore" indeed.
Time's tweet about their cover, " TIME’s new cover: A reckoning after Trump's border separation policy: What kind of country are we?"
Well Time YOU are a pathetic lying rag.
Many other outlets gleefully ran with this .
Except multiple outlets interviewed the father of the girl behind the iconic image, and he said he had learned that his two-year-old daughter was detained with her mother at a facility in Texas, and the two were not separated at all. The Honduran government confirmed his version of events to
The Washington Post reported that the mother, Sandra Sanchez, had previously been deported in 2013 to Honduras. Her husband told the Post that she left without telling him she was taking Yenela with her and couldn’t contact her. But then he saw the picture on the news.
This is as bad as the recent outraged story about ICE tearing a baby from the mother as she nursed the child. That apparently didn't happen either. Just someone saying it did and media running with it.