Deez for the walk off Home run!!!
GIVE US A KING ... indeed. Smh
Copied/pasted in its entirety ... for emphasis. Thanks Deez
“Are the notorious Trump lovers and Right-wing zealots at (people like Ezra Klein and Dara Lind) spreading Trump's "rivers of excrement?"
From the article, "The executive order is titled
“Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation,” and that’s not just wishful thinking. The Trump administration will need Congress to act quickly to validate the decision to keep families detained indefinitely. If Congress fails to act, it’s unlikely that the federal judiciary is going to allow this order to stand in its current form — because it appears to violate the 1997
Flores settlement that the administration cited as the reason it couldn’t detain families indefinitely to begin with."
Or how about those Breitbart-imitators and starter kits at Time Magazine?
Here's what you're missing (or glossing over) in this. The people who are saying that Trump has a choice in the matter are not saying so because they think the law allows him to detain families together as the parents are prosecuted for improper entry. They are saying that he has a a choice because they think he can choose
not to enforce the underlying criminal statute against improper entry. They are careful about how they're wording their argument, because they know how bad and dangerous it sounds to say that a written federal law should just be blown off as though it doesn't exist, but that is precisely what they're arguing. If anyone is adisingenuous bullshitter in this, it's them.
Can Trump choose not to enforce the criminal statute as they want? Well, if we don't care about written laws, then I suppose so. However, Article II, Sec. 3 of the Constitution requires the President to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." So if you care about the Constitution, then no, he doesn't have a choice. Of course, if one doesn't care about a federal statute being enforced, there's little reason to care if Art. II, Sec. 3 is followed or enforced. After all, it's still "just" a written law that's standing in the way of Left-wing orthodoxy.
The reason why this issue and this line of thinking pisses me off anddrives me toward polarization is that it's much bigger than Trump, separated children, or evendemocratic government itself. It goes to the heart of governance by laws and basic order rather than arbitrariness and opens the question of why we even have a president and a Congress rather than choosing the far more efficient government by anabsolute monarch barking arbitrary and whimsical orders as he or she sees fit. It's a core, fundamentalquestion that goes back to the Magna Carta, yet it's beingdeployed deceptively and frivolously as a cheap political tactic and maneuver.”