I guess I don't understand the faux outrage on illegal children

geez louise You seem like you are trying to make yourself look foolish
Perhaps you should learn how to research.
Jeh Johnson ( know who he is?) admitted obama separated families.Sunday on Fox News;
"Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson appeared on “Fox News Sunday” and said illegal immigrant children were being separated from their families under President Barack Obama.

“We believed it was necessary at the time,” Johnson said of the highly controversial practice. “I still believe it is necessary.”

There are also articles from 2014 and 2015 describing conditions at these places, down to the kids in silver blankets.

Don't you hate it when facts get in the way of what you want to believe?
Word should have made it through the grapevine back to good ole Mexico that children will be separated.

Bubba, explain again why the US is the evil party here? Risking your child being separated makes us bad?

Oh, and for all the Obama-esque apologies for the US and its policies, these people are still willing to risk it to escape the crap hole that is Mexico. Why aren't liberals up in arms and making their way to Mexico City to protest? Pro tip and hint: they will likely be jailed for it.
The difference between then and now is that then the kids were coming over by themselves in 2014. Now they're coming over with their parents. We're jailing people for a misdemeanor. I don't know the answers but I do know the difference in the two. I theorize that this is nothing more than political theater orchestrated by Stephen Miller to draw a line for the GOP candidates to separate the wheat from the chaff in the GOP primaries. Much like the referendum on marriage in 2004.
You DO realize that misdemeanors are STILL crimes and they are STILL crimes that carry with them the potential for incarceration, right?

Easy way to stay out of jail/prison is don't commit criminal offenses. Apparently the illegals are incapable of grasping that simple concept...
Apparently lefties want to just let any illegal with a child go free into ourr country and onto our welfare system.
So far none of the faux outraged in politics news or even on WM has offered a plan on what to do.

Since this separation of families went on during Obama and there was no outrage then it is clear this new found outrage is only political and shameful.
So my millennial leftist family in Boston posted proud pics of them attending the rally in Boston holding signs that said, " #endfamilydetention".
As much as I want to I will not ask them for the sake of family civility.

but I would like the Dems/Libs on here
If you do not want to follow obama/jeh johnson policy of adhering to the law/ 9th Circuit ruling of not putting children into detention with other criminals and you do not want children separated from whoever brought them here illegally ( a practice not followed when employed to citizens with children arrested here)
WHAT do you want? How should our gov't handle illegals breaking our law while sneaking children into our country?
So my millennial leftist family in Boston posted proud pics of them attending the rally in Boston holding signs that said, " #endfamilydetention".
As much as I want to I will not ask them for the sake of family civility.

but I would like the Dems/Libs on here
If you do not want to follow obama/jeh johnson policy of adhering to the law/ 9th Circuit ruling of not putting children into detention with other criminals and you do not want children separated from whoever brought them here illegally ( a practice not followed when employed to citizens with children arrested here)
WHAT do you want? How should our gov't handle illegals breaking our law while sneaking children into our country?
It’s useless to argue with people that display the maturity and intellectual reasoning of a 5 year old. Ignore it.

President Trump said today he is determined that deportations of those who enter the United States illegally proceed quickly, without waiting for court proceedings motorized transportation.

“We’re going to use catapults because that’s the fastest way. It’s going to be so fast. Very very fast.”

Trump insisted that he would not repeat the mistakes of the past that caused a huge backlash, even from the occasional Republican.

“I have ordered that families be launched together, but if they separate while still on a parabolic trajectory through the air that’s not on me.”

Others, however, have cast suspicion on claims that Trump really said this.

“Suggesting we load human beings in catapults sound plausible, but using words like parabolic and trajectory is not something this President would do.”
"We're going to build catapults. They're going to be great catapults. Believe me when I say these will be the greatest catapults ever built."
The author of this article is Ruben Navarette, Jr. He was the only Liberal journalist who consistently attacked Obama over his immigration policies. Now he's wondering what all the fuss is suddenly about when nothing has changed. The courageous and rational Henry Cuellar, Democrat from Laredo is quoted in the article confirming the Obama Administrations similar policies concerning illegal aliens:

Navarette is a decent guy. He's definitely liberal on immigration, but he's at least honest and has some perspective.

Yes. I became aware of him a few years ago. He seemed to be the only name journalist who didn't drink the kool-aid when it came to Obama's immigration policies. I've met Henry Cuellar. My Dad taught him in college. He is taking lots of heat down there for his honest assessment of Obama. They are calling him a coconut which I'm sure you know what that means.
They are calling him a coconut which I'm sure you know what that means.

I've actually never heard this term, but let me guess....brown on the outside but white on the inside? It's the same when a black identifies with conservatives and slurs like "you're just whiteys house boy" or worse getting thrown around like political affiliation has anything to do with skin color. If that were the case then there shouldn't be any white liberals?!?!?
I've actually never heard this term, but let me guess....brown on the outside but white on the inside? It's the same when a black identifies with conservatives and slurs like "you're just whiteys house boy" or worse getting thrown around like political affiliation has anything to do with skin color. If that were the case then there shouldn't be any white liberals?!?!?

Yeah... that's it... a friend of mine, a former DEA/Border Patrol, born in South Texas, Mexican-American (the classic definition; family roots from Mexico on both sides, but born in the US) also posted that he was being called a coconut because he supports Trump. There's a lot of tension within the Latino community on our border. Many of them have taken some of Trump's comments very personally and can't get over it. They identify with Mexico or is it really that they identify with their race too much? Others separate their love for the US from their race and don't care about Mexico. It's like me being half-Cuban. I don't care much about what people might say about Cuba one way or the other. It just doesn't affect me. It's not me. Some people though are extremely tied to their race; they can't separate themselves from it.
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Yeah... that's it... a friend of mine, a former DEA/Border Patrol, born in South Texas, Mexican-American (the classic definition; family roots from Mexico on both sides, but born in the US) also posted that he was being called a coconut because he supports Trump. There's a lot of tension within the Latino community on our border. Many of them have taken some of Trump's comments very personally and can't get over it. They identify with Mexico or is it really that they identify with their race too much? Others separate their love for the US from their race and don't care about Mexico. It's like me being half-Cuban. I don't care much about what people might say about Cuba one way or the other. It just doesn't affect me. It's not me. Some people though are extremely tied to their race; they can't separate themselves from it.

I'm guessing a high percentage of those at the border offended by Trump comments are either being fed crap lies from somewhere or originally came here illegally in the first place or both.

I am friends with two families who legally immigrated to the US from Mexico in the last 15 years. One family now has a very successful business with highly educated children while the other is a road worker for the county with kids that have graduated high school with no real expectations past that. They are both great families and both absolutely fed up with all of the illegals pouring across the borders because of what they went through to get here legally.

I'm not sure any sane person would think we should just let everyone pass through as they wish if they really understood the ramifications of not vetting immigrants. So who cares if they are upset at the border because Trump wants to figure this thing out. I sure bet the land owners at the border are happy he's working on it.

Hell, I would bet most white liberals who complain about immigration policies don't even know someone who has legally or illegally immigrated to the US. Maybe they don't really care and just care about reading the interwebs and watching CNN to get pissed at conservatives. I don't personally know anyone who has come here illegally, but when my house was built and the contractor hired an illegal roofing crew that was deported half way through my roof project when it rained, the entire inside of my house was ruined. It pissed me off that my contractor would do such a stupid thing which cost me a lot of time to argue to get fixed.

I dunno, I guess I just can't figure out the coconut name calling when they probably have no idea why they are calling him a name. Rant over....
I'm guessing a high percentage of those at the border offended by Trump comments are either being fed crap lies from somewhere or originally came here illegally in the first place or both.

Probably some truth to this, but also keep in mind that the border counties are Democratic strongholds. That's less true than it used to be, but it's still mostly true. Raw partisanship is a big factor. In addition, they have a history of crossing the border a lot themselves and interacting with people crossing into the US. There's familiarity, and that also makes a difference.

Hell, I would bet most white liberals who complain about immigration policies don't even know someone who has legally or illegally immigrated to the US.

I'm sure most of them do know people who have come legally, because they likely work with such people. Keep in mind that immigrants make up a large component of those who graduate with real marketable skills. They may not be common in the gender studies departments, but they're very common in the engineering and computer science departments.

As for illegal immigrants, I'm sure they don't know any. Keep in mind that they're too good to hang around white guys who drive trucks or build cars for a living. They're definitely too good to hang around Mexican guys who lay bricks, clean houses, cut grass, or shovel **** for a living. However, they do know that it's a lot cheaper to build a house or have your headg cut than it used to be. They understand that, and of course, they understand the virtue signaling opportunities.

Maybe they don't really care and just care about reading the interwebs and watching CNN to get pissed at conservatives.

They derive a lot of self worth and virtue from being better than conservatives and southerners.

I don't personally know anyone who has come here illegally, but when my house was built and the contractor hired an illegal roofing crew that was deported half way through my roof project when it rained, the entire inside of my house was ruined. It pissed me off that my contractor would do such a stupid thing which cost me a lot of time to argue to get fixed.

If you're in Texas or any pary of the Southwest and live in a house that was built in the last 40 years, you live in a house that was built in part by illegal immigrants. This roofer is doing what everybody is doing.
I've said this before and it's from living in South Texas (Laredo and Port Isabel) for decades. The demographic (especially the males) is a 180 from the Liberal point of view. If Mexico was a "white" country modeled after say, Kentucky in terms of "god-fearing" then the Left would build the wall themselves. And it is patently obvious that your basic feminist, atheist/secular, green and "educated" Liberal would never live in South Texas. They hide behind their general hatred of Texas as the excuse (I've had this "discussion" online at a Liberal website before) but South Texas is not the Texas they are talking about though the irony (in my view) is that it's even worse in South Texas but they are complete hypocrites about it. They would never lower themselves to live down there. They aren't helping the kids; they are helping themselves to the kids in order to regain political power. It makes me sick. I keep saying it but it does.
I've said this before and it's from living in South Texas (Laredo and Port Isabel) for decades. The demographic (especially the males) is a 180 from the Liberal point of view. If Mexico was a "white" country modeled after say, Kentucky in terms of "god-fearing" then the Left would build the wall themselves. And it is patently obvious that your basic feminist, atheist/secular, green and "educated" Liberal would never live in South Texas. They hide behind their general hatred of Texas as the excuse (I've had this "discussion" online at a Liberal website before) but South Texas is not the Texas they are talking about though the irony (in my view) is that it's even worse in South Texas but they are complete hypocrites about it. They would never lower themselves to live down there. They aren't helping the kids; they are helping themselves to the kids in order to regain political power. It makes me sick. I keep saying it but it does.
Born in Alice, lived also in Kingsville, Santa Rosa... What you say of South Texas is exactly true.
Born in Alice, lived also in Kingsville, Santa Rosa... What you say of South Texas is exactly true.

I'm not putting it down. That's where I'm from. I have life-long friends and memories from that place but let's be honest you know? These people push everyone around with their aggressive sanctimony and brown-shirted political correctness that they have constructed a fantasy world in which we are all required to live. This is not about separating children from their parents; it's much deeper than that and those who don't see it have their own hang-ups to contend with.
I'm not putting down South Texas either. And I agree it is difficult to listen to the sanctimonious blathering about the region coming from people who wouldn't last 6 months if they had to live there. That's why I often find myself wanting to tell them: come on and force us to live your way, if you think you're man enough.

Used to be, people could respect the way other people choose to live, even if they didn't understand it. Now, there's too large a segment of the population (and it seems to be mostly "forward thinking", "progressive" globalist types) who are incapable of live and let live, but who, instead, seem to want everybody to live the way they do, and think the way they do, etc. And if you don't, they'll not hesitate to use the courts to force you to acquiesce whenever they can get away with it. This explains the unhinged fear about Trump's next SCOTUS choice coming from their camp.

As others have noted, it may come down to secession or civil war if things continue to proceed on their current path.
It is interesting to see that even though Trump changed policy and will not separate children from the one who brought them here illegally Dems leftists etc are sticking to that narrative;holding protests ,going on hunger strikes( Michael Moore have you signed up for that?) and whining righteously to any camera they can find.

The narrative of how inhumane Trump was to separate them had to die down since it was reported he was following a 9th Circuit Court ruling when he did separate children from illegals being detained and since it was proven all the pics of "concentration tactics" floating around came from the Obama era.

It is also interesting that NO ONE, not in the media, no Pol or celebrity or even any on here have offered a solution to what to do.
No intelligent person with any common sense would think catch and release works.
It is also interesting that NO ONE, not in the media, no Pol or celebrity or even any on here have offered a solution to what to do.

Their solution's pretty clear when you look at what they're saying. They just don't want to articulate it because the public clearly does not approve of "catch and release." But it's what the progressives want. So they just attack anything having to do with the "catch" part.
Their solution's pretty clear when you look at what they're saying. They just don't want to articulate it because the public clearly does not approve of "catch and release."

Of course, it's the job of the media to press them on it and make them give an answer.
In my view, absent help from Mexico (including a strong job creating economy of their own), the only thing to do is deport as humanely as possible. I believe the threat of sudden, without-warning deportation is the only thing that prevents the situation from being even worse.

Obama deported over 3,000,000 during his eight years. That has been all forgotten. We have also all seen the unambiguous speeches made by both Clinton's and Obama about enforcing our immigration laws. The fact that being in favor of deportations (upholding the law) is as much a political act now as standing for the national anthem shows where the Left is today. They are unable to simply say we should enforce our immigration laws. They can't and won't do it. It has become a two-fold issue; 1) cultivating votes from the Latino community 2) making themselves feel like progressive-heart human beings. The latter has become a pathological mind-set and is non-negotiable. They want to go to their graves thinking they are humanitarians.
The fact that being in favor of deportations (upholding the law) is as much a political act now as standing for the national anthem shows where the Left is today. They are unable to simply say we should enforce our immigration laws. They can't and won't do it.

And this is why I roll my eyes when I hear liberals claim that Trump is "damaging the rule of law." They never explain what law he's damaging. It's just a cheap slogan. However, people who repeat the idiotic slogan sound especially stupid when they actively call for not enforcing the Immigration laws. That is the definition of damaging the rule of law.
And this is why I roll my eyes when I hear liberals claim that Trump is "damaging the rule of law." They never explain what law he's damaging. It's just a cheap slogan. However, people who repeat the idiotic slogan sound especially stupid when they actively call for not enforcing the Immigration laws. That is the definition of damaging the rule of law.

Or that he is a threat to Democracy. What is threatening? The will of the people? Or that he won the election by the rule of law (our Constitution). They are the ones who are threatening Democracy by attacking our public officials in public and at their homes. They are trying to intimidate those who are carrying out the wishes of millions and millions of Americans. This is not an unjust law situation (I do understand the arguments about separating the children; we need to do better) such as Jim Crow era laws. This is a culture war and they have no intention of losing and will use any means necessary to prevail. That is not a Democracy. That is not a representative republic. That's not anything except anarchy and force.
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