Regarding email, i suppose it's just personal preference. I like gettings emails. I like reading emails. I like funny, thoughtful emails, and since PO1D is a WRITER (as referenced in his person of the week blog), and that is an easier form of communication for many, i thought it would work for him - especially since in person he may risk overdoing the asking out thing and making it too formal/serious.
After all, my current beau and I conducted much of our initial communications via the interwebs, and it's still going strong. But, I am an outed internet nerd and like to post on many a BBS, so I guess it may depend on the chick. Methinks PO1D's chick of choice is not some sorority girl hanging out at the Aquarium every weekend, though, so I doubt email is a bad thing to her - especially if it is often her primary form of communication.
Don't lock the thread! I want to know what happens! Did you ever go out with UTGal??? What did 5th Lady respond?